Cure anemia, Skin health, Treat weakness, Strengthen immunity, Eye health
The Seawolf, Ocean catfish, Atlantic catfish, Wolf eel, Devil fish, Woof, Sea cat, Wolf-fish, Cat-fish, Atlantic wolfish (Anarhichas lupus) is the perciform fish of the family Anarhichadidae. It is found in sand or mud bottoms and 40 to 200 m deep. It is native to Northern Atlantic as well as Pacific Oceans. The body of Wolffish is elongated, subcylindrical, compressed, smooth, slippery measuring 1.5 meters (5 ft.) long. Normally it weighs about 18 kg (40 lb). The skin’s color varies from purplish to brown, olive green and blueish gray. It breeds during December to March. The diet consists of molluscs, echinoderms, crustaceans, Crabs, starfish, lobsters, sea urchins, shellfish and prawns. Cod and Greenland sharks are known as their predators. It usually has the lifespan of 20 years.
They are found on 10 to 400 meters deep. Atlantic Wolf fish is found on both Arctic and North Atlantic. In North east Atlantic, it is found in Faroe Islands, Iceland, North Sea, White Sea and Barents Sea. In West North Atlantic, it is found in Davis Strait and Cape Hatteras. In Canada, it occurs in Newfoundland, Labrador Sea, Gulf of St. Lawrence, Bay of Fundy, Scotian Shelf and Gulf of Maine.
Nutritional value
The cooked Atlantic wolfish of 119 g consists of 83.33 g of moisture, 146 calories, 26.7 g of protein, 3.64 g of total lipid fat and 1.77 g of ash. It also covers 116.67% of vitamin B12, 101.27 % of selenium, 73.56% of isoleucine, 73.36% of lysine, 67.95% of tryptophan, 66.53% of threonine, 65.15% of valine, 63.88% of histidine, 58.74% of leucine, 53.40% of protein, 43.57% of phosphrous, 42.31% of vitamin B6, 22.14% of vitamin A, 20.67% of vitamin B1, 19.33% of vitamin B3, 15.66% of vitamin B5, 10.82% of zinc, 10.71% of magnesium and 10.40% of total lipid fat.
Health benefits of Wolffish
Wolffish is loaded with nutrients that assist in the performance of bodily functions effectively. It is a great source of vitamins and minerals. The study shows that the intake of seafood helps to provide relief from asthma symptoms. Due to the high content of omega-3 fatty acids, it helps to overcome depression. It promotes the brain functions as well as the concentration ability.
Cure anemia
It helps to treat megaloblastic anemia and pernicious anemia. Vitamin B12 helps to restore Intrinsic factor that helps to maintain normality of blood. (1)
Skin health
Protein is essential for strengthening tissues and mechanical support. It is vital and strengthens tissues, cells and organs such as skin. The study shows that collagen helps to restore dermal collagen protein synthesis. The level of collagen determines the skin appearance and health. (2) (3)
Treat weakness
Phosphorus helps to cure numbness, muscle weakness and fatigue. The supplements of phosphorus help to cure sexual weakness and other health conditions such as frigidity, loss of libido, impotence as well as sperm motility. (4)
Strengthen immunity
Pyridoxine is vital for immune health in body. It helps to prevent various infections. The body can be victimized if this vitamin is not adequate in the body. (5)
Eye health
Vitamin A is essential for promoting vision. It prevents the conditions such as dry eyes and assists to form visual purple in eyes. It promotes retina health and prevents the chances of night blindness. It also lowers the chances of macular degeneration and cataracts that is related with aging. (6)
Treatment for Alzheimer’s
Thiamine helps to slow down Alzheimer’s disease. Vitamin B1 serves as an effective treatment for this disease. The study is still going on to determine more. (7)
Maintain cholesterol level
Niacin helps to effectively lower bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol. It also prevents thickening of artery walls and chances of atherosclerosis. (8)
Reduce stress
Pantothenic acid helps to lower stress, depression and anxiety. It also promotes the mind fitness. It regulates hormones which are liable for these mental problems. (9)
Heart problems
Magnesium prevents irregular heartbeats and prevents muscle stress. It prevents the health problems such as indigestion, cramps, vomiting, constipation, flatulence and abdominal pain. The deficiency of magnesium in the body leads to lethal results. (10)
Cure cramps
The low presence of potassium in blood is the cause for condition named hypokalemia. The high consumption potassium rich food prevents the chances of muscle cramps. (11)
It should be consumed in limited amounts.
Avoid by the allergic people.
Consult to doctor by the patients having health ailments.
How to Eat
It is consumed fried, steamed, boiled, broiled, baked and microwaved.
It is added to various recipes.
Other Facts
They are usually hunted for its skin which is used as leather.
The record made by Wolffish is 5 feet long.
Wolffish facts
It is the fish which measures about 50 to 60 cm in length. It prefers sand or mud bottoms and 40 to 200 m deep. It is mostly found in Murmansk, English Channel, Faroe Islands, Labrador, Cape cod and South Greenlandic waters. It has strong teeth and jaws. The body consists of large head, mouth, small eyes and rounded snout. The body has ten irregular stripes and its color ranges from slate blue to dull olive green. It could grow upto 150 cm long. It is also called catfish, wolf eel and sea wolf. It has scaleless skin.
Wolffish facts and nutritional benefits
Scientific Name
Anarhichas lupus
Native to Northern Atlantic as well as Pacific Oceans
Vitamin B-12 (Cobalamine) 2.8 µg (116.67%)
Selenium, Se 55.7 µg (101.27%)
Isoleucine 1.23 g (73.56%)
Lysine 2.453 g (73.36%)
Tryptophan 0.299 g (67.95%)
Threonine 1.171 g (66.53%)
Valine 1.376 g (65.15%)
Histidine 0.787 g (63.88%)
Leucine 2.171 g (58.74%)
Protein 26.7 g (53.40%)
Health Benefits
Cure anemia
Skin health
Treat weakness
Strengthen immunity
Eye health
Treatment for Alzheimer’s
Maintain cholesterol level
Reduce stress
Heart problems
Cure cramps
Calories in 0.5 fillet (119 gm)
146 Kcal.
Consume it in limited amounts.
Avoid by the allergic people.
The patients of health ailments should consult to doctor.
How to Eat
It is consumed mostly fried, steamed, boiled, broiled, baked and microwaved.
It is also added to various recipes.
Other Facts
The skin is used as leather.
The world record made by Wolffish measures about 5 feet long.