Wheat is really a cereal grain, that is clinically known as Triticum spp, perfectly noted for the exceptional health advantages. It’s a staple food in lots of nations as well as an essential component for a lot of cooking dishes. Wheat consists of three various parts- bran, germ and endosperm. It’s an extremely nourishing grain which contains powerful vitamins, minerals as well as nutrients. In unrefined or even unprocessed wheat the nutrient levels stay maximum simply because processing of wheat prevents the natural substances of the grain. Wheat belongs to the family of Poaceae and also the genus of Triticum. This particular cereal grain offers numerous health advantages which includes anti-inflammatory, diabetes as well as gastrointestinal health advantages. Wheat is additionally regarded as an excellent food for the heart. Numerous studies have demonstrated that wheat offers essential heart health advantages. It plays a role in the heart health in several methods. Wheat is wonderful for both cardiovascular as well as coronary heart disease.
Wheat consists of plenty of beneficial nutrition. Pure or 100 % whole wheat products include optimum amounts of nutrition. That’s why whole wheat products offer exceptional health advantages which includes heart health advantages. Wheat is a superb source of manganese, dietary fiber, magnesium, tryptophan, plenty of B vitamins which includes Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, folate, pantothenic acid and lots of essential nutrients. A few of the vital nutrients are including lignans, catechins, curcumin, quercetin, phytic acid, ellagic acid, phytosterols and salicylic acid. A number of these nutrients are abundant with anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. As well as other heart friendly compounds like fiber and manganese- these nutrients play priceless roles in safeguarding heart and promoting heart health.
Health Benefits of Wheat
Wheat is among the most typical cereal accessible around the globe and is also in even higher demand recently because of its plentiful health advantages. Over the years, wheat has revealed itself to be probably the most effective as well as sustainable cereals crops on earth. It originated from southwestern Asia, however nowadays it is expanded in numerous nations. Generally, wheat cultivation is performed at higher latitudes and is also mainly utilized for baking bread products.
Foods just like bread, pasta, crackers, bagels, cakes, and muffins are only a few common examples of wheat sources. Wheat is considered to be probably the most wholesome food items, also it guarantees a diet full of nutrition.Studies have currently confirmed that wheat is incredibly good for healthy living. Wheat considerably lowers the risks of heart diseases, because of its relatively low fat content. Additionally, it manages blood sugar levels in diabetics.
Listed here are a few popular health advantages of wheat:
1. Controls Obesity (especially in women)
Wheat features a natural capability to manage weight in everyone, however this ability is much more pronounced among women. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition has demonstrated through research that whole wheat, instead of refined wheat, is a great option for obese patients. Ladies who consumed whole wheat products over long periods demonstrated significantly more weight loss than these subjects.
2. Improves body metabolism
Saturated and trans fats boost the chances of cardiovascular diseases, whilst omega-3 fats reduce cardiovascular disease risk. Whole grains just like wheat are hugely effective on individuals along with metabolic problems. Common kinds of metabolic syndromes consist of visceral obesity, also referred to as the “pear shaped” body, high triglycerides, lower levels of protective HDL cholesterol, and high blood pressure level. Wheat protects against all of these situations. Research has revealed that foods made out of refined grains not just have a tendency to boost weight in addition they boost the hazards of insulin resistance. Doctors suggest consuming whole wheat bread along with other fiber-rich foods. The majority of fiber works to assist the digestive process within the body and enhance the overall metabolic process. Using a whole wheat diet is probably the most efficient, quick, as well as enjoyable method to decrease metabolic syndrome, but additionally to remain slim and healthy during your life.
3. Prevents Type 2 Diabetes
Wheat is full of magnesium, that is a mineral which behaves as a co-factor for over 300 enzymes. These types of enzymes are involved in the body’s functional usage of insulin as well as glucose secretion. The FDA permits foods which contain whole grain by at least 51% weight and are generally lower in saturated fat as well as cholesterol, which suggests a reduced chance of coronary health conditions and also certain kinds of cancer. Moreover, frequent usage of whole grain wheat encourages healthy blood sugar control. Individuals who have problems with diabetes is able to keep their sugar levels in check by replacing rice along with wheat within their diet.
4. Cut markers of inflammation
Asthma is certainly one inflammatory situation which may be reduced by consuming whole grains, yet there might be others too. One research discovered that whole grain barley, brown rice, or perhaps a mixture of the two decreased markers of inflammation within the gut. Whole grains might also cut levels of C-reactive protein, a marker of inflammation which has been connected not just with heart disease and type 2 diabetes but additionally problems in pregnancy like premature birth, preeclampsia and fertility problems.
