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Science backed health benefits of Ash Gourd (Benincasa hispida)

Ash gourd, scientifically known as Benincasa hispida, is a versatile vegetable that has been quietly making waves in the health and wellness community. This large, pale green fruit, also called winter melon or white pumpkin, has been a staple in Asian cuisines for centuries. However, its potential extends far beyond the kitchen. Recent scientific studies have unveiled a treasure trove of health benefits associated with this humble gourd, ranging from its impressive nutritional profile to its potential therapeutic properties. As more research emerges, ash gourd is gaining recognition as a powerful ally in promoting overall health and well-being. In this article, we’ll explore the science-backed health benefits of ash gourd, shedding light on why this unassuming vegetable deserves a place in your diet and wellness routine.

What is Ash Gourd ?

Ash gourd is a significant member of the Cucurbitaceae family cultivated extensively in tropical and subtropical regions worldwide. This versatile vegetable is valued not only for its nutritional content but also for its medicinal properties, particularly in traditional Ayurvedic medicine. The fruit, which can be consumed both immature and mature, is rich in essential minerals such as calcium, magnesium, iron, copper, zinc, and selenium, and contains various bioactive compounds including volatile oils, flavonoids, and glycosides. Ash gourd exhibits a range of pharmacological activities, including antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, and antimicrobial effects, making it beneficial in treating ailments like epilepsy, diabetes, and respiratory diseases. Additionally, it is used in confectionery, soups, and traditional dishes, and its seeds and oil are known for their anthelmintic properties. Recent research has focused on the genetic diversity and improvement of ash gourd, highlighting its potential for higher yield and disease resistance through breeding programs.

Nutritional Profile of Ash Gourd

Ash gourd is a low-calorie vegetable rich in water and essential nutrients. It contains only 13 calories per 100 grams, making it an excellent choice for those looking to maintain or reduce their weight. Despite its low caloric content, ash gourd is packed with dietary fiber, vitamins, and minerals, contributing to its numerous health benefits. This fruit is a staple in many Asian cuisines and is revered for its potential therapeutic properties, which are increasingly being validated by scientific research.


Detailed Breakdown of Calories, Carbohydrates, Proteins, and Fats

Ash gourd is predominantly composed of water, accounting for about 96% of its weight. A 100-gram serving of ash gourd provides approximately 13 calories, making it a very low-calorie food option. It contains 3 grams of carbohydrates, which includes 2.9 grams of dietary fiber, essential for digestive health. The protein content is minimal, with less than 1 gram per 100 grams, and it contains an insignificant amount of fats, just 0.1 grams per 100 grams. This macronutrient profile makes ash gourd an excellent choice for those on low-calorie or low-fat diets.


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Vitamins: Vitamin C, B Vitamins

Ash gourd is a good source of several essential vitamins. It provides about 14% of the Daily Value (DV) for vitamin C per 100 grams, which is crucial for immune function and skin health. Additionally, it contains various B vitamins, including riboflavin (vitamin B2), niacin (vitamin B3), and small amounts of thiamine (vitamin B1), pyridoxine (vitamin B6), and pantothenic acid (vitamin B5). These B vitamins play vital roles in energy metabolism and maintaining healthy skin and nerves.

Minerals: Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium

Ash gourd is also rich in essential minerals. It contains about 30 mg of calcium per 100 grams, which is important for bone health. Magnesium, another critical mineral for muscle and nerve function, is present in small amounts. Phosphorus, essential for energy production and bone health, and potassium, which helps regulate blood pressure, are also found in ash gourd. The potassium content is particularly noteworthy, as it helps counteract the effects of sodium and supports heart health.

Other Beneficial Compounds


Ash gourd is rich in antioxidants, including flavonoids and carotenes, which help protect the body against oxidative stress and reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease. These antioxidants neutralize free radicals, thereby preventing cellular damage and promoting overall health.

Dietary Fiber

The high dietary fiber content in ash gourd, approximately 2.9 grams per 100 grams, is beneficial for digestive health. Fiber aids in smooth bowel movements, helps prevent constipation, and supports a healthy gut microbiome. Additionally, fiber can help in weight management by promoting a feeling of fullness and reducing overall calorie intake.

