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Teeth Sensitivity: Causes, Remedies. And When To Seek Help

Teeth play an essential role in people’s daily lives. Not only do they assist in the primary functions of chewing and speaking, but they also influence one’s self-confidence and physical appearance. Hence, any discomfort or pain related to the teeth can be deeply concerning. One common dental ailment many people encounter is teeth sensitivity, which can range from a slight twinge to severe pain. To manage this dental issue, understanding its causes and solutions is paramount. 

This article delves into the causes and remedies of teeth sensitivity and when to seek professional help.

Teeth Sensitivity: The Causes 

Sensitive teeth can arise due to various reasons. These include: 

According to Garden City dentist Dr. Goldman and other similar dental professionals, it’s vital to pinpoint the root cause of sensitivity to determine the most effective treatment. Also, by understanding the causes, you can take steps to prevent it and identify any other underlying dental problems.

Teeth Sensitivity: The Common Remedies

Sensitive teeth can be a significant deterrent to enjoying everyday life. The jolt of pain when sipping a cold drink or biting into something sweet can be unsettling. Thankfully, there are remedies available to address this discomfort. Let’s delve deeper into these solutions:

1. Desensitizing Toothpaste

One of the remedies to address is using a desensitizing toothpaste. Formulated specifically for sensitive teeth, it contains compounds that help shield the nerve endings in the teeth. These compounds work by blocking the pathways that sensations use to reach the nerve. Over time, you might notice a substantial reduction in sensitivity with regular use. Also, make sure to use the toothpaste consistently and avoid switching back to regular toothpaste to maintain the benefits.

2. Soft-Bristled Toothbrushes

The importance of the right toothbrush can’t be stressed enough. While you might assume that a firmer brush cleans better, it could be detrimental to those with sensitive teeth. Soft-bristled toothbrushes ensure that your teeth are cleaned effectively without causing undue stress to the enamel or gums. Moreover, adopting a gentle brushing technique can be a good idea as it further prevents enamel wear and gum recession.

3. Fluoride Application

Another professional treatment available for tooth sensitivity is the application of fluoride gel or varnish. Fluoride aids in strengthening the tooth enamel, thereby reducing the transmission of sensations. With regular fluoride treatments at the dentist’s office, you can desensitize teeth and protect them from decay.

4. Avoid Acidic Foods And Beverages

Prevention is, at times, the best remedy. As mentioned, acidic substances can erode tooth enamel over time, amplifying sensitivity. Thus, it’s prudent to minimize the intake of foods and drinks, such as tomatoes, citrus fruits, and carbonated beverages. If you consume them, make sure to rinse the mouth immediately with water or use a straw to minimize the direct contact these substances have with the teeth.

5. Wear A Mouth Guard

If you suffer from bruxism (teeth grinding), wearing a mouth guard, especially at night, can be a game-changer. By providing a protective barrier, the guard prevents the teeth from grinding against each other, thereby preventing enamel wear and subsequent sensitivity. It’s advisable to get a guard custom-fitted by your dentist for optimal comfort and effectiveness.

6. Rinse With Saltwater

Saltwater rinse is a simple yet effective remedy that’s been used for ages. The antiseptic properties of salt can help reduce gum inflammation, which can contribute to sensitivity. To use this remedy, dissolve a couple of teaspoons of salt in a glass of lukewarm water. Swish this solution in your mouth for a few minutes, and then spit it out. Do this twice daily to offer relief, especially if your gum issues accompany the sensitivity.

By employing one or combining these remedies, it’s possible to mitigate the discomfort of sensitive teeth and enjoy your life’s simple pleasures without apprehension. However, always consult with a dental professional before starting any treatment to ensure it’s suitable for your specific condition.

Teeth Sensitivity: When To Seek Help

Understanding when to seek professional help can be the difference between temporary discomfort and long-term dental issues. Below are the signs when to go to a dentist for teeth sensitivity:

By knowing when to seek help, you can rule out any underlying dental problems, get the best treatment option, and prevent further complications. 


Teeth sensitivity, while common, shouldn’t be ignored. By keeping the information mentioned above in mind, you’ll understand the causes, remedies, and signs when to seek help, which can help you manage teeth sensitivity more effectively. Remember, early detection and treatment can prevent further complications and ensure oral health. Lastly, always consult with a dental professional when in doubt and maintain a regular dental hygiene routine to ward off potential issues.



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