Soybean is an erect, coarse, bushy, annual, herb growing up to 0.2–1.8 m tall. It is found growing in warm temperate regions and is intolerant of excessive heat and severe winters. It prefers wide range of soils, with optimum growth in moist, fertile, well drained, alluvial soils with a good organic content. Leaves are usually alternate, pinnately trifoliolate, borne on 2–20 cm long petioles, stipules broadly ovate, 3–7 mm long, acuminate. Leaflets are 1.5–4 mm petiolules, papery, broadly ovate, sub-orbicular, or elliptic-lanceolate, 5–12 × 2.5–8 cm, base broadly cuneate or rounded. Flowers are small, bisexual, papilionaceous; calyx tubular with 2 upper and 3 lower lobes, setose, persistent; corolla, 4.5– 10 mm, purple, pale purple, pink or white.
The bushy, green soybean plant is a legume related to clover, peas and alfalfa. Soybeans are typically planted in the late spring and when they flower, in the summer, they can produce up to 80 pods. Pods are normally succulent, pendant, oblong, slightly curved, 3–15 cm by 1–1.5 cm, dehiscent and is covered with silky hairy. Each pod contains 2-4 pea-sized beans, which are high in protein and oil. Seeds are ovoid to sub-globose, 1- × 5–8 mm and seed coat is smooth, yellow, green, brown or black or blotched and mottled, with distinct, elliptic hilum. Soybean features grassy or beany flavor. They are classified as an oil seed, rather than a pulse, like most legumes. High levels of protein make it an ideal protein source for vegetarians, and the wide variety of soy products has created a massive new market. Apart from that soybeans are packed with other essential nutrients, making it extremely significant for people on diets, those who need to improve their general health, and vegetarians and vegans throughout the world.
Soybean is native to China and is believed to have been domesticated from Glycine soja Sieb & Zucc. in Northeast China. Wild form of soybean, G. soja, is also found in China, Far East region of Russia, Japan, Korea, and Taiwan. Soybean is known only in cultivation and has been traditionally grown in the Far East, however nowadays it is cultivated in many, tropical, subtropical and warm temperate countries. The main global producers of soybean in descending order are USA, Brazil, Argentina, China, and India. In Southeast Asia, Indonesia is the leading producer followed by Thailand, Vietnam and the Philippines.
Nutritional Value
Apart from their delightful taste soybean is a good source of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Consuming 256 gram of soybean offers 9.09 mg of Iron, 422 µg of Vitamin B9, 1.114 mg of Vitamin B1, 74.2 mg of Vitamin C, 497 mg of Phosphorus, 1.4 mg of Manganese and 504 mg of Calcium. Moreover many Amino acids 0.402 g of Tryptophan, 1.321 g of Threonine, 1.459 g of Isoleucine, 2.371 g of Leucine and1.984 g of Lysine are also found in 256 gram of soybean.
Health benefits of Soybean
Soybeans are legumes and part of the pea family that is the world’s major food crop today. Soybeans have a wealth of health benefits, including prevention of Breast and Prostate Cancer, heart health, sleep disorders, metabolic activity, circulation and oxygenation, alleviation of menopausal symptoms, birth defects, bone health, healthy weight gain, diabetes and digestive Health.
1. Prevention of Breast and Prostate Cancer
Cancer is one of the prominent causes of death in modern society. Consuming soy products has been associated with increased breast tissue in women, theoretically increasing the risk of breast cancer. However, majority of observational research indicate the consumption of soy products which may reduce the risk of breast cancer.