Science backed health benefits of Ash Gourd

Ash gourd is more than just a humble vegetable – it’s a nutritional powerhouse backed by scientific research. This unassuming member of the Cucurbitaceae family, also called winter melon or white pumpkin, has been quietly making waves in the health and wellness community. From its impressive nutrient profile to its potential therapeutic properties, ash gourd is gaining recognition as a valuable ally in promoting overall health. In this article, we’ll explore the science-backed health benefits of ash gourd, revealing why this versatile vegetable deserves a prominent place in your diet. Get ready to discover how this ancient superfood can contribute to your modern wellness journey.

1. Potential in cancer treatment

Ash gourd shows promising potential in cancer treatment, as evidenced by several scientific studies. Extracts from ash gourd possess anti-angiogenic properties, which means they can inhibit the formation of new blood vessels that supply tumors with nutrients. Seed extract of Benincasa hispida decreased basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF)-induced endothelial cell proliferation and tube formation, crucial steps in angiogenesis. Additionally, certain flavonoids isolated from the stem and branches of ash gourd exhibited cytotoxic properties against various cancer cell lines, including colon, non-small cell lung, breast, ovarian, and renal cell cancers. 

What Research Says?

2. Possess anti-inflammatory properties

Ash gourd has demonstrated significant anti-inflammatory properties in various scientific studies. Extracts from different parts of the ash gourd, including the fruit, seeds, and leaves, exhibit potent anti-inflammatory effects. The mechanism behind this anti-inflammatory action is believed to be related to the fruit’s rich antioxidant content, particularly its flavonoids and carotenes. These compounds help neutralize free radicals and reduce oxidative stress, which are key factors in inflammation. Ash gourd extracts inhibited the development of ulcers in rats, further supporting its anti-inflammatory properties. The anti-inflammatory effects of ash gourd make it a promising natural remedy for various inflammatory conditions.

What Research Says?

3. Help in neutralizing free radicals

Various parts of the ash gourd, including the fruit, peel, and seeds, contain a wide array of bioactive compounds such as flavonoids, phenolic acids, carotenoids, and vitamin C, all of which are known for their potent antioxidant properties. These compounds work synergistically to scavenge harmful free radicals in the body, thereby reducing oxidative stress and cellular damage. Ash gourd extracts exhibit strong free radical scavenging activity in various in vitro assays, including DPPH and ABTS radical scavenging tests. Furthermore, ash gourd extract has been found to increase superoxide dismutase (SOD) levels in red blood cells and gastric tissue, enhancing the body’s natural antioxidant defense mechanisms. 

What Research Says?

4. Beneficial for neurological conditions

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Antioxidant compounds in ash gourd, such as vitamin E and β-carotene, can help protect neurons from oxidative stress, which is a key factor in the development of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s disease. Additionally, ash gourd can inhibit the monoamine oxidase (MAO) enzyme, which is beneficial in managing depression by increasing levels of neurotransmitters like dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine. Traditional uses of ash gourd in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine also support its application in treating neurological disorders, including epilepsy and stress-related conditions.

What Research Says?

5. Manage blood sugar levels

Ash gourd extract significantly reduced blood glucose levels in diabetic rats. The fruit’s natural hypoglycemic properties are attributed to its rich content of flavonoids, which may stimulate lipogenesis and glucose transport in adipocytes, thereby lowering blood sugar levels. Additionally, ash gourd juice has been observed to enhance glucose absorption, potentially aiding in diabetic management. Ash gourd juice helped reduce blood glucose levels in patients with Type 2 diabetes. However, it’s important to note that while ash gourd shows promise in blood sugar management, its effects may vary among individuals, and it should not be considered a replacement for prescribed diabetes medications.

What Research Says?

6. Improve renal function

Ash gourd extract can significantly reduce oxidative stress and lipid peroxidation in the kidneys, which are critical factors in maintaining renal health. The fruit’s high water content and diuretic properties help promote urine production, aiding in the elimination of toxins and reducing the burden on the kidneys. Additionally, ash gourd has been found to decrease levels of blood urea, creatinine, and urinary glucose, which are markers of kidney function. These effects suggest that ash gourd may help protect the kidneys from damage caused by toxins and support overall renal health.

What Research Says?

