Health Benefits

Sour Cream


The name is derived from the lactic bacteria which are used for the fermentation for souring. The fermentation process helps to make the cream more acidic and also thickens it. Artificially, rennet, gelatin, carrageenan and guar gum is used to sour the cream. It contains low amount of butterfat from 18 to 20 percent. It is used to dress salads and baking. It is a vital ingredient used for breakfast. Sour cream is used as a condiment in soups. It is called la crema agria in Spanish. Traditional or Regular Sour Cream, Reduced Fat Sour Cream and Non-fat Sour Cream are the three varieties of Sour cream which are available in the food stores.

Types of Sour cream

  1. Traditional or Regular Sour Cream:

It has 12 to 16% of butterfat and it is usually made of lactic acid.  Ranin, gelatin and guar gum are the products which are used to make sour cream.

  1. Reduced Fat Sour Cream:

It is lighter sour cream which contains about 40% less fat in comparison to the regular variety. It has milk with cream.

  1. Non-fat Sour Cream:

Carrageen and corn starch is used to preserve cream. The fat is absent in this variety.

Nutritional value

One cup of Sour cream provides 170 calories, 185.38 grams of water, 7.13 grams of protein, 35.88 grams of carbohydrate, 1.61 grams of ash and 0.9 grams of sugars along with 31.14% of phosphorus, 28.80% of calcium, 28.75% of Vitamin B12, 27.60% of carbohydrate, 26.54% of Vitamin B2, 24% of Vitamin A, 22.18% of selenium, 21.60% of Sodium, 14.26% of protein and 10.45% of zinc.

Health Benefits of Sour cream

Sour cream contains adequate amount of nutrients. The high content of fat provides more energy. It has high content of minerals such as phosphorus and calcium. It is added to soups, bakes, pastry, roasts, stews, creams, jellies, sweet and salty pastry fillings. 

  1. Bone health

Phosphorus helps to maintain the health of teeth and bones. It is essential for maintaining strong bones. It promotes the gum health and enamel of tooth. It relieves the conditions such as loss of mineral density and bone loss such as osteoporosis. Phosphorus is associated with heart health and prevents the cardiovascular ailments. (1) (2)

  1. Cardiac muscles

Calcium assists the muscles of heart and contraction of the cardiac muscles. It provides convenient pressure in the arteries. When the calcium drops, calcitrol is released that assist in the contraction of arteries muscles by raising the blood pressure. For contraction, the cardiac muscle requires extracellular calcium ions. The ion collects on the protein troponin with an increase in intracellular concentration of calcium. It promotes the extracellular fluid and intracellular secretion including skeletal muscle which is triggered by the calcium found in sarcoplasmic reticulum. (3)

  1. Maintain cells

Vitamin B12 helps to maintain various cells which are found in the human body. It assists the functions such as repair, formation and maintenance of red blood cells that depends on this vitamin. It also preserves the nerve cells that exist in the human body. It also maintains the nervous system.

  1. Treat Alzheimer’s

Vitamin B12 is vital for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease which could show the symptoms such as cognitive degeneration and confusion. The study shows that the Alzheimer’s patients have low presence of Vitamin B12 in the body.

  1. Promotes growth

Vitamin B2 is vital for the growth and development of body tissues and reproductive organs such as eyes, skin, mucous membranes and immune system. It promotes the health of nails, skin and hair.

  1. Digestive health

Vitamin B2 has a vital role in the protection and maintenance of mucous membrane of the digestive system.

  1. Eye health

Vitamin A helps to promote the vision health. It makes the eyes moist and adjusts the light changes. It forms the visual purple in eyes that promotes the eye health. It prevents the conditions of night blindness and stimulates retina by raising the human eye’s adaptability to darkness and lightness. It is also helpful for the people with glaucoma. (4)

  1. Immunity power

Vitamin A increases the immunity of the body to fight against infections. It moist the mucus membranes to promote the immunity and promotes the white blood cells activity. It prevents the germs and counteracts the infections by providing the double core protection. (5)

  1. Hair health

Protein assists to maintain the hair health and prevents its damage. The studies show that protein plays a vital role in the growth of healthy hair. Proteins are used in the production of hair care products such as conditioners. (6)

  1. Skin health

Protein helps to strengthen tissues which are vital for the repairmen of skin from widely occurring wear and tear. Collagen is an essential protein which strengthens the tissues, cells and organs that needs a continuous revitalize. It provides low wrinkled, health and youthful skin that depends on the collagen protein that exist in the body. (7) (8)


Allergy symptoms such as diarrhea, itchy eyes, hives, itchy skin rashes, nasal stuffiness, nasal congestion, runny or stuffy nose, watery eyes, sneezing and wheezing might be experienced. 

How to Eat         

  • Sour cream is added to North American and European cuisines and also used as a condiment.
  • It is used as a topping for the baked potatoes and fresh chives.
  • It is used to dress salads and added to cakes, doughnuts cookies and scones.
  • It is consumed as a dessert with berries or fruits.
  • It is used as dip for potato chips, crackers and onion.
  • It is a substitute for crema in nachos, burritos, tacos, guacamole or taquitos.
  • It is a vital ingredient in beef Stroganoff and chicken paprikash.
  • It is added to soups and sauces.
  • The savory dishes such as salads, chicken, baked potatoes and pies are made of sour cream.
  • It is used as a condiment to flavor finger foods, potato chips and nachos.
  • Sour cream lightens and softens the baked goods.
  • It adds sourness to the chocolate brownies and cheesecakes.
  • It adds flavor to breads, appetizers and desserts.
  • It is tossed with pasta.
  • It is also used as bread spread.

Other Facts        

  • Sour cream is widely used in North American and European Cuisines.
  • The sour cream was prepared accidently few centuries ago. The cream of the skimmed milk was turned sour when not refrigerated.
  • Today the bacteria of lactic acid are used to infuse the pasteurized milk.
  • One tablespoon of Sour cream contains 30 calories.
  • The sour cream should always be kept under refrigeration.
  • It should be consumed within 3 to 4 days of buying or opening.
  • Artificially, it is soured with the use of carrageen, gelatin and rennin.
  • The Sour cream should not be over boiled or heated the cream because it results in curdling.





Sour Cream Quick Facts
Name: Sour Cream
Origin Europe, Greece, Italy
Colors White
Taste Mild sour
Calories 170 Kcal./cup
Major nutrients Phosphorus (31.14%)
Calcium (28.80%)
Vitamin B-12 (28.75%)
Carbohydrate (27.60%)
Vitamin B2 (26.54%)
Health benefits Bone health, Cardiac muscles, Maintain cells, Treat Alzheimer's, Promotes growth
More facts about Sour Cream