5. Help lower cholesterol
Whole grains not just assist in preventing the body from absorbing “bad” cholesterol, they might also lower triglycerides, both of which are major contributors to heart disease. In reality, whole grains reduce the chance of heart disease overall. One research discovered that ladies who consumed two to three servings of whole grain products every day were 30 % less inclined to have a heart attack or even die from heart disease in comparison with ladies who ate less than one serving each week. “Any form of whole grain — which includes whole wheat, oats, brown rice, barley, corn, quinoa, rye, buckwheat and millet — will confer benefits for heart health,” says Cheung. “When it comes to oatmeal, steel-cut is preferable to instant.”
6. Reduces Chronic Inflammation
The betaine content of wheat is exactly what helps with preventing long-term inflammation. Betaine is generally present in whole wheat, beets as well as spinach. Inflammation is really a important constituent in many types of rheumatic pains and some rheumatic diseases. Therefore, it is just a good plan to consume a healthy quantity of whole wheat food products which will positively reduce inflammation. Usage of betaine affects numerous aspects within our body chemistry which assures a lesser chance of long-term inflammation along with other health conditions just like osteoporosis, heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease, cognitive decline, and type-2 diabetes.
7. Lower blood pressure
The heart advantages of whole grains do not stop along with cholesterol as well as triglycerides. Additionally they reduce blood pressure level, probably the most essential risk factors for heart problems. One research discovered a 19 percent reduce chance of high blood pressure amongst men that consumed more than seven servings of whole grain breakfast cereal per week in comparison with people who ate one or less. Research of ladies additionally discovered a benefit. “Eating whole grains rather than refined grains considerably reduces blood cholesterol … triglycerides, blood pressure as well as insulin levels,” says Cheung. “Any of those changes could be likely to prevent cardiovascular disease.”
8. Prevents Gallstones
In several research by the American Journal of Gastroenterology, it has been verified that breads and cereals made out of whole wheat help women to prevent gallstones. Since whole wheat is full of insoluble fiber, it assures a fast and also smooth intestinal transit time and reduces the secretion of bile acids. Excessive bile acids really are a major reason for gallstone formation. Moreover, a higher consumption of wheat increases insulin sensitivity as well as therefore lowers triglycerides or fat within the blood. Besides wheat, there is also insoluble fiber from the edible skins of fruits and certain vegetables just like cucumbers, tomatoes and squash, berries, apples, and pears. Beans offer both insoluble as well as soluble fiber.
9. Whole Grain Wheat Assures a Healthy Lifestyle
Wheat is regarded as the well-known and easily accessible bulk laxative. Three cups of wheat consumption each day is sufficient for a person to live a life a long, healthy and disease-free life. Whenever you maintain a fiber-rich diet comprised of wheat breads and cereals which are high in bran, you can rely that problems like pain, flatulence, nausea, constipation, and distension will probably be reduced in no time. Diverticulitis often occurs because of inflammation and minimize intestinal pains. This could also result in long-term constipation as well as unneeded straining, which can lead to a sac or perhaps a pouch within the wall of the colon. Such cases can be simply handled naturally by keeping up with a fiber-rich diet and including whole grain wheat regularly.
10. Promotes Women’s Gastrointestinal Health
Advantages of wheat bran usually are plentiful, and promoting overall women’s health is an additional important role of the cereal variety. Wheat serves as an anti-carcinogenic agent, specifically in women. Wheat bran improves the metabolic rate of estrogen, which frequently results in breast cancer if left in an extreme level. In a single research of pre-menopausal women inside the age group of twenty to fifty, they consumed 3 to 4 high-fiber muffins each day made out of wheat, plus they demonstrated decreased blood estrogen levels simply by 17% in only 2 months. The other group of women consuming corn bran did not show this particular result.
Wheat consists of lignans, that are nutrients serving as hormone-like substances. The lignans frequently occupy the hormone receptors of our body, therefore alleviating particular risk factors for breast cancer. This particular successfully checks the high circulating amounts of estrogen. Wheat boosts the metabolic process of estrogen production as well as safeguards women from this main factor of cancer. Wheat bran significantly decreases bile acid secretion as well as bacterial enzymes within the stool, therefore cutting down likelihood of colon cancer. In case you incorporate bread, pasta, and bran cereals within your daily diet, these types of ailments will probably be prevented.
