When it comes to leading a healthier lifestyle, staying fit is right at the top of the list. However, it’s useless if we don’t know how to choose and do each workout properly and pay attention to the details. Our glutes are probably one of the most important muscle groups that we often neglect. When it comes to building our muscles, we first think about our abs, biceps, and legs. Our butt is rarely ever on the list. This can be a mistake for most people since our glutes are vital to sitting, walking, running, and a lot of other body movements. Other than health-related reasons why one would train their glutes, a lot of people work on them for aesthetic purposes. They’re eager to get a curvier and more appealing backside that compliments their figure. Whatever your goals are, we’re happy to help you get bigger and stronger glutes that you will be proud of.Adopt the Proper Diet
The right diet is the foundation of any endeavor that involves improving your body. Since food fuels, our body, eating specific kinds of food is crucial to boosting certain changes. If you’re using exercise or strength training to get bigger and stronger glutes, then you would need to adopt a diet that is high in calories and protein.
Calories are vital to muscle development and will greatly contribute to getting bigger. Additionally, maintaining the correct calorie intake will help you with muscle gains. Protein comes into play by helping your glutes recover, repair, and grow as you perform your routines. If you want to get the best diet for your glutes, you can work with a professional who can develop or recommend a great meal plan.
Here are a few common foods to look out for if you want to grow your glutes:
It might come as a shock, but this superfood can do wonders for your glutes. In addition to being packed with iron, protein, calcium, Vitamins A & K, and phosphorus, it also contains an important steroid for glute growth: ecdysterone. This is a phytosteroid (a naturally occurring plant steroid) that supports the increase of muscle mass and athletic performance. You can incorporate it into sandwiches, sides, and smoothies to increase your daily intake.
When it comes to gaining and maintaining weight, this fish is a great food choice. Salmon is free of carbs and sugar and packed with healthy fats and protein. But the secret ingredient we’re looking for here is the Omega-3 fatty acids. These fatty acids help to strengthen and grow skeletal muscle, as well as prevent muscle loss so that your gains stick around even when you miss a few workouts.
Use the Best Training Formula
Squats are often our first choice when we want to build our glutes, and that’s for good reason. It can be very effective at sculpting and strengthening our butts to noticeable degrees. However, squats shouldn’t be the only exercise in your arsenal. Other exercises to consider are the barbell hip thrust, B-stance hip thrust, and dumbbell frog pump. These are easy to learn and cause the highest levels of glute activity.
Since our glutes are made up of three different muscles, it makes sense to target each of them with a specific set of exercises for maximum gains. Squats and bridges are great for strengthening the gluteus maximus while clamshells and hip abduction are great for the gluteus medius and minimus.
Most people spend time doing high-rep training instead of heavy lifting. However, if you want your pursuit to be more effective, you shouldn’t focus on just the glutes. In addition to glute isolation, DiaBettr.com recommends implementing adequate strength training, which would contribute significantly to your overall physical health. You should also incorporate proportional compound exercises as well. This all-around approach is the most effective way to get the best results.
Add Weights to Your Training
The key to working out any muscle is to progressively challenge it as it develops. Gradually increasing the applied stress will train that muscle to do more work than it previously could. Adapting to more stress means that your glutes will get bigger and stronger over time to accommodate the increase in weights.
Doing glute exercises with weights may sound weird if you’re not used to it, but it works. Once you can find a way to implement weights in your exercises, the next step is to gradually increase how much you lift. Aim to strike a balance between compound weight-lifting exercises with low reps and lighter weights with a higher volume of reps. However, listen to your body as you progress. You need to be reasonable and realistic as to the increased weight you can take at any time. Challenge, but don’t hurt yourself. Everyone’s progression rate is different.
Getting stronger is the key to growing and maintaining your glutes. Our body naturally loses lean muscle as we age, so we have to account for that loss during our training. Just like any other muscle group, keeping your glutes active and progressively overloaded is the best way to maintain their strength.
Everyone loves big strong glutes. They play a vital role in everyday activities, exercise, and also provide aesthetic appeal. For this reason, we should give them the attention they deserve so that they can serve us well. Building your glutes will take some work and dedication, but the results will be worth it. Pay special attention to your diet since it will supplement all other efforts. The foods you choose to eat should have the necessary proteins, vitamins, and minerals to support and maintain glute growth. Especially since eating the right food is vital to the muscle recovery process. You can find and incorporate numerous exercises that focus on the gluteus maximus, medius, and minimus exclusively. Then move towards weight-based training and progressively overload your glutes so that they can become stronger over time and maintain their strength. Always remember to reach out to professionals when you need help and take things one step at a time.