The saffron crocus is indigenous to the Mediterranean as well as Western Asia. It has always been the most costly spice on the planet by weight, 10 times more expensive compared to vanilla. The main reason saffron has a significant cost is the fact its production is incredibly labor demanding. It will take 80,000 crocus flowers to create just 500 grams of saffron right after toasting. Despite its cost, lots of herbalists as well as natural health lovers think about saffron’s health advantages to be worth their weight in gold.
In historical cultures, saffron was utilized to ease stomach aches as well as kidney stones as well as an agent in enhancing the blood circulation. Saffron’s healing effects were also acknowledged in the US long ago plus some grandmas still combine a few sprigs of saffron in hot milk for his or her grandkids to consume. Today, saffron is utilized for the wide array of health problems and many of its advantages have already been confirmed by scientific tests.
Saffron includes a number of carotenoids that are considered to be mostly liable for numerous saffron’s health advantages, which includes curbing skin cancers, enhancing arthritis and also enhancing eye and vision health. In the latest trial, each and every person who took saffron had vision enhancements and researchers said the aromatic herb “may hold the key to preventing the loss of sight in the elderly”. Particularly, saffron have been noted to greatly assist enhance eyesight within the instance of cataracts.
Saffron also includes the compound “crocin”, that researchers believe to be the main compound liable for current study results that discovered saffron encourages learning, memory retention, and recall capacity. Depending on the early research results, scientists think that saffron may be beneficial in the treatment as well as management of age-related mental impairment.
Among the multiple health advantages of saffron are the management of asthma, monthly discomfort, depressive disorders, atherosclerosis, whooping cough, and lots of other health issues. Several research has also revealed that saffron might also have got anti-cancer components too.
The active constituents in saffron can also known to create positive effects on individuals with neurodegenerative disorders. Additionally, massaging the gums along with saffron works well for reduce soreness as well as inflammation of the mouth and also the tongue.
Health benefits of Saffron
Saffron is mainly noted for its inclusion in food products. However it has extremely considerable nutrition as well as chemical substances that are valuable in offering therapeutic benefits. Let’s explore a number of the saffron uses below:
1. Appetite Suppressant
Although this might not be a health benefit, it’s a benefit. Weight problems are a crisis in the United States. Individuals shovel in diet pills as well as chemical appetite suppressants, when it has been discovered that Saffron is surely an incredible Appetite suppressant that works well!
2. Anti-Depressant Properties
It really is relatively well-known as well as recognized that saffron is actually a effective anti-depressant and also mood booster. Research has compared the mood enhancing effects of saffron to those of Prozac, however saffron doesn’t have negative effects. A small dose of 30 mg of saffron starts to enhance mood in stressed out individuals in a hour, and also the effects may last up to 12 hours. This small dose is equivalent to about 10 strands of the dried stigma. In less severe cases, just sensing the fragrance of fresh saffron could be enough to enhance the mood.
3. Supports Eyesight
A survey carried out by Professor Silvia Bisti at ARC Centre of Excellence in Vision Science and University of L’Aquila in Italy, discovered that saffron might slow or even avoid age-related vision loss and also deal with macular degeneration. Saffron is definitely an anti-oxidant, however it appears to have extra qualities which specifically affect vision. The researchers discovered that saffron may possibly modify genes accountable for the fatty acid content vision cell membranes, that influences the strength and durability of eye tissue.
4. Improves Memory
Saffron consists of compounds known as crocetin and crocin that could enhance memory and also intellectual processing, These types of qualities might be helpful for dealing with degenerative brain disorders, like Alzheimer’s disease, in accordance with a study published within the “Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics” in 2010. Memory and cognitive decline are typical problems within the elderly population, and saffron is really a comparatively mild treatment which may be efficient.
5.Treats Cancer
Saffron