Studies also indicate a defensive effect against prostate cancer in men. Number of soybean components may be responsible for the potential cancer-preventive effects. These include isoflavones, lectin, and lunasin. Exposure to isoflavones early in life may be mainly defensive against breast cancer later in life.(1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7),(8),(9), (10)
2. Heart Health
Soybeans supply minimal amount of fat, but it is not supplying you with a saturated fat diet. Soybeans are actually a good source of healthier, unsaturated fat, which help to lower your total cholesterol. This allows you to avoid conditions like atherosclerosis, which can easily result in heart attacks and strokes. Apart from that, there are some specific fatty acids that are essential for a healthy system. Linoleic acid and linolenic acid are two fatty acids, found significantly in soybeans helps to regulate smooth muscle function in the body, and helps to maintain suitable blood pressure levels. Finally, the fiber in soybeans helps to reduce cholesterol levels in the body by scraping that excess off of the walls of blood vessels and arteries.(11)
3. Sleep Disorders
Soybeans help to control a number of aspects of the metabolism that help in decreasing sleep disorders and the occurrence of insomnia. However, soybeans have a high content of magnesium, which is a mineral that is directly associated to increasing the quality, duration, and restfulness of your sleep.(12)
4. Metabolic Activity
As previously mentioned, soybeans are an extremely important source of protein. When the body contains sufficient amount of proteins then the metabolic functioning and overall system will get a major boost. Proteins are actually the building blocks of cells and blood vessels and basically every important part of the human body. Proteins from soybeans ensure the proper health and regrowth of cells if they need to be repaired or replaced. It will be hard to get sufficient protein when you follow a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle; therefore soybeans provide an excellent replacement for the proteins normally acquired in red meat, chicken, eggs, dairy products, and fish.(13)
5. Circulation and Oxygenation
Soybeans consist of abundance amount of copper and iron, both of these is important for the formation of red blood cells. With an appropriate amount of red blood cells in the body, extremities of the body and essential organ systems can get the blood flow and oxygen that they need to function proficiently. This will help to maximized metabolic activity and increases energy levels, while also avoiding dangerous conditions like anemia.(14)
6. Alleviation of Menopausal Symptoms
Menopause is the period in a woman’s life when menstruation stops. It is often related with unpleasant symptoms, like sweating, mood swings and hot flashes that are brought about due to reduction in estrogen levels. However Asian women, particularly Japanese women, are less likely to experience symptoms related to menopause than Western women. Higher consumption of soy foods in Asia, explain this difference.
Studies indicate that isoflavones, found in soybeans, help to alleviate the symptoms of menopause. Soy products do not affect all women in this way. Soy only seems to be effective in so-called equol producers, women who possess a type of gut bacteria able to convert isoflavones into equol.
Equol has been recommended to be liable for several of the beneficial health effects of soy consumption. Daily intake of 135 mg of isoflavones for one week, equivalent to 68 g of soybeans per day, reduced menopausal symptoms only in equol producers. Traditionally, hormonal therapies have been used as a treatment for menopausal symptoms. Today, isoflavone supplements are widely used as an alternative treatment.(15), (16), (17), (18)
7. Birth Defects
Soybeans consist of impressive amount of Vitamin B complex levels and the high levels of folic acid are very important for pregnant women. Folic acid guarantees the prevention of neural tube defects in infants, which confirms a happy and healthy baby.
8. Bone Health
Osteoporosis is a disorder described by reduced bone density and increased risk of fractures, particularly in senior women. Frequent consumption of soy products help to reduce the risk of osteoporosis in women that have undergone menopause. These beneficial effects seem to be caused by isoflavones.(19), (20), (21), (22), (23), (24)
9. Healthy Weight Gain
Soybeans work in both ways, actually. First of all, soybeans as well as soy-based products have been related with appetite suppression, which can help people eliminate overeating, which may result in obesity and all of the related risks. Apart from that, soybeans provide a decent amount of fiber and protein, which lead to weight gain, if consumed in large quantities. Therefore, soybeans are helpful for people that want to both lose and gain weight.(25)
10. Diabetes
Diabetes is one of the dreaded diseases spreading in the global population for more than a decade. Soybeans are definitely effective method of prevention and management of this disease, mainly because soybeans have shown an ability to increase insulin receptors within the body, thus helping to manage the disease efficiently or prevent it from occurring in the first place. Earlier research focusing on this particular relationship of soy products to a decrease in Type 2 diabetes are very promising, primarily in Asian populations.(26)
11. Digestive Health
Fiber is one of the essential parts of a healthy body, in terms of the digestive system. Fiber helps to bulks up stool, making it move through digestive system effortlessly. Similarly fiber helps to stimulates peristaltic motion, which is the contraction of the smooth muscles that pushes food through your system. Fiber is vital to our bodies because constipation can be a very serious condition that may lead to additional serious conditions like colorectal cancer.(27)
Types of Soy Beans
Soybeans are indigenous to East Asia. These types of beans have been the main source of protein for people of Asia for longer than 5,000 years. The United States generates 50 percent of the worlds soybeans. Soybeans are a fantastic source of fiber, protein, magnesium, riboflavin, folic acid, iron and calcium. They safeguard the heart from oxidation, avoid blood clots as well as act as anti-oxidants. The soybean grows in pods. Every pod holds edible seeds.