11. Protects Against Coronary Diseases
Plant lignans, a kind of phytonutrient, is rich in whole wheat. These types of lignans are transformed by responsive flora within the human intestines into mammalian lignans. One of these lignans is known as enterolactone, that safeguards against breast along with other hormone-dependent cancers, in addition to heart disease. Wheat isn’t the only source of lignans; nuts, seeds and berries will also be rich sources of plant lignans, in addition to many other veggies, fruits, and beverages just like coffee, tea and wine. A Danish journal published in the recent article that ladies consuming the most whole grains were found to have significantly higher blood levels of this particular protective lignan.
12. Improves Cardiovascular System in Postmenopausal Women
Whole wheat is supposed to be a principal element in the diet of the post-menopausal woman so as to prevent any type of cardio difficulties. Daily consumption of this whole grain cereal is the greatest way of preventing such ailments. Doctors suggest a high wheat consumption diet for ladies who’re coping with conditions such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, or any other signs and symptoms of cardiovascular syndromes. A study has determined that this type of diet decelerates the growth of atherosclerosis, the actual building of plaque within the arteries as well as blood vessels, as well as lowering the regularity of heart attacks and strokes.
13. Prevents Heart Attack
In the United States, heart failure is definitely the key reason for hospitalization and death of older people. The therapeutic drugs have already been effective in some cases, yet natural treatments work considerably faster along with less of an impact on the rest of the body’s systems. Hospitals use ACE inhibitors and beta-blockers, however the long-term effects usually are not yet clear. Whole grain products and dietary fiber have shown to significantly decrease high blood pressure, therefore examining the chance of a heart attack. Obviously, confounding factors like age, alcohol consumption, smoking, exercise as well as proper nutrition are incredibly important. Ample vitamins, vegetables and fruits are incredibly essential in such cases too. The beginning of your day could be both healthy and tasty using a daily bowl of whole grain cereal. There are numerous other forms that you can serve wheat like bread, puddings along with a variety of baked goods.
14. Reduce asthma risk
Consuming whole grains at the beginning of life might defend against asthma along with other allergic circumstances. One research discovered that kids who were introduced to oats as infants were less inclined to have asthma or allergic rhinitis by the time they turned five. A Dutch study reported similar findings among children aged 8 to 13. An overall healthy diet with increased whole grains, fruits and vegetables and less meat, and refined foods may possibly decrease asthmatic wheezing, says Delbridge.
15. Lower cancer risk
Evidence is rising that whole grain consumption might reduce the potential risks of particular cancers, like colorectal, breast and pancreatic cancer. Even though the proof is mixed at this time, what will definitely reduce your chance of cancer, says Delbridge, is consuming a diet which includes not just whole grains but plenty of fruits and vegetables and not lots of meat or even junk foods.
They may protect your teeth and gumsIn the research of just about 35,000 male health professionals aged 40 to 75, individuals who consumed the greatest quantities of whole grain were 23% less inclined to get gum disease compared to those who avoided whole grains. It was true even after taking into consideration other factors like smoking, age and body size. Since gum disease is connected to inflammation along with other health problems like heart disease, this really is about not only a pretty smile.
16. Help you live longer
Not only will whole grains assist you to live better, they might also aid you live longer. One research of over 40,000 postmenopausal women discovered that ladies who consumed 4-7 servings a week of whole grains has a 31% reduce chance of dying from causes in addition to cancer or heart disease in comparison with ladies who had few or no whole grains within their diet. And it worked in men, too, with another study finding that men who consumed 1 or more servings each day of whole-grain cereal had a 17% lowered chance of dying compared to those who never or almost never ate it.
Health Benefits Of Wheat For Babies
Wheat is really a staple also it can be introduced in your baby’s diet. Wheat could be introduced in your baby’s diet just before 6 months of age. A survey carried out on wheat exposure in infants was demonstrated that delay in introducing wheat before 6 months of age led to wheat allergy and early introduction of wheat just before 6 months of age led to less cases of wheat allergy. This research results does not necessarily mean which introducing wheat before 6 months is really a fool-proof method of minimizing food allergies. Several babies may have allergic attack with wheat and hence, parents ought to be on the lookout for allergy symptoms in the beginning.Here are a few of the health advantages of introducing wheat for babies
1. Best Source Of Carbohydrate
The reason wheat is consumed in huge quantities is because it is just a rich source of carbohydrates. Carbohydrate is utilized to generate energy that we must have for executing any kind of physical or even mental activity. Your little one also requires energy to execute her day to day activities. As a result it is a great energy source for the little princess.
