For those having plastic surgery, it is quite common to ask about the vitamins and minerals you need to take to assist the healing process after surgery. While this can certainly be of benefit, it is important to stress that if you have a healthy balanced diet, taking extra supplements are not completely necessary to support the healing process. Science and experience do, however, support the case for the allocation of specific vitamins and minerals to help your healing from plastic surgery. This brief article takes advice from Radiance Plastic Surgery in Calgary to help inform you about the types of vitamins and minerals that can help you heal from plastic surgery.
Vitamin A
Vitamin A is important in the healing process. This vitamin promotes the production of collagen which can heal incisions. Incisions are an essential part of plastic surgery. The body would benefit from extra access to collagen production which promotes the response of the body to inflammation. Before committing to taking extra Vitamin A it is recommended you consult with your plastic surgeon to ensure that you get the level correct. Too much Vitamin A can cause dizziness, nausea, and skin irritation, so you have to take the right dosage if you are supplementing. Best sources of Vitamin A aside from supplements include eggs, yellow/orange vegetables and fruits, cod liver oil, broccoli, spinach and other dark green leafy vegetables.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C is more widely known as the vitamin which promotes good health. In the context of healing after plastic surgery, accessing this vitamin is important since it’s an antioxidant. One of the main purposes of this vitamin is to strengthen the connective tissue between blood vessels, muscles, and skin. Vitamin C also contains collagens—which support skin healing. The best sources of accessing Vitamin C in a diet is through consuming citrus fruits such as orange, lemon and grapefruit, kiwis as well as green vegetables such as brussel sprouts. Vitamin C is also readily available as oral, tablet supplements. Depending on your specific health circumstances, a doctor will recommend a specific daily dosage which could range from 1 to 2 grams per day.
Zinc is a nutrient that most people should already have sufficient levels of. Zinc’s main asset when it comes to healing from plastic surgery is its ability to support skin development and the growth and repair of muscle membranes. Unless you have a known zinc deficiency, supplementing zinc is not necessary to boost the healing process from plastic surgery. Unnecessary supplementing of zinc can lead to diarrhea, stomach cramps, and other unpleasant side effects. Zinc is available in most sources of protein in your diet. This can include meat, shellfish, eggs, nuts, and seeds.
Probiotics are very important in supporting the immune system especially in preparation for receiving antibiotics. When it comes to plastic surgery, probiotics are prescribed prophylactically, which means they are prescribed before surgery has taken place. Probiotics support the immune system by restoring your body’s level of flora. Immune system support is important to fighting against antibiotics which can affect the levels of good bacteria in the body. Sources of probiotics include fermented products, soy products, yogurt, and miso. Probiotics are commonly prescribed to women before receiving breast implants. Most pharmacies also have access to probiotic supplements which can be taken after surgery if you have been prescribed a course of antibiotics. Check with your doctor before taking any probiotic supplements.
Final thoughts
Hopefully, this brief article has given you some useful tips on some vitamins and minerals that can help boost the recovery and healing after plastic surgery. Incorporating these vitamins and minerals into the daily diet may already be commonplace and perhaps no deviation from normal routines needs to be made. If, however, you know that your diet does lack these elements, consult your doctor for advice if you need to boost levels of essential vitamins and minerals.