1. Agate Soybean
2. Amasoy Soybean
3. An Dunscaja Soybean
4. Bei Liang 11 Soybean
5. Belakaya Soybean
6. Black Pearl Soybean
7. Blackeye Soybean
8. Brun Matif Rouest Soybean
9. Dieckman Black Soybean
10. Ezonishiki Soybean
The beans could be enjoyed either for edamame at about 75 days or dried after about 90 days. Edamame is a well-liked snack in Japan, served with beer. Since it has health advantages that other snacks don’t provide, it is becoming popular in the usa.
11. Flambeau Soybean
12. Geant Vert Soybean
13. Fledderjohn Soybean
The beans could be enjoyed possibly fresh-shelled or dried (after about 100 days). Additionally it is an excellent variety to enjoy as edamame (pronounced ‘ed-uh-mah-may’). Harvest for edamame at approximately 80 days, after the pods are fully filled and simply since they start to turn yellow.
How to Eat
- Pods and germinated sprouts are consumed.
- Unripe seeds are consumed as vegetable and dried seeds eaten whole, split or sprouted.
- Young green pods are boiled briefly with salt and eaten as edamame, qing dou, mao dou, put kong.
- Green beans of immature pods are consumed, usually soften by boiling, on its own or season with sugar or soy sauce.
- Soybean is also consumed boiled and pickled with salt or vinegar called hitashi mame.
- Roasted soybeans or soy nuts called iri-mame or chao da dou, are eaten like peanuts.
- Soy nut butter or soy butter is made from roasted soy nuts and used as a peanut butter substitute.
- Soy bean sprouts are packed with nutrients and are commonly used in salads, stir fries with other vegetables, stews, soups and noodles.
- Soybeans are used as fermenting stock to make a brand of vodka.
- Soybean is also used in other edible forms that include soybean oil, soy lecithin, soy flour, textured soya protein (TSP) and processed products and by-products that include non-fermented and fermented food.
- Soybean oil is also used by the food industry in a variety of food products including salad dressings, mayonnaise, margarine, sandwich spreads, bread, non-dairy coffee creamers and snack foods.
- Soy flour or soybean flour is one of the most widely used products of soybean.
- Soy flour is used in array of food products like fudges, doughnuts, candies, frozen desserts, pies, cakes, rolls, pasta and pancake mixes.
- Soy flour is used at home to thicken gravies and cream sauces, and added to a variety of baked foods.
- Soybean flour is commonly used in Japanese cuisine, e.g. in warabimochi, a famous kinak o-covered sweet.
- Soy flour can also be used to prepare a quick, homemade soymilk.
- Fermented byproducts such as soy yoghurt, soy cream, soy sauce, soy nuggets, kefir (fermented milk) and cheese analogues are also made from soymilk.
- Soy milk, soya milk, soy juice is a drink or beverage that are made at home by soaking dry soy beans (seeds) in water overnight or at least 3 hr and crushing them with water; the resultant slurry is then boiled and the insoluble material is removed by filtration.
- Sweet and salty soy milk are both traditional Chinese breakfast foods.
- In curries, coconut milk can be substituted with soya milk.
- Soy milk is used in numerous kinds of Japanese cuisine, such as in a base soup for nabemono.
- Soy milk is used as a soup for making kongguksu , cold noodle soup eaten mostly in summer in Korean cuisine.
- Tofu is supposed to have originated in China, along with soy sauce and several varieties of soybean paste used as seasonings.
Other Traditional uses and benefits of Soybean
- Traditional Chinese herbals recommend soybean as a beneficial remedy for the proper functioning of the bowels, heart, kidney, liver, and stomach.
- Soybean is used to treat edema, beriberi, common cold, diarrhoea, leg ulcers, skin disease and toxaemia of pregnancy, habitual constipation and iron deficiency anaemia.
- Tofu is recommended to be good cure for cold, fever, inflammations and urination problems.
- Soy milk is considered good for lowering cholesterol and for its supply of calcium and iron.
- Soybean sprouts are used traditionally to cleanse toxins in lungs and suppress sputum production and also for treating, sore throat, dry lips, and cracked mouth ulcers.
- Sprouts are considered an excellent diuretic for treating urination problems.
- A decoction of the soybean root is supposed to be astringent.