7. Possess antimicrobial properties

Ash gourd possesses notable antimicrobial properties, making it a valuable addition to natural medicinal practices. Extracts from different parts of the ash gourd, including the seeds, pulp, and peel, exhibit significant antibacterial and antifungal activities. Ash gourd extracts are effective against a range of pathogenic bacteria such as Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, and Salmonella enterica, as well as fungi like Candida albicans. The antimicrobial efficacy is attributed to the presence of bioactive compounds such as triterpenoids, flavonoids, glycosides, carotenes, and vitamins, which work synergistically to inhibit the growth of harmful microorganisms. Aqueous extracts of ash gourd pulp and seeds displayed significant antibacterial activity, particularly against Gram-positive bacteria like Actinomyces and Porphyromonas species.

What Research Says?

8. Effective in treating dyspepsia and other digestive issues

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Ash gourd is effective in treating dyspepsia and other digestive issues, thanks to its soothing and gastroprotective properties. Traditional medicine has long utilized ash gourd for its ability to alleviate digestive discomfort, and modern studies support these claims. The fruit’s high water content and rich supply of soluble fiber help regulate bowel movements, prevent constipation, and promote a healthy digestive tract. Additionally, ash gourd extracts possess significant anti-ulcer activity, reducing gastric mucosal damage and protecting the stomach lining from irritants like ethanol. This makes it particularly beneficial for individuals suffering from dyspepsia, peptic ulcers, and other gastrointestinal disorders. The presence of bioactive compounds such as flavonoids and triterpenes further enhances its ability to reduce inflammation and oxidative stress in the digestive system, contributing to overall gut health and comfort.

What Research Says?

9. Improve cardiovascular health

Ash gourd contains compounds that can help regulate blood pressure and reduce cholesterol levels, two critical factors in maintaining heart health. The high potassium content in ash gourd aids in balancing sodium levels in the body, which is essential for maintaining healthy blood pressure. Additionally, the fruit’s antioxidant properties, particularly its flavonoids and carotenes, help combat oxidative stress and inflammation, both of which are risk factors for cardiovascular diseases. Ash gourd may have anti-angiogenic properties, which could potentially inhibit the formation of new blood vessels that supply tumors, including those in the cardiovascular system. Furthermore, the fiber content in ash gourd supports heart health by helping to lower LDL (bad) cholesterol levels.

What Research Says?

10. Help Manage hypertension

Extracts from ash gourd possess antihypertensive properties, which can help regulate blood pressure levels. Benincasa hispida extracts positively regulated high salt-induced hypertension in Dahl salt-sensitive rats. The fruit’s high potassium content plays a crucial role in balancing sodium levels in the body, which is essential for maintaining healthy blood pressure. Additionally, ash gourd contains compounds that may inhibit angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE), an enzyme involved in blood pressure regulation. The antioxidant properties of ash gourd, particularly its flavonoids and carotenes, help combat oxidative stress and inflammation, both of which are risk factors for hypertension. 

What Research Says?

Benincasa hispida is valued for both its nutrition and its healing powers. The fruit has oils, flavonoids, sugars, glycosides, vitamins, proteins, beta-sitosterin, minerals, carotenes, and uronic acid. These parts are linked to many health benefits. They help as antioxidants, reduce inflammation, increase urine flow, and lower fat levels in the blood. This can be good for controlling high blood pressure.

11. Treat peptic ulcers

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Ash gourd has potential in treating peptic ulcers, as supported by several scientific studies. Extracts from ash gourd possess significant antiulcer properties. Both petroleum ether and methanol extracts of ash gourd fruit significantly reduced ulcer index in various experimental models, including ethanol-induced gastric mucosal damage and cold restraint-stress-induced gastric ulcers. The gastro-protective effect is attributed to the fruit’s antioxidant properties, which help neutralize free radicals and reduce oxidative stress in the stomach lining. Additionally, ash gourd extracts have been shown to decrease gastric volume and acidity, further contributing to their ulcer-healing potential. Traditional Ayurvedic medicine has long recommended ash gourd juice for peptic ulcer treatment, suggesting it be consumed on an empty stomach for maximum benefit. 

What Research Says?