2. Improves Digestion
Proper digestion is effective for the kid’s health. Once the digestive system doesn’t function effectively, it results in other diseases. Wheat is fairly easily digestible. Additionally, it keeps the intestines healthy as well as decreases the likelihood of flatulence.
3. Rich In Vitamins And Minerals
Wheat is an excellent source of vitamin B along with other minerals which are required for the complete growth and development of the body. Additionally, it consists of chlorophyll that can help in purifying the blood. Minerals and vitamins also aid in mental development.
4. Improves Oral Health
Food produced from wheat demands considerable chewing that indirectly works well for improving oral health. It will help in increasing the blood circulation in gums. Additionally, it helps prevent cavities.
5. Easy on the digestive system
Wheat is comparatively simple to digest in comparison with other grains and therefore it’s good for babies and toddlers. Consuming wheat frequently lessens the possibility of flatulence, nausea, pain in small and large intestines, etc.
6. Natural laxative
An additional advantage of consuming whole wheat is that whole wheat has got large quantities of dietary fiber. The dietary fiber present in wheat is said to be a lot more effective compared to fiber present in fruits and vegetables. Dietary fiber is vital for maintaining a clean and healthy digestive system. The fiber in wheat helps in reducing the likelihood of constipation.
7. Good for oral health
Wheat should be chewed completely so as to pass through the mouth, esophagus as well as stomach. Considerable chewing of wheat and accompanying food, leads to proper blood flow within the gums. Also, because of this, less food particles get trapped in the mouth. Therefore, your child’s teeth are safe.
History of Wheat
Wheat, like several cereals is actually a kind of grass. It originated over 10,000 years back. Traces of the will grasses from which wheat evolved have been discovered in countries we know today as Syria and Palestine.The very first recognized crops were barley and also einkorn (a primitive form of wheat). By 7,000 B.C. our ancestors had discovered how to cultivate cereals so as to make food. In the beginning, wheat was consumed raw or even roasted over hot stones. Within the next 1,000 years, it was found that if the grain was smashed it became more tasty – milling have been introduced.
At first, barley was the principal cereal developed, yet after the Middle Ages, due to its bread making features, wheat started to replace it in popularity.
Today, lots of wheat is cultivated more than another cereal on earth.
Since the time of the Roman Empire, wheat has performed a significant part in trade. It absolutely was and still is a indication of a country’s prosperity. In Britain, the Corn laws were introduced in the last century to safeguard wheat prices. These types of laws prohibited the importation of foreign wheat once the price of home wheat fell below a certain level. These were repealed in 1846, partly due to the drastic effects of the Irish Famine.
In the Middle ages, land was frequently over cultivated, that exhausted the soil and made it barren. The Agricultural Revolution in the 18th Century saw the development of new farming techniques, like crop rotation that changed the practice, making certain land was regularly allow lie fallow (rested).
The development and use of artificial fertilisers, the increased usage of equipment (just like the threshing machine within the 19th century) and also the development of modern-day machinery (like the combine harvester in the 20th century) led to more effective farming. Farmers got increased returns and also at the same time frame could employ fewer farm workers.
Types of Wheat
To the majority of individuals, flour is flour and it’s also often created from generic “wheat”, or else from the gluten-free source like rice. However, there are actually in fact many different types of wheat that the grain mill can grind for various reasons, and the results from utilizing each kind to make different foods could be drastically different. The six types listed here are the main kinds of wheat usually accessible to the consumer in the United States: with these groups are many varieties as well as sub-strains which add subtle changes to the overall product, but usually the primary traits of each kind of wheat will have a tendency to dominate.
1. Red Wheats
a. Hard Red Winter Wheat
First is probably the most often utilized as well as cultivated in the U.S.; Hard Red Winter Wheat. Grown mostly in the Plains hard-red-winter-wheat-1.jpgStates like Kansas, it is extremely well-known because of its reasonable characteristics. It’s protein content is roughly 10.5%, that makes it excellent in commercial mills for all-purpose mixes and ideal for the home grain mill owner like a flour for pan-baked breads, Asian-style noodles, and hard rolls.