- Soy meal and flour are used to prepare diabetic foods due to the small amount of starch contained therein.
- Soybean diets are valued for acidosis.
- Soybean oil has a high proportion of unsaturated fatty acid; it is suggested to treat hypercholesteremia.
Other Facts
- Soya bean is cultivated for the extraction of oil, for the edible seeds (pulses) and for animal fodder.
- Soybean oil is used industrially for manufacturing paints, soap, linoleum, oilcloth, printing inks, insecticides, and disinfectants.
- Lecithin phospholipids obtained as a by-product of the soy oil industry, are used as a wetting and stabilizing agent in food, cosmetic, pharmaceutical, leather, paint, plastic, soap, and detergent industries.
- Soybased plastics used in cars were based on the addition of soybean flour and wood flour to phenolformaldehyde plastics.
- Sitosterol, also a soy by-product, is used to replace diosgenin in some antihypertensive drugs.
- Soy meal is rich protein feed for livestock for which there is an increasing demand.
- Soy meal and soy bean protein are used in manufacture of synthetic fiber, adhesives, textile sizing, waterproofing, fire-fighting foam and many other uses.
- Very high quality textile fibers are manufactured commercially from “okara” (soy pulp), a by-product of tofu production.
- The vegetative aerial portions of soy plant are used for silage, hay, pasture or fodder, or may be ploughed under as a green manure.
- Soybean straw can be used to make paper, stiffer than that made from wheat straw.
- Ash of soybean stem mixed with Canarium resin is used to make joss-stick in Indo-China.
- Biodiesel made from soy beans, can be used in place of petroleum diesel fuel for vehicles or generators heating oil for buildings.
Common Soy Foods
There are numerous types of soy foods made out of soybeans. Select less refined traditional soy foods, like tofu, soybeans and soy beverage:
1. Tofu
Make use of firm or even extra-firm tofu in veggie stir-fries, soups as well as pasta sauces. Silken tofu is wonderful for preparing smooth sauces, dips, creamy desserts, shakes or soups.
2. Soybeans
Whole soybeans are available fresh, dried, canned or even roasted. Dried, canned or even green soybeans could be included with salads, soups or even pasta dishes. Green soybeans (edamame) can be found frozen; they may be steamed or even boiled and eaten like a vegetable.
Soybeans may also be soaked in water after that roasted in oil or even utilizing dry heat. Roasted soybeans, or even soy nuts, taste much like peanuts and therefore are sold plain, salted or even seasoned. They’re a pleasant option to peanuts as well as consist of less fat.
3. Soy beverages
Soy beverages usually are ground-up soybeans made into a liquid that seems just like milk. You are able to consume a soy beverage ‘as is’, you can also utilize it to exchange cow’s milk in tea, pour it in a bowl of cereal or perhaps utilize it for cooking sauces as well as soups. Make sure to select a plain fortified soy beverage which has a minimum of 7 grams of protein per 250 mL (1 cup). Fortified soy beverages have recently as much calcium, vitamin D, A and zinc as milk.
Soy beverages offer an average of 8 to 14% of the suggested every day iron consumption.
Uses of Soybean
The main use of soya bean is in soya food products as well as soya bean oil, catering to the truth that soya bean is composed of nearly 38% protein and also 18% oil. Soya bean is additionally an important element present cattle and livestock feed which is used around the world. Numerous non – food industries utilize soya beans in upholstery applications, lubricants, bio-diesel etc.Let’s take particular notice in the numerous uses of soya beans.
1. Soya food and soya oil
Raw soya beans usually are extremely sought after by soy processors using it to extract the oil from it. Soya oil is utilized in the widespread scale as edible cooking oil as well as partly also for biodiesel production along with other commercial reasons.Use of soya bean oil as a regular cooking oil has long been identified. This oil is usually found in the preparation of margarine, mayonnaise, soy ice cream, soy cheese etc.A number of soy food just like tofu, soya milk, miso (Japanese food), tempeh, soya sauce etc is prepared utilizing soy beans
2. As Animal Feed
The protein packed fibre which is left behind after the process of oil extraction from soy beans, is utilized like a healthy animal feed for various types of farm animals. Majority of the soybean meal is fed to swine as well as poultry sectors.There exists a tremendous amount of soy protein in fish food too.
