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Valerian essential oil facts and health benefits

Valerian essential oil facts and health benefits

Valerian is a perennial herb with short rhizomes, aromatic feathery leaves and clusters of small pink or white flowers that bloom from June through to September. The plant is native to parts of Europe and Asia, although it is now also grown in the United States. The name Valerian is supposed to have originated from either the Latin “valere” which means, “to be in health” or from the Roman emperor, Valerianus. “Officinalis” indicates that this was an official herb of the apothecaries & used for medicine.  The ancient Greeks referred to it as “Phu”.

Valerian has been used as a medicinal herb since ancient times. Both Hippocrates and Galen suggested Valerian as a remedy for insomnia and it has been used for similar purposes in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine for thousands of years. Valerian was also used in many traditional love potions and aphrodisiacs.

Valerian essential oil is steam distilled from the plant’s rhizomes (roots). The oil obtained is pale yellow to green yellow medium thick oil with a warm, woody, balsamic, musky, astringent scent. It blends well with Cedarwood, Lavender, Mandarin, Oakmoss, Patchouli, Petitgrain, Pine, Rosemary Copaiba Balsam, Tangerine, Spikenard and Yarrow. The essential oil consists of good amount of flavonoles, terpenes, alkaloids, acids, and other useful substances which is quite beneficial for dealing with many stress-related ailments. Anxiety and heart palpitations, depressions and insomnia are just a few of the things this plant can help with. Its extract, the Valerian essential oil is widely used to improve and prevent anxiety attacks, stress and the lack of sleep as well.

Health benefits of Valerian Essential oil

Valerian is one of the most popular herbs famous for their medicinal properties. This medicinal herb has been used as natural healer from ancient times. Valerian essential oil is extracted from valerian flower and roots by process of cold pressing and stream distillation. This essential oil contains several acids, alkaloids, flavonoles and terpenes that make it beneficial for health. Due to presence of anti-oxidant, anti-spasmodic and anti-microbial properties, valerian essential oil possesses several health benefits. Read on to know more about some of the most surprising health benefits of valerian essential oil

1. Treats Insomnia

Valerian essential oil is effective in treating sleep disorders like insomnia. It contains some active compounds that help improve sound sleep. Being able to stimulate thorough and sound sleep, valerian essential oil is helpful in curing insomnia effectively.(1)

2. Helps Cure Anxiety and Depression

Valerian is well known for treating anxiety and depression naturally. Valerian essential oil also works best when it comes to treat anxiety as it helps calm down stressful mind. It improves mood and reduces stress while maintaining peaceful state of mind. Valerian essential oil consists of components that help improve sleep that further helps keep mind calm relieving unnecessary stress.(2)

3. Prevents Heart Palpitations

When it comes to cardiovascular health, valerian essential oil helps a lot. It contains volatile compounds that help in lowering risk of heart palpitations. These components found in this essential oil react with acids in heart and encourages balanced metabolic rate that helps relaxing cardiovascular system significantly.(3)

4. Regulates Blood Pressure

This essential oil also helps regulate blood pressure. High blood pressure or hypertension generally leads to increased risk of heart strokes and problems. Active components present in valerian essential oil that helps reduce anxiety also works quite well when it comes to lower down high blood pressure.(4)

5. Improves Cognitive Abilities

Valerian essential oil is also beneficial in improving one’s cognitive abilities. It acts as natural brain booster and encourages certain parts of brain while increasing blood circulation effectively. Hence, it reduces risk of Alzheimer’s and other related cognitive problems.(5)

6. Relieves Menstrual Cramps

Menstrual cramps are not only much painful but discomforting too. As it possesses sedative properties, valerian essential oil acts as an effective relaxant. It helps relax body and mind as well as reduces pain and discomfort caused due to menstrual cramps. Besides, valerian essential oil is also effective in treating premenstrual syndrome (PMS) significantly.(6)

7. Treats Stomach Problems

Stomach problems can be treated in aromatic way with the help of valerian essential oil. This natural healer helps ease out upset stomach and improve healthy bowel movement. It further helps in treating various gastrointestinal problems and boosting detoxification too.(7)

8. Anti-Dandruff Treatment

This essential oil can be utilized as a part of a hostile to dandruff treatment or for dry flaky skin when added to a skin cream or chemical. It has antibacterial properties and can be useful for wounds, open injuries, stings and chomps.