b. Hard Red Spring Wheat
The second on the list is close kin to the first: Hard Red Spring Wheat. Usually cultivated in northern states and up into Canada, it has the variation of being one of the hardest types of wheat utilized in the U.S., as well as for having the greatest protein content in a high of 13.5%. Oddly, although it is one of the hardest kinds whenever grinding it really is utilized to make soft breads, pizza doughs, and croissant rolls which are generally regarded as of higher quality compared to when made from typical flours. As such, some will include a bit of the spring wheat to the flour mix to get a few of the advantages of that added protein content, which makes it a well known mixing agent too.
c. Soft Red Winter Wheat
Third, we now have Soft Red Winter Wheat. While the hard red wheat had high protein content, the soft variety is lower in protein, and is widely used for making pastries, pan bread, pasta, or cereal. Being soft, it really is easier for many grain mills to grind compared to hard types, which may be beneficial for those who have a manual grain mill with a smaller grinding cone just like the Victorio Deluxe or Family Grain Mill.A myriad of red wheat have got a distinct color as well as flavor to them when they’re home-ground in the grain mill. Often referred to as having a “nutty” or even “hearty” taste in comparison with typical white flour, hard red wheat of either the spring or even winter variety are fantastic additions to a pantry or for emergency storage. Soft wheat is especially suitable for the pantry, since the low protein content is generally regarded as an adverse trait whenever storing for emergency use.
2. White Wheats
a. Hard White Winter Wheat
The fourth variety is Hard White Winter Wheat. Among the newest varieties on this list, it really is nevertheless rapidly expanding in popularity. It features a similar protein content to the hard red wheat, yet lacks the distinctive red coloring and it has a sweeter, much more neutral flavor. Some like this variety due to the fact the flavor still has all of the goodness which home-grinding gives it, and yet is a lot closer to the white bread you buy within the store. It really is utilized in most of the same applications that hard red winter wheat is, like Asian-style noodles and pan breads.
b. Soft White Spring Wheat
Soft White Spring Wheat is our fifth kind, grown largely to the east or else in California. It is extremely just like soft red winter wheat, and is also widely used to make pastries as well as cakes that require to have that sweeter flavor as well as white coloring.
3. Specialty Varieties
a. Durum wheat
The final variety of wheat is definitely the hardest wheat available, and is particularly the best in protein. Durum wheat is grown mainly in North Dakota, and is also utilized for the highest quality pastas as well as noodles (Italy, for example, uses Durum wheat exclusively to make their world-famous pasta dishes). However, in spite of its high protein content it is extremely lower in gluten, which means that even though it is a superb ingredient to combine along with other flours you will discover very few recipes for the purely Durum-based bread.
These types of wheat are the base of a number of dishes which range from simple sandwich bread to the finest gourmet pastries. Those are the chief ingredients of the home grain miller, who are able to bake with each of these flours as quickly as possible to retain maximum flavor and nutrition.
How to Cook Wheat
You are able to consume wheat in the host of ways, a few of the easiest and tasty ones being in the form of sandwiches as well as bread. Wheat flakes at breakfast are undoubtedly a tasty as well as delicious option for your breakfast, and you may likewise use sprouted wheat berries in veggies as well as other types of grain salads. Go for whole wheat pita breads for the pizza crust, so if you’re a pasta lover, ensure that it is whole wheat pasta. You could find it in all various forms just like spaghetti, spirals and penne. In India, wheat is consumed in the form of breads known as roti or chapatti.
Wheat Side Effects
For those people who find themselves susceptible to allergy symptoms, whole wheat consumption can result in allergies, like skin rash, hives, itching, and eczema. Swelling of the lips, tongue, or even throat or tingling sensation within the mouth may also be seen.
Another problem is the existence of oxalate in whole wheat. These are the basic naturally-occurring substances present in plants, animals and human beings. High concentration of oxalates in body fluids can easily crystallize, therefore leading to health issues.
Since wheat germ probably will become rancid rapidly, it ought to be kept in an air-tight pot within the refrigerator, right after opening.
