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Why You Should Only Use Natural Ingredients For Beauty And Body Care

The use of fruits, vegetables, and medicinal plants for medical and cosmetic purposes has been known since ancient times. This is supported by folk medicine and the old, proven recipes of our grandmothers. At the time of the greatest expansion and development of the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries, these ingredients were somewhat neglected. Today, vegan, organic, and natural cosmetics are making a big comeback, as seen by the beauty trends of 2020.

Increasingly, in pharmacies, drugstores, and perfumeries, but also in consumer goods stores, we can see shelves with cosmetic products that are enriched with ingredients from nature. Also, specialized cosmetic shops are opening more and more often, dealing exclusively with the sale of natural and organic cosmetics. This speaks volumes about how popular natural cosmetics are. But what exactly hides behind the hype, and should you only use natural ingredients for your daily beauty routines? In the text below, we’ll discuss this and more; read on. 

How to recognize natural cosmetics

When buying any other product, it is important to read the declarations and pay attention to the packaging. Every product, regardless of whether it is a natural cosmetic or not, must, according to current regulations, have clearly marked components in its composition. These are professional names and terms, which are universal, so sometimes just reading the composition is not enough.

That is why it is important to look at the symbols on the packaging and know that there are differences. Natural and organic cosmetics are not the same. Also, vegan cosmetics do not necessarily have to be organic. In order for a product to be part of the “natural cosmetics” range, it needs to meet certain standards in terms of raw materials. Natural cosmetics usually contain the label “natural” and contain components of plant origin.

They don’t lay heavy on the skin 

Greater application of natural ingredients in the daily care routine means more care and health for our hair and skin. Therefore, natural cosmetics are much more than the currently popular products used for hair, face, and body care.

Natural cosmetics are not aggressive and are gentle on our skin, so they are also suitable for people with extremely sensitive skin. It is rich in ingredients, making it effective in the fight against the appearance of pimples and blackheads while providing excellent protection against the harmful effects of the external environment and pollution. Cosmetics based on natural ingredients almost never cause allergic reactions, so the appearance of irritation and redness is reduced to a minimum. While on the topic of redness, the use of sugar body wax and other products for removing hair and maintaining personal hygiene has become extremely popular as irritation and traces of aggressive invasion are almost impossible to spot. Normal waxing procedures require the use of creams and oils to replenish the skin. Our skin absorbs natural ingredients well, which penetrate deep into the cells and have a stronger effect. Vegetables, fruits, and medicinal herbs are rich in fiber, minerals, and vitamins, which are necessary for the hydration of the body.

Using natural ingredients for beauty and body care, such as creams for stretch marks, offers numerous benefits. Natural creams derived from plant-based ingredients are gentle on the skin, reducing the risk of adverse reactions or irritation. These creams nourish the skin with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, promoting natural healing and rejuvenation. If you’re interested in understanding the causes of white stretch marks.

These are just some of the reasons why you should enrich your hair and skin care collection with cosmetics that contain natural ingredients. However, be careful when buying.

They’re High in Beneficial Nutrients

The most effective technique to distinguish between artificial and natural beauty products is to compare their components. The constituent profiles of the two goods are so dissimilar that they don’t even resemble each other. On the label of a synthetic product, substances are listed that are manufactured in laboratories and, while effective in completing their functions, can be harmful to the body.

Natural products, on the other hand, contain substances that seem recognizable, such as jojoba oil, argan oil, apple juice, lemon juice, and so on.

Animal friendly 

Their production does not endanger animals. Many skincare product makers test their goods on animals, which may surprise you. Despite the obvious disadvantages of the animals being experimented on, many of the industry’s prominent names continue to do so.

The good news is that makers of natural skin care products avoid animal testing and do not damage other living beings. In this regard, they are more honest and compassionate than many synthetic products.

Natural skincare products are the ideal option if you oppose animal experimentation and prefer to treat animals humanely. They will keep you from participating in hazardous and destructive activities.

You won’t have to think twice regarding your health

At the moment, there is a lot of debate over the substances used in manufactured skincare products. While some feel these chemicals are safe, others are doubtful, given the fact that there has been very little independent study on them.

In other words, utilizing synthetic skincare products is like throwing caution to the wind. You might be enabling dangerous substances to enter your bloodstream without even realizing it. This might have serious long-term effects.

The question you must ask yourself is whether you are willing to gamble with your health. Is it worth it to risk harming yourself by using a manufactured product when you might just as easily use a natural product?

Lies and misconceptions

There are many marketing tricks used by manufacturers and sellers of cosmetics that can mislead customers.

One such misconception is the story of 100 percent natural cosmetics. This type of product almost does not exist in regular sales because it is generally not profitable enough. In order for a product to be 100% natural, it is not enough for it to contain certain ingredients of plant origin. This product must not contain certain chemical substances such as preservatives, artificial colors, perfumes, silicones, sulfates, and the like. Therefore, the shelf life of these products is significantly shorter. Cosmetics that are 100 percent natural require special packaging and product storage in accordance with appropriate procedures, which significantly increases the final price of these products. Despite these facts, many brands and products are advertised as completely natural.

An important difference between natural and organic cosmetics

Natural means are obtained directly from plants or minerals, without processing or with minimal processing. “Natural cosmetics” is not a sufficiently legally regulated term, so it can mean that only some of the ingredients in the preparation are natural. As there is no clear definition, it depends on the preparation and the company as to how many ingredients are natural and which are not. Preparations with only one natural ingredient, as well as those whose entire composition is natural, can receive the label “natural.” It is a common example that the preparation contains a natural ingredient, but it has been processed so much that it has lost the desired “naturalness” – but the manufacturer still has the right to call the product natural.

Organic cosmetics, on the other hand, are legally regulated and certified. Plants and plant ingredients, which are part of organic products, have a guaranteed ecological origin. The certificate is given to products whose ingredients are strictly grown according to all the parameters and rules of organic production – without the use of nanotechnology and radiation sterilization, without genetically modified plants, artificial fertilizers, and pesticides.

The choice is yours

We cannot give you an answer to the question in the title. Based on everything we have mentioned, the choice is certainly yours. Follow your convictions, but also listen to your gut. If you see no results or unwanted reactions to the products – change them.

Instead of being seduced by the packaging, research as much as you can about the ingredients of the product you want to buy. If your choice is natural cosmetics, be sure to determine if the ingredients are really natural and how many ingredients are natural. If you want to use organic cosmetics – check if they have a valid certificate.

Similarly, not every conventional preparation contains harmful ingredients. The secret to beautiful skin is in the balance of efficiency, safety, and sustainability of raw material sources. With all of this, don’t forget to ask yourself how many beauty products you really need.



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