9. Neurologic

It is a well-known fact that numerous herbalists and physicians use preparations containing Valerian essential oil in the treatment of many psychosomatic problems, peripheral, central and autonomic nervous system conditions. The attention-enhancing property of this herb has made some German physicians to use Valerian root to treat ADHD, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children.

10. Anti-microbial properties

Valerian essential oil possesses anti-microbial properties that make it helpful in treating open wounds, bruises and sores effectively. Being loaded with microbial properties, valerian essential oil helps in killing and inhibiting growth of microbes.

11. Treats Migraine

Migraine and headaches can be cured with proper application of valerian essential oil. It helps ease out pain caused due to migraine. For this reason, it has been widely used as natural treatment for headaches and migraine.

12. Prevents Wrinkles

Valerian essential oil contains anti-oxidants and volatile oils that help keep skin nourished properly. Due to presence of these anti-oxidant properties, this essential oil is effective in preventing formation of wrinkles.

13. Relieves Joint Pain

Valerian is also known for relieving pain caused due to rheumatism and gout. Topical application of valerian essential oil is much helpful in treating joint pain.

14. Improves Digestion

Valerian essential oil is helpful in improving digestive system. It promotes proper nutrient absorption of gastrointestinal tract that helps improve digestion.

15. Moisturizes Dry and Scaly Skin

When it comes to treat dry and scaly skin, valerian essential oil is helpful in reducing dryness of skin effectively. Protective oils present in this essential oil moisturize dry skin deeply and thus help combat problem of scaly skin.

16. Treats Eczema

Valerian essential oil also works well for eczema as it helps soothe irritating and itchy skin condition. As it reduces excessive skin dryness, valerian essential oil is effective in treating eczema, ulcers, psoriasis and other skin disorders.

Traditional uses and benefits of Valerian essential oil

  • Valerian is mostly valued for its relaxing action on the nervous system.
  • It is the perfect oil to treat ‘the jitters’ and is highly effective for hysteria, panic, anxiety and even shock, as well as insomnia, tension, restlessness and nervous exhaustion.
  • It is effective in aphrodisiac blends for people who suffer frigidity or impotence caused by fear and inhibition.
  • Adding 2 to 3 drops of Valerian oil to your bath tub can help you fight against most of your painful conditions effectively.
  • Valerian root essential oil also aids in treating migraine pains, gout pains, rheumatism and headaches due to cold.
  • Few drops of Valerian essential oil added to your skin cream can help in treating dry scaly skin. 
  • Valerian root essential oil is a valuable remedy for treating disorders like facial palsy, flatulence, and paralysis.

Other Facts

  • At one time it was also believed that Valerian, if worn, was a protective amulet against evil.
  • It was added to love sachets, and supposed to cause men to follow a woman around who had a spray of valerian attached to her clothing.
  • Valerian was of course also capable of warding off witches and to undo their evil works.
  • It is an herb of peace, if two people drink valerian infused wine from the same cup they will immediately stop arguing and fighting.
  • Valerian root essential oil can be used by burning it in an aroma lamp before going to bed.


  • Large doses may result in stomachache, laziness, and a feeling of mental dullness or mild depression.
  • Because of the herb’s tranquilizer properties, it may cause dizziness or drowsiness, effects that should be considered before driving or operating heavy or hazardous equipment.
  • In rare cases, valerian may cause an allergic reaction, normally as a skin rash, hives, or difficulty breathing.
  • They should not be used with other depressants, such as ethanol, benzodiazepines, barbiturates, opiates, kava, or antihistamine drugs.
  • If you are pregnant or lactating make sure you have the doctor’s approval before using it.
  • Keep away from babies and young children.
  • If applying an essential oil to your skin always perform a small patch test to an insensitive part of the body.
  • Make sure you don’t operate any vehicles while using valerian.
  • Do not take this oil with other sleeping treatments.