Wheat Quick Facts | |
Name: | Wheat |
Scientific Name: | Triticum aestivum |
Origin | It is native to the Mediterranean region and southwest Asia. |
Colors | Reddish brown to yellow or white |
Shapes | Ellipsoid caryopsis (grain), 7.5-8.5 mm long, 3.5-3.75 mm across, ovoid to ellipsoid |
Major nutrients | Selenium (312.00%) Manganese (251.43%) Phosphorus (139.29%) Copper (118.00%) Carbohydrate (105.05%) |
Health benefits | Controls obesity, Improves body metabolism, Prevents type 2 diabetes, Cut markers of inflammation, Helps to lower cholesterol |
Name | Wheat |
Scientific Name | Triticum aestivum |
Native | It is native to the Mediterranean region and southwest Asia |
Common/English Name | Bread Wheat, Grass Wheat, Common Wheat, Hard Wheat, Soft Wheat, Wheat, Wheat Germ, Wheat Bran, wheatgrass, Canadian hard winter wheat, Cultivated Wheat |
Name in Other Languages | Afrikaans: Koring; Arabic: Hinta, Qamh, ‘anwae alqamh (انواع القمح ); Brazil: Trigo; Chinese: Pu Tong Xiao Mai (普通小麦), Xi Zang Xiao Mai, Fu Xiao Mai, Xiao Mai (小麦), Yun Nan Xiao Mai, Xiǎomài (小麦); Croatian: Pšenica; Czech: Pšenice Naduřelà, Pšenice, Pšenice Setá; Danish: Almindelig Hvede, Hvede, Brød-Hvede, Hvede-Slægten, Slægten Hvede, Moderne Hvede, Vinterhvede; Dutch: Tarwe, Gewone Tarwe, Tarwesoort; Eastonian: Harilik Nisu, Harutähkne Nisu; Finnish: Leipävehnä, Vehnä, kevaetvehnae, syysvehnae; French: Blé, Blé Tender, Blé Ordinaire, Froment, Blé d’Afrique, Blé poulard, Froment; German: Aat-Weize, Gemeiner Weizen, Brotweizen, Gewöhnlicher Weizen, Saat-Weizen, Land-Weizen, Weich-Weizen, Grano tenero; Georgian: Chorbali; Greek: Malakós Sítos (μαλακός σίτος ), Sitos Malakos (σίτος μαλακός); Hebrew: Chita Raka, Chita, Hittah; Hungarian: Búza, Közönséges Búza, Kenyérbúza, Őszi Búza, Termesztett Búza; Icelandic: Hveiti; India:- Bengali: Glun, Hindu: Giun, gehun (गेहू), kanak (कनक); Marathi: Gahung, Sanskrit: Godhuma, Tamil: Godhuma; Indonesia: Gandum; Italian: Frumento Tenero, Frumento, Grano Tenero; Japanese: komugi (コムギ), komugi (小麦); Kazjistan: Bidaj; Korean: Mil; Latvian: Kvieši; Lithuanian: Kviečiai; Malaysia: Gandum; Nepali: Gahun; Norwegian: Kveite; Persian: Gandum; Philippines: Trigo; Polish: Pszenica, Pszenica Zwyczajna; Portuguese: Trigo, Trigo Mole; Romanian: Grâu; Russian: Pšenica Chlebnaja, Pšenica Mjagkaja, Pšenica Mjagkaja Obyknovennaja; Serbian: Pšenica; Slovašcina: Pšenica Navadna; Slovencina: Pšenica Letná; Spanish: Trigo Trigo Candeal,, Trigo Blando, Trigo Chamorro, Trigo Doméstico, Trigo Trigo De Pan, Mole Trigo Pan; Swahili: Ngano; Swedish: Vårvete, Vanligt Vete, Vete; Thai: Sa-Le, Khao-Sa-Le; Turkish: Bughdaj, Yumuşak Buğday; Vietnamese: Cây Lúa Mỳ; Welsh: Gwenith; Russian: på¡enica chlebnaja (пшеница цхлебная), på¡enica mjagkaja (пшеница мягкая), på¡enica mjagkaja obyknovennaja (пшеница мягкая обыкновенная) |
Plant Growth Habit | Annual, tufted grass |
Plant Size | 150 cm tall |
Stem | Terete, glabrous, hollow |
Flowering Season | Late spring to mid-summer |
Fruit shape & size | Ellipsoid caryopsis (grain), 7.5-8.5 mm long, 3.5-3.75 mm across, ovoid to ellipsoid |
Fruit color | Reddish brown to yellow or white |
Major Nutritions | Selenium, Se 171.6 µg (312.00%) Manganese, Mn 5.783 mg (251.43%) Phosphorus, P 975 mg (139.29%) Copper, Cu 1.062 mg (118.00%) Carbohydrate 136.57 g (105.05%) Iron, Fe 6.76 mg (84.50%) Vitamin B3 (Niacin) 12.937 mg (80.86%) Tryptophan 0.338 g (76.82%) Zinc, Zn 7.99 mg (72.64%) Vitamin B1 (Thiamin) 0.804 mg (67.00%) |
Calories in 1 cup (192 gm) | 651 Kcal. |