3. Miscellaneous uses
Wood adhesives made out of soy are utilized to make laminated plywood, finger-jointed lumber and particle board. Non- food industries utilize a number of soy products in automobile upholstery applications too.
4. Renewable Energy
The discovery of soy bio-diesel isn’t just an excellent invention however is additionally blessing in disguise for the environment. Diesel engines operate on bio diesel fuel which is prepared utilizing soybean oil. The removing of glycerine from soy oil leads to the residue or even the soy biodiesel. Non-toxic as well as renewable, soy biodiesel is more preferable when compared with petroleum diesel oil.
The environment friendly solvent, able to cleansing shorelines as well as streams from oil or any other impurities is additionally made out of soy oil. This particular solvent is completely secure for humans as well as animals too. As such soy happens to be utilized as an essential component in cleaners, solvents as well as paints of all types.
There are soy crayons as well as candles for us to utilize. The soy content within the crayons unlike petroleum is often non – toxic as well as therefore incredibly safe for children who use crayons. It has already been noticed that candles along with soy content not just last longer but in addition emit less soot as well as smoke.
Similarly, even soy ink as well as soy lubricants usually are non-toxic as well as environmentally friendly compared to such petroleum based items.
How to Buy Soybeans
- Soybeans can be found in both prepackaged containers in addition to bulk bins. Whilst buying soybeans in bulk, ensure that the bins are effectively covered.
- It is advised to purchase soybeans from the store with a good product turnover to make sure its maximum freshness.
- Always look for any indications of moisture or even insect damage whilst purchasing soybeans. Also, observe that the soybeans are whole and not cracked.
- Canning of foods decreases their nutritional value. Although if you enjoy canned soybeans, prevent buying ones which contain additional salt or even additives.
Soybeans Storage Tips
- Dried soybeans, whenever kept in an air-tight pot in the cool, dry as well as dark place, could be kept for approximately 12 months.
- Soybeans bought at various periods of time need different cooking times based upon their dryness level. As such, soybeans bought at distinct times ought to be kept individually.
- Cooked soybeans ought to be kept in a tightly sealed container within the refrigerator. In this way, they retain their freshness for three days.
Recipe of Soybean
1. Soya Bean Ki Sabzi
- Soak the soya bean granules in 2 cups hot water for 20 minutes.
- Squeeze out the water through the granules. Heat oil in the pressure cooker.
- Add cumin seeds, cloves, cinnamon, cardamoms and bay leaves. Fry for few seconds.
- Add onions, green chillies and saute 1.5 on a low flame till golden.
- Add the tomatoes and ginger–garlic paste.
- Cook on the medium flame up until the tomatoes are soft.
- Add salt and the powdered masalas.
- Saute on a low flame till oil separates.
- Add the kept aside soya bean granules and curd to the onion tomato mixture. Mix well.
- Saute on low flame till oil separates.
- Add water and pressure cook till 3 whistles.
- Garnish along with coriander leaves and serve hot with steamed rice, onion slices as well as any raita.
2. Soy-vegetable Loaf
- 3 to 4 cups of cooked soybeans, ground
- 2 carrots, grated
- 1 onion, diced
- ½ pepper, diced
- ½ cup of wheat germ
- ½ cup of bread crumbs
- 2 tablespoons of soy flour
- 1 teaspoon of paprika
- 1 teaspoon of salt
- ½ teaspoon of garlic powder
- ½ cup of yogurt
- 2 eggs, beaten
- 2 tablespoons of oil
- 2 teaspoons of molasses
- 2 teaspoons of catsup
- 4 teaspoons of mustard
- 1 teaspoon of curry powder
Combine the main components within the order given and put the mix in the loaf pan. Drizzle the topping within the loaf and bake it in a 350-degree oven for 45 minutes, or till firm.
3. Spaghetti and Beanballs
- 2 ½ cups of cooked soybeans, ground
- ½ cup of wheat germ
- 3 tablespoons of grated Romano or Parmesan cheese
- 2 tablespoons of chopped scallions or parsley
- 2 cloves of garlic, minced (or
- ½ teaspoon of garlic powder)
- salt and pepper to taste
- wheat germ (for coating the beanballs)
- butter or margarine
- spaghetti noodles as well as your favorite tomato sauce
Mix together the very first six components and shape the resulting dough into 15 to 20 balls about 1 ½ inches in diameter. Coat the balls with increased wheat germ and then fry them in butter or margarine till they are gently browned, turning them frequently as they cook. Then drop the beanballs in your preferred spaghetti sauce and simmer for 10 minutes. Serve on the bed of steaming spaghetti.