Valerian Essential oil Facts

The name Valerian is thought to have originated from either the Latin “valere” which means, “to be in health” or from the Roman emperor, Valerianus. “Officinalis” indicates that’s that this was an official herb of the apothecaries & used for medicine.  The ancient Greeks referred to it as “Phu”. However, there are substances available in this Valeriana officialis which are makes it suitable as traditional medicine. There are flavonoles, terpenes, alkaloids, acids, and other useful substances in the extraction of Valeriana officialis, as it known as Valerian essential oil, now. It is a natural sedative and a calming plant, valerian can help with many stress-related ailments. Anxiety and heart palpitations, depressions and insomnia are just a few of the things this plant can help with. Its extract, the Valerian essential oil is widely used to improve and prevent anxiety attacks, stress and the lack of sleep.

Valerian Essential oil Quick Facts
Name: Valerian Essential oil
Scientific Name: Valeriana officialis
Origin Native to parts of Europe and Asia,
Colors Orange to dark brown
Health benefits Treats Insomnia, Helps Cure Anxiety and Depression, Prevents Heart Palpitations, Regulates Blood Pressure, Improves Cognitive Abilities, Relieves Menstrual Cramps, Treats Stomach Problems, Anti-Dandruff Treatment, Neurologic, Anti-microbial properties, Treats Migraine, Prevents Wrinkles, Relieves Joint Pain, Improves Digestion, Moisturizes Dry and Scaly Skin, Treats Eczema
Name Valerian essential oil
Scientific Name Valeriana officialis
Native Native to parts of Europe and Asia, although it is now also grown in the United States
Plant Growth Habit Perennial flowering plant
Growing Climate Damp areas, along streams & ditches throughout Europe & Asia
Plant Size 2-5 feet in height
Root Thick, short roots that are greyish in color
Stem One or more erect hollow stems
Leaf Pinnate leaves with 7-10 lanceolate segments between 2-8 cm in length
Flower Lots of purplish-white flowers
Oil Texture Medium thick oil
Oil Color Orange to dark brown
Flavor/ Aroma Warm-woody, balsamic, musky aroma
Plant Parts Used Valerian flower, root
Method pf Extractions Cold pressing and stream distillation
Commonly Blended With
  • Cedarwood
  • Lavender
  • Mandarin
  • Oakmoss
  • Patchouli
  • Petitgrain
  • Pine
  • Rosemary
  • Copaiba Balsam,
  • Tangerine
  • Spikenard
  • Yarrow
Shelf Life 5-6 years
Health Benefits
  • Treats Insomnia
  • Helps Cure Anxiety and Depression
  • Prevents Heart Palpitations
  • Regulates Blood Pressure
  • Improves Cognitive Abilities
  • Relieves Menstrual Cramps
  • Treats Stomach Problems
  • Anti-Dandruff Treatment
  • Neurologic
  • Anti-microbial properties
  • Treats Migraine
  • Prevents Wrinkles
  • Relieves Joint Pain
  • Improves Digestion
  • Moisturizes Dry and Scaly Ski
  • Treats Eczema
Traditional uses and benefits
  • Migraine Pain, gout pain, rheumatism and headache due to cold can be cured with the use of this essential oil.
  • Dry scaly skin can be healed with the use of skin cream along with Valerian essential oil.
  • Facial palsy, flatulence, and paralysis are cured with the use of valerian essential oil.
  • To cure hysteria, panic, anxiety and even shock, as well as insomnia, tension, restlessness and nervous exhaustion Valerian essential oil must be used frequently.
Other Facts
  • It is supposed that when two people drink valerian infused wine from the same cup they will instantly stop fighting.
  • It can be used by burning it in an aroma lamp before going to bed.
  • It is said that it can ward off witches and to undo their evil works.
  • It is said to cause men to follow a woman around who had a spray of valerian attached to her clothing.
  • Huge dosages may result in mild depression, stomachache as well as laziness.
  • Valerian essential oil may also cause allergic reaction, skin rash or difficulty breathing.
  • It should not be used along with other depressants like benzodiazepines, opiates and ethanol.
  • You need to take doctor’s approval before using in case you are pregnant or lactating mother.
  • Small patch test to insensitive parts of the body is necessary before using essential oil in your skin.
  • It is hazardous to take this oil along with other sleeping treatments.



