You’ve heard people say “You are what you eat,” and for the most part, people say that in a joking way to poke fun at those eating unhealthy foods… But little do people know that this pun actually holds some real truth behind it.
The gut is incredibly complex and it indeed does play a role in your overall health. Studies have shown its direct link to autoimmune diseases, cancer, mental health, and other health-related disorders. The funny part about the gut being such a complex part of our body is that it was once thought of as a “simple” system in our body.
It was thought that the human digestive system was one long passageway for food to pass through, be absorbed by the body, and then be excreted. Well, in a condensed way, that’s what it is, but there’s so much more to it than just that. Many people don’t realize that there are as many as 300 to 500 different types of bacteria living in our digestive tract…This is what you would call the gut microbiome.
Your gut microbiome are microorganisms that live in your intestines. Some of these microorganisms are actually very beneficial to the overall health and functioning of your body. But it’s those harmful ones that can do quite a bit of damage to our health… Those are the ones to be worried about; Those are also the microorganisms that let you know you have poor gut health.
How do you know you have poor gut health?
Well, your body has its own unique ways of letting you know.
Biggest Signs You Have an Unhealthy Gut
Skin Irritations
Many people don’t realize it but certain skin irritations can be caused by an unhealthy gut. The foods you eat can cause inflammation in the gut, which then increases your risk of leaking certain proteins into your body. This “leaking” of proteins is what can potentially irritate the skin and cause skin conditions like eczema.
Gaining or Losing Weight Without Weight Loss Efforts
Have you ever gained weight or lost weight but didn’t work out or change your eating habits? If you’ve experienced this, it could be because you have an unhealthy gut. When your gut is imbalanced, it can hinder your body’s ability to store fat, take in all the nutrients your body needs, and even regulate blood sugar… These are all functions your body needs to operate.
When a person gains weight due to poor gut health, it can be because your body feels a need to overeat due to not absorbing the proper amount of nutrients. When a person loses weight, it can be the result of SIBO (small intestinal bacterial growth).
Upset Stomach
Having an upset stomach and related issues like gas, bloating, heartburn, and diarrhea are probably the easiest ways to determine the health of your gut. They’re, ultimately, signs that your body isn’t processing the foods you’ve been eating well. When your gut is balanced, you’ll have fewer occurrences of conditions associated with an upset stomach.
Autoimmune Issues
Evidence is continually being found on how the gut directly impacts the immune system. The theory is that an unhealthy gut causes systemic inflammation, which in turn, deters how effectively the immune system functions. When your immune system doesn’t function properly, it can lead to autoimmune diseases.
Ways to Restore Your Gut Health
Change Your Diet
Again, “you are what you eat,” and when you start eating healthy foods, your body will start to get healthy as well. This will not only improve your gut health but it will also aid in weight loss as well. To change up eating regimens, some people will also go on a juice cleanse to improve their gut health and lose weight.
But the important aspect here is to start getting the proper nutrients in your body. Ideally, you want to stay away from processed foods as much as possible and eat foods high in nutrients, fiber, and protein. Also, if you decide to do a juice cleanse, you want a 100% plant-based juice cleanse, with no preservatives, sugar, or dairy, to ensure your body gets all the nutrients it needs.
Drink Plenty of Water
When you hear people say to drink plenty of water, it almost sounds cliche because people say it so much. But that’s because it truly does do wonders for your body. If you’re someone who doesn’t like water, you’re not alone in your struggle. People who don’t like water tend to enjoy it better infused. You can put lemon in your water for a citrus flavor and still get all the wonderful benefits of lemon water. Others enjoy coconut water more for its bit of sweetness as well as its benefits.
Drinking lots of water has proven to improve the lining of the intestines, flushes your kidneys, and it brings balance to the bacteria found in your gut. So keep drinking water… your gut will thank you for it.
Eat Your Food Slow
We’ve all been so hungry that we “scarf down” our food… Some of us do this when we’re really hungry, but “scarfing down” food is actually how some people eat their food all the time. When you ate your food really fast, did you notice any changes in your digestion of it? Did you have a slight stomach ache or experience indigestion after?
If you did that’s because you ate your food so fast that your body didn’t have enough time to properly process what you ate. By eating your food more slowly, you’re giving your body more time to fully digest your food and absorb the nutrients.
Improve Your Whole-Body Health From Within
Whether you realize it or not, the health of your gut plays a vital role in the overall health of your body. A healthy gut boosts your immune system, brain health, mood, and heart health, and it all starts with what you eat in conjunction with certain lifestyle changes as well.
So now that you know the role your gut plays in your whole-body health, look for the signs within your own body. If you notice the signs, are you going to make the necessary changes to restore your gut health?