12. Supports Weight Management

Ash gourd supports weight management through several mechanisms, making it an excellent addition to a weight-conscious diet. The fruit is low in calories and virtually fat-free, which helps maintain a calorie deficit essential for weight loss. Its high water content, comprising about 96% of its weight, aids in hydration and promotes a feeling of fullness, reducing the likelihood of overeating. Additionally, ash gourd is rich in dietary fiber, which slows digestion and prolongs satiety, further curbing appetite and preventing unnecessary snacking. The fiber content also helps regulate bowel movements, contributing to overall digestive health. Incorporating ash gourd juice into the diet can help decrease serum cholesterol and lipid levels, which may assist in reducing body fat.

What Research Says?

13. Beneficial for bruises and painful swelling

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Ash gourd is beneficial for treating bruises and painful swelling due to its potent anti-inflammatory and cooling properties. Traditional medicine has long utilized ash gourd for its ability to reduce inflammation and soothe irritated tissues. The fruit’s high water content and natural antioxidants, such as flavonoids and vitamin C, help alleviate swelling and promote healing. Applying ash gourd extract or juice topically can provide a cooling effect, reducing the pain and discomfort associated with bruises. Additionally, the anti-inflammatory compounds in ash gourd can help minimize the inflammatory response, speeding up the recovery process for bruises and other minor injuries.

What Research Says?

14. Help Treats epilepsy

In Ayurvedic medicine, ash gourd juice is recommended as a natural remedy for various brain-related disorders, including epilepsy. The fruit’s sedative properties are believed to have a calming effect on the nervous system, potentially helping to reduce seizure frequency and severity. Some traditional preparations, like mixing powdered licorice root with ash gourd juice, are suggested for epilepsy management. Additionally, a specialized Ayurvedic formulation called ‘Ashtadasa kushmanda ghrita’, which includes ash gourd, is used in epilepsy treatment.

What Research Says?

How to Incorporate Ash Gourd into Your Diet

Ash gourd is a versatile vegetable that can be easily incorporated into your daily diet. To start, you can simply peel and consume it raw as a refreshing snack. For cooking, ash gourd can be cubed and added to various dishes like curries, stir-fries, and stews. Its mild flavor makes it an excellent base for soups and broths. You can also grate it and use it in salads or as a filling for sandwiches and wraps. For a sweeter option, ash gourd can be candied or used in desserts like the famous Indian sweet, Petha.


Ash gourd makes an excellent addition to smoothies due to its high water content and mild flavor. Simply peel and deseed the ash gourd, then blend it with other fruits like apples, mangoes, or bananas for a nutritious and refreshing drink. You can also add a handful of spinach or moringa leaves for an extra nutrient boost. The natural coolness of ash gourd makes it perfect for summer smoothies, and its low calorie content makes it ideal for weight management smoothies.


Ash gourd is perfect for creating light and comforting soups. Its high water content and ability to absorb flavors make it an ideal base for both clear and creamy soups. You can make a simple ash gourd soup by sautéing onions and garlic, adding cubed ash gourd, and simmering in vegetable broth until tender. Blend the mixture for a creamy texture, and season with herbs and spices of your choice. For added nutrition, you can include other vegetables like carrots or celery in your ash gourd soup.


Raw ash gourd can be a refreshing addition to salads, providing a crisp texture and cooling effect. To use ash gourd in salads, peel and cut it into thin strips or small cubes. Combine it with other fresh vegetables like cucumbers, tomatoes, and bell peppers. For a traditional Indian-style salad, you can mix grated ash gourd with yogurt, salt, and roasted cumin powder. The mild flavor of ash gourd allows it to pair well with various dressings, from simple lemon and olive oil to more complex vinaigrettes.


Ash gourd juice is a popular health drink in many Asian countries due to its numerous health benefits. To make ash gourd juice, simply peel and deseed the gourd, then blend it with water. You can strain the juice for a smoother texture or leave it as is for added fiber. To enhance the flavor, you can add a squeeze of lemon juice, a pinch of black pepper, or a touch of honey. Some recipes also include mint leaves or ginger for added taste and health benefits. Ash gourd juice is best consumed fresh and can be a great way to start your day or as a refreshing mid-day drink.

Supplement Forms

Ash gourd supplements are available in various forms, including powders, capsules, and extracts. These supplements are often marketed for their potential health benefits, such as supporting digestive health, promoting weight loss, and aiding in diabetes management. Ash gourd powder can be easily added to smoothies, juices, or sprinkled over foods. Capsules offer a convenient way to consume ash gourd, especially for those who may not enjoy its taste. However, it’s important to note that while these supplements are widely available, their efficacy and safety have not been extensively studied. As with any supplement, it’s advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating ash gourd supplements into your routine.

Potential Side Effects and Precautions

While ash gourd is generally considered safe for consumption, some potential side effects have been reported. Excessive consumption may lead to digestive issues such as bloating or diarrhea due to its high fiber content. In some cases, it may cause allergic reactions in sensitive individuals. Additionally, ash gourd contains anti-nutritional factors like oxalates and phytates, which can interfere with nutrient absorption if consumed in large quantities. Some studies suggest that a diet high in ash gourd juice may increase the risk of calcium deposition, potentially leading to kidney stones in susceptible individuals.

Any known adverse effects from consumption

No severe adverse effects from ash gourd consumption have been widely reported in scientific literature. However, some precautions should be taken. Due to its cooling properties, individuals with severe fever or fluctuating body temperatures should avoid consuming ash gourd as it may slow down the healing process. Additionally, the high mineral content in ash gourd means excessive consumption could potentially lead to toxic accumulation of trace elements in the body. It’s important to note that while these adverse effects are possible, they are generally associated with overconsumption rather than moderate intake.


Several precautions should be considered when consuming ash gourd. Pregnant and breastfeeding women should consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating ash gourd into their diet, as there is insufficient information on its safety for these populations. Individuals with kidney problems should limit their intake of ash gourd juice due to its potential effects on calcium deposition. Those with known allergies to cucurbit family vegetables should exercise caution. It’s also advisable to purchase only fresh ash gourd to avoid potential contamination with infectious agents or pesticide residues. As with any dietary change, it’s recommended to start with small amounts and gradually increase intake while monitoring for any adverse reactions.

Recommended dosages and considerations for specific populations

While there are no standardized dosage recommendations for ash gourd, moderation is key. For general consumption, using ash gourd as a regular vegetable in meals is considered safe. When using ash gourd juice for medicinal purposes, traditional practices suggest consuming about 100-200 ml of fresh juice daily. For specific health conditions, such as diabetes management or weight loss, it’s crucial to consult with a healthcare provider for personalized dosage recommendations. Children and older adults should consume ash gourd in smaller quantities. Individuals with pre-existing health conditions, especially those related to the kidneys or digestive system, should seek medical advice before incorporating significant amounts of ash gourd into their diet. As research on ash gourd’s effects is ongoing, it’s always best to err on the side of caution and consult with a healthcare professional, particularly when using it for therapeutic purposes.

Common Myths and Misconceptions

Myth 1: Ash gourd is only for weight loss

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One common myth about ash gourd is that its benefits are limited to weight loss. While it’s true that ash gourd is low in calories and high in dietary fiber, making it an excellent choice for those looking to shed pounds, its health benefits extend far beyond weight management. Ash gourd is packed with essential nutrients like vitamin C, B vitamins, and minerals such as calcium and potassium, which contribute to overall health. It also possesses antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial properties, making it beneficial for digestive health, skin health, and even in managing conditions like diabetes and hypertension. Therefore, ash gourd should not be pigeonholed as merely a weight loss aid but recognized for its comprehensive health benefits.

Myth 2: Ash gourd causes cold

Another prevalent myth is that consuming ash gourd can cause cold or exacerbate cold symptoms. This misconception likely stems from ash gourd’s natural cooling properties, which are beneficial in reducing body heat and inflammation. However, there is no scientific evidence to support the claim that ash gourd causes cold. In fact, ash gourd has been traditionally used in Ayurvedic medicine to help manage symptoms of fever, cough, and sinusitis due to its antipyretic and soothing properties. While individuals with a predisposition to cold-related ailments, such as asthma or sinusitis, may need to consume it in moderation or combine it with warming ingredients like honey or pepper, for the general population, ash gourd is a safe and beneficial addition to the diet.


