They have elongated and compressed fusiform bodies which are taper at both ends and wide in the middle with depth 20-24% standard length. The body is aerodynamic shape having similar lower and upper profiles. The body is blue on upper back with silver to white belly. It has narrow bronze stripe on the middle of its body which has yellow posterior transitions. The fins are yellow. The head consists of long pointed snout and mouth ends under front edge of pupils. The caudal fin base have slightly fleshy keel on each side. First dorsal fin has 7-8 spines and the fin base is shorter in comparison to second dorsal fin base. The pectoral fins are short. After their second dorsal and anal fins, they do not have isolated finlets. Lateral line is slight arch over pectoral fin. It has 19-22 gill rakers and no scutes.
This species are found in large schools offshore at depth of 985 feet. It could reach 1.57 meters in length at maximum weighing 49.5 kg that has been the IGFA world record at current. This fish was caught in 2009 in Japanese waters. These are targeted during game fishing in Northern Mexican waters but is found rare in greater Los Cabos occasionally showing up during the period of 70oF water temperatures.
The body profile is compressed, fusiform and elongated. The lower and upper body profiles are similar. The head consists of long and pointed snouth and mouth ends under front edge of pupil. The supramaxilla bone found above jawbone is narrow. Dorsal fin has VII-VIII spines and the notch before I is 30 to 35. It has 19 to 22 anal fin II isolated spines and the base is shorter than soft dorsal base. There are no isolated finlets after anal and dorsal fins. The tail base is slight fleshy keel on each side with ventral and dorsal grooves. The body is blue on upper back with silvery to white belly. Juveniles have various narrow dark bars which do not extend into anal and dorsal fins.
- California yellowtail
It is ray finned fish species belonging to Carangidae family. It is known by various names such as forktail, amberjack, white salmon, mossback or by Spanish name jurel.
It is carnivorous and consumes various fish such as sardines, mackerel, squid, anchovies, smelts and crab. They are found in schools at surface of water and also deeper. It prefer 21–22 °C (70–72 °F) water temperature and is found in water between 18 and 24 °C. When the temperature is cooler than 18 °C then yellowtail sink into deep waters in order to conserve energy.
- Yellowtail kingfish
Yellow Kingfish is a yellowtail amberjack subspecies belonging to genus Seriola. It is found off southeastern Australia and Northeast coast of North Island of New Zealand. Very little information is achieved about habitat preferences, juvenile life stages, wild reproductive behavior and migration patterns. Adults are found in rocky reefs, drop-offs in coastal waters and rocky outcrops and also around offshore islands and pinnacles. It reaches to the maximum length to 180 cm. It is consumed drying, sashimi and grilling.
- Asian yellowtail
Asian yellowtail is regarded stubborn, unpredictable and impatient.
Yellowtail Fish Quick Facts | |
Name: | Yellowtail Fish |
Scientific Name: | Seriola lalandi |
Colors | Blue on upper back, sides and silvery to white belly |
Shapes | Elongate, fusiform, compressed |
Calories | 273 Kcal./cup |
Major nutrients | Selenium (124.18%) Isoleucine (119.38%) Lysine (118.99%) Tryptophan (110.23%) Threonine (107.90%) |
Name | Yellowtail Fish |
Scientific Name | Seriola lalandi |
Common/English Name | Yellowtail amberjack, Great amberjack, Buri, Hiramasa, Albacore, Amber fish, Amber jack, Amberjack, Bandit, California yellowtail, Cape yellowtail, Giant yellowtail, Great amberjack, Great amberjack, Hoodlum, jenny lind, Kahu, king amberjack, King fish, kingfish, Kingie, Northern kingfish, Silver king, Southern yellowtail, Tasmanian yellowtail, Yellowtail, Yellowtail jack, Yellowtail kingfish |
Name in Other Languages | Afrikaans: Kaapse geelstert, Reuse geelstert; Chinese: Huáng tiáo shī (黄条鰤), Huángjiànniú (黄键牛); Danish: Australsk ravfisk; Finnish: Keltapyrstöpiikki; French: Amoureuse grosse, L’Amoureuse grosse, Liche, seriole limon, Sériole chicard, Sériole chinchard; German: Australische, Bernsteinfisch, Gelbschwanz, Gelbschwanzmakrele; Greek: Maglatiko; Hawaiian: Kahala ‘opio; Italian: Ricciola, Ricciola australiana, Ricciola del Pacifico; Japanese: Buri, Hiramasa, Inada; Korean: 부시리, Pu-shi-ri; Mandarin Chinese: Huáng jian niú, Huáng jiān niú, Huáng tiáo shi, Huáng tiáo shī, 蓝背鰤, 藍背鰤, 長背鰤, 长背鰤, 馬設德蘭鰤, 马设得兰鰤, 黃尾鰤, 黃條鰤, 黄尾鰤, 黄条鰤 ; Maori: Haku, Kahu; Polish: Seriola lalanda: Portuguese: Arabaiana, Arabaiana-pintada, Charuteiro-azeite, Olhete, Olho-de-boi, Peixe-azeite, Peixe-limão, Pitangola, Tapiranga, Tapireça, Tapireçá, Urubaiana, Xaréu rabo amarelo; Russian: Сериола полосатая, Сериола п; Serbian: Gofi, Orhani; Spanish: Bravo, Coronado, Dorado de la costa, Esmedregal, Fortuno, Huayaipe, Jurel de atleta amarilla, Jurel de Castilla, Madregal rabo Amarillo, Medregal australÌano, Medregal del Cabo, palometa, Perico, Pez limón, Serviola, Torema, Vidriola, yellowtail jack; Tahitian: Matavai; Turkish: Sari kuyruk |
Body shape & size | Elongate, fusiform, compressed |
Body color | Blue on upper back, sides and silvery to white belly |
Major Nutritions | Selenium, Se 68.3 µg (124.18%) Isoleucine 1.996 g (119.38%) Lysine 3.979 g (118.99%) Tryptophan 0.485 g (110.23%) Threonine 1.899 g (107.90%) Valine 2.231 g (105.63%) Histidine 1.275 g (103.49%) Leucine 3.52 g (95.24%) Protein 43.32 g (86.64%) Vitamin B3 (Niacin) 12.728 mg (79.55%) |
Calories in 0.5 fillet (146 g) | 273 Kcal. |