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Simple Guide to Cleaning Your Glasses

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Glasses are fragile and expensive — keeping them clean from dirt and oil is not a child’s play. The market is bombarded with eyewear of all kinds. Many go with the trend, while some prefer the archaic models. However, the process of cleaning is a demanding chore.

The struggles of managing glasses with scratches do hinder your perfect vision. This is why the process of cleaning must be considered a daily ritual. To blur out the images here is a simple and quick guide to cleaning glasses. In this guidepost, we’ll be sharing a few simple steps, and healthy tips can fix those minor scratches.

Steps to Cleaning Your Glasses

Below are some handy tips for caring and cleaning your eyeglasses. Incorporating the following tips will help your eyewear last longer and save expenses from buying a new pair of glasses.

1. Clean Your Frames

The very first step is to clean your eyeglass frame. Tried and tested method uses warm, soapy water and a gentle cloth to soak water from the frame quickly. The frames require your most attention, as some of the types are brittle.

Pay heed to the following steps while cleaning your frame:

2. Clean Your Lenses

Rinse your lenses under a gentle stream of tap water. The flow of water annihilates dirt and stubborn debris. Refrain from using hot water; this may damage eyeglass lens coatings. Try wrapping around the lens.

The following steps might help you while cleaning your lenses:

3. Handle with Care

The prime concern after cleaning is — handling of glasses. It is recommended to hold by the frames firmly using both your hands. Keep your glasses upside down and securely place the bridge at the bottom. This avoids the risk of lenses getting scratched.

Ensure your glasses are safely stored and have very minimal chances of contracting dust or other particles. Avoid places that emit scorching heat, like a heater or fireplace. Heat distorts the shape of lenses.

4. Giving Professionals a Chance

Certain components are only possible to clean using professional service. If you don’t mind shelling out, this option will save your time and effort.

Healthy Tips to Keep Your Glasses Cleaned:

Post cleaning hacks — time you incorporate some healthy habits to keep your eyewear clean. The following are few tips shared by professionals to help your eyeglasses ast longer:


And this was the simple guide to cleaning your glasses. Eyeglasses are prone to catch dust quickly. Hence, it is your responsibility to clean regularly.

You might stroll the entire day wearing your glasses, and continue working as you do. But once you step inside your home, follow the process mentioned above.

Investing in the right pair of eyeglasses takes time and effort. There are aspects you consider like: right frame shape, pattern and color that suits your personality. And with all these aspects into consideration, you don’t want them to look shabby or smudgy.

Hope you found this article useful and could feed your mind with the right pieces of information. If there’s a tip or tool you’d like to share with our readers, please write to us in the comments section below.


Yes. Your eyeglasses are home to bacteria, mold spores and other eye irritants. The source of the transfer is many, but the most common source here is said to be our own hands. Bacteria stick to hands, and are then transferred to our glasses.

Ways you can annihilate these unnecessary organisms is by regularly cleaning frames and lenses with either soap or dishwashing liquid and water. Post this step, dry both your frames and lenses with a soft towel. Remember: Avoid the using your breath in cleaning those glasses — this will only exacerbate the process.

Changing of glasses is only advised when your prescription has changed. Get your eyes examined often to know whether there are any changes to your prescription. On most occasions, the optometrist recommends the right time to get your eyes tested.



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