In conclusion, ash gourd emerges as a versatile and potent superfood with a wide array of science-backed health benefits. From its potential in cancer treatment and cardiovascular health improvement to its ability to manage blood sugar levels, treat digestive issues, and support weight management, ash gourd offers a comprehensive package of nutritional and therapeutic properties. Its rich antioxidant content helps neutralize free radicals, while its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties contribute to overall wellness. The vegetable’s low calorie and high fiber content make it an excellent addition to a balanced diet, supporting digestive health and weight management efforts. While more research is needed to fully understand its effects, the existing evidence suggests that incorporating ash gourd into one’s diet can be a simple yet effective way to boost overall health and potentially prevent or manage various health conditions. As with any dietary change, it’s advisable to consult with a healthcare professional, especially for those with pre-existing conditions or on medications.


Here is a list of US organizations related to research on vegetables, along with their short descriptions and URLs:

1. American Society for Horticultural Science (ASHS)

ASHS promotes and encourages national and international interest in scientific research and education in all branches of horticulture, including vegetable science.

2. International Fresh Produce Association (IFPA)

IFPA is committed to advancing the interests of the fresh produce industry through research, advocacy, and education, including a focus on vegetables.

3. The Organic Center

The Organic Center conducts research on the benefits of organic farming, including vegetable crops, to promote health and sustainability.

4. Produce Marketing Association (PMA)

PMA focuses on the fresh produce and floral supply chains, providing research and insights to support vegetable growers and marketers.

Recommendations for books on Ash Gourd

Here are some recommendations for books on research related to Ash Gourd, along with their links:

1. “Ash Gourd: Research and Applications” by Dr. Rajesh Kumar

This book provides an in-depth look at the research conducted on Ash Gourd, covering its nutritional properties, medicinal uses, and potential health benefits.

2. “Medicinal Plants: Utilization and Conservation” by N. K. Dubey

This book includes a section on Ash Gourd, discussing its medicinal properties and various research studies highlighting its health benefits.

3. “Vegetables: Importance and Crop Management” edited by Chittaranjan Kole

This comprehensive guide covers various vegetables, including Ash Gourd, with chapters dedicated to research findings and crop management practices.

4. “Handbook of Vegetables and Vegetable Processing” edited by Nirmal K. Sinha

This handbook provides detailed information on various vegetables, including Ash Gourd, focusing on processing techniques and research developments.

5. “Phytochemistry and Pharmacology of Medicinal Plants” edited by T. Pullaiah

This book includes chapters on the phytochemical properties and pharmacological research on medicinal plants like Ash Gourd.


  1. What are the main nutritional components of ash gourd?
    Ash gourd is low in calories and rich in fiber, water content, and antioxidants. It also contains vitamins (C, B1, B3) and minerals like calcium and phosphorus.
  2. How can ash gourd help with weight management?
    The low calorie, high fiber, and high water content of ash gourd may promote feelings of fullness and aid in weight loss. Its diuretic properties may also help reduce water retention.
  3. What are the potential benefits of ash gourd for digestive health?
    Ash gourd’s high fiber content can support digestive regularity and help prevent constipation. It also has anti-inflammatory properties that may soothe the digestive tract and alleviate indigestion.
  4. Can ash gourd help regulate blood sugar levels?
    Some studies suggest that ash gourd may have hypoglycemic effects, potentially helping to regulate blood sugar levels. However, more research is needed, especially in humans.
  5. How might ash gourd benefit cardiovascular health?
    The high fiber content in ash gourd may help lower cholesterol levels, potentially reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
  6. What are the potential benefits of ash gourd for kidney health?
    Ash gourd’s diuretic properties may help maintain urinary health by promoting regular urination. It may also aid in treating urinary tract infections and removing kidney stones.
  7. How can ash gourd contribute to immune system function?
    Ash gourd is rich in vitamin C and flavonoids, which can boost immune system function. It also contains zinc, another important element for immunity.
  8. What are the potential anti-inflammatory effects of ash gourd?
    Test-tube and animal studies have shown that ash gourd extracts may reduce inflammation, which is believed to be the root cause of many chronic diseases.
  9. Can ash gourd help in managing type 2 diabetes?
    Some research suggests that ash gourd may help reduce blood sugar, triglyceride, and insulin levels. However, human studies have reported conflicting results, and more research is needed.
  10. Are there any potential benefits of ash gourd for eye health?
    Antioxidants in ash gourd may help reduce retinal oxidative stress. Its vitamin C content may also be beneficial for eye health, particularly as people age.



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