4. Soybean-cabbage Casserole
- 1 large cabbage (about 2 pounds), shredded
- 3 tablespoons of oil
- 1 tablespoon of soy sauce or tamari
- ½ teaspoon of sugar
- 1 teaspoon of salt
- 2 cups of cooked soybeans, ground
- 1 tablespoon of whole wheat or unbleached white flour
- 1 egg dash of pepper
- ½ cup of milk butter or margarine
In the big skillet, sauté the cabbage within the oil till it wilts, then add the soy sauce, sugar as well as half of the salt. Cook this mix, covered, for an additional 15 minutes. While that simmers, mix the soybeans, flour, egg, pepper and remaining salt, then gradually stir within the milk. Alternate layers of cabbage and bean mixture, beginning and ending together with the cabbage, in the greased two-quart baking dish. Dot the casserole along with butter or margarine, and bake it in the 350-degree oven for around an hour.
5. Barbecued Soybeans
- 4 cups of cooked soybeans (you are able to substitute other beans for part of the soybeans or even use 1 cup of cooked mixed vegetables instead of 1 cup of soybeans)
- ¾ cup of catsup
- ¼ cup of mustard
- ¼ cup of molasses
- 2 tablespoons of brown sugar
- 1 teaspoon of chili powder
- ½ teaspoon of garlic powder
- a dash of Worcestershire sauce
To make this particular high-protein baked bean dish, mix the beans together with the sauce ingredients and bake, covered, in the loaf pan in a 300-degrees-Fahrenheit oven for 2 to 3 hours. (For the sweeter, less spicy sauce, you might like to leave out the chili powder while increasing the sugar to ¼ cup.)
Soybean Side Effects
Apart from being extremely healthy soybeans may possibly create particular negative effects.
1. Migraines
The isoflavone content contained in soya can occasionally result in migraines. As such migraine victims are suggested to talk to physician just before consumption of soya.
2. Thyroid
In unusual scenarios, soy products have been discovered to disturb the normal functioning of thyroid, particularly amongst kids and infants. Even adults struggling with hypothyroidism are suggested to talk to physician before you take soy products.Studies have shown that soy can occasionally result in alterations in hormonal levels resulting in the signs of goiter.
3. Allergy
Many people suffer severe threats from food allergies associated with peanuts, milk, shellfish and also soy. The signs and symptoms of soy allergy can include a runny nose, scratchy rash, breathing as well as swallowing trouble, dizzy sensation in addition to remarkable drop in blood pressure levels.
4. Gastrointestinal Distress
Particular gastrointestinal problems have occasionally been related to soy food. Extreme usage of soybeans could lead on too an upset stomach, nausea, loose stools as well as diarrhea.
5. Chemical Reactions
Studies have shown that there are likelihood of soy products having a negative reaction along with particular thyroid related medications. Extreme soy usage might also intervene together with the body’s ability to absorb minerals just like zinc and calcium.
6. Soybean Estrogen for Men
There are certain research which have recommended soybean consumption may affect testosterone levels in males therefore triggering the male sex drive. The phytoestrogen content contained in soy is known to have resulted in this state in men. Research also implies that soy intake may affect the quality of the sperms in men.
7. Soy Effect on Women
In depth research as well as analysis has exposed risks of probable tumor growth amongst women along with past or current breast cancer histories because of soy consumption. Once more the reason have been focused towards the phytoestrogen content in soybeans.
Soybean Quick Facts | |
Name: | Soybean |
Scientific Name: | Glycine max |
Origin | China |
Colors | Yellow, green, brown or black or blotched and mottled (Seed) |
Shapes | Ovoid to sub-globose, 1- × 5–8 mm (Seed) |
Calories | 376 Kcal./cup |
Major nutrients | Iron A (113.63%) Vitamin B9 (105.50%) Vitamin B1 (92.83%) Tryptophan (91.36%) Isoleucine (87.26%) |
Health benefits | Prevention of Breast and Prostate Cancer, Heart Health, Sleep Disorders, Metabolic Activity, Circulation and Oxygenation, Alleviation of Menopausal Symptoms, Birth Defects, Bone Health, Healthy Weight Gain, Diabetes, Digestive Health, |
More facts about Soybean |