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Top 5 Essential Oils to Aid Sleep

Approximately 50 to 70 million people in the U.S. suffer from poor sleep, which can affect all areas of their life and make it difficult to remain productive. Although there are many sleep aids available in the industry, more people are resorting to essential oils because of how safe they are to use on both children and adults. If you’re ready to have a holistic approach to your health, there are a few essential oils worth trying to induce sleep.


Lavender stands out for its soothing floral scent, which has a hint of pine. Many people apply lavender behind their neck or on the bottom of their feet as a way to relax the body and feel more at ease. Studies prove that the essential oil can make it easier to fall asleep quicker and stay in a deep sleep without waking up as frequently throughout the night. Not only does it improve sleep, but it can improve your mood with its subtle, natural scent.

There are many ways to use lavender when you want to reap the effects and boost your quality of sleep. Consider adding a few drops to a diffuser, which will allow it to release into the air to ensure you breathe it in as you sleep. You can even add one to two drops to your pillow.

Some people even create a bed spray to use each night, which includes a mixture of two cups of distilled water, 10 to 20 drops of lavender oil, and one tablespoon of witch hazel.


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With subtle hints of apple, chamomile is one of the most popular essential oils because of how versatile it is to use. Although chamomile tea is recommended for inducing sleep, the oil is also effective in making you feel at ease and calmer when you apply it to your wrists or temples. You can even add three to five drops of the oil to your favorite lotion and apply it to your skin to obtain the stress-relieving properties.


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With a sweet and earthy scent, cedarwood is one of the best natural sleep aids because it works well for treating sleep disorders like insomnia. Cedarwood works well as a sedative and can allow you to feel soothed and safe. You can place about five drops of the oil into a diffuser or even apply it to your pillow to make it easy to breathe in as you sleep. It’s also effective in helping you recover from colds and can keep different types of pests away.

If you want to place it in a spray bottle to spritz it onto your bed or in the air, it mixes well with lavender oil. It can become a part of your nightly routine without worrying about experiencing any side effects when you use it each day.


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Frankincense has been used for thousands of years and continues to be popular because it offers aromatherapeutic benefits to improve your quality of sleep. It has a woodsy scent with a touch of sweetness and works well for alleviating stress and tension in the body. You can add a few drops topically to your hands and breathe it in before playing down to sleep. You can even add a few drops of it into a homemade skincare product to apply it to the face before bed each night.

You can also consider upgrading your mattress if you’re still experiencing sleep issues. A lack of support and comfort can cause you to wake up frequently throughout the night and can lead to aches and pains on different areas of the body. Consider investing in a high quality memory foam mattress, which offers dynamic support and can offer back pain relief. While essential oils can help you relax and fall asleep easier, a good mattress is the foundation for better sleep since it’ll keep you supported and comfortable all throughout the night.


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Neroli comes from bitter orange tree blossoms and has a pleasant clean floral aroma, with hypnotic properties that can soothe the body and mind. The essential works well for those who suffer from insomnia and can also improve your mood if you’re feeling agitated. Studies also show it can reduce blood pressure with consistent use. If you want a unique way of using neroli oil, consider adding a few drops to a bath before you head to bed for a great way to unwind and soothe your body. It can relax the muscles and help clear the mind to make it easier to fall asleep.

How To Best Use Essential Oils To Aid Sleep

There are various ways to use essential oils during bedtime. For instance, you can add a few drops of essential oil to an air diffuser to fill the air in your bedroom with tiny, breathable particles of essential oils. It will create a more pleasant-smelling and relaxing ambiance for your room. 

Benefit from the above essential oils by putting a drop or two in your pillowcase or your wrists to help you get the right sleep. In this way, you can smell the sweet and relaxing scent of your favorite essential oil during sleep, making your mind and body relax better.

Apart from helping you sleep, many other essential oils can help keep you from snoring. For instance, an essential oil for snoring includes peppermint. It has antihistamine properties, helping reduce inflammation in the respiratory mucosa to open airways. Peppermint also helps reduce snoring due to allergies and congestion.

Marjoram is another essential oil recommended to improve sleep. It comes from the marjoram tree’s bark. Marjoram essential oil can help alleviate allergies, depression, fatigue, and sleep disorders, like insomnia and snoring.

Other essential oils that can help you attain a good night’s rest include pine oil, lemon oil, and thyme.

Using quality essential oils can allow you to improve your quality of sleep without relying on prescription medication or other types of substances. You can improve your health and well-being while having peace of mind knowing you’re taking a holistic approach to treating your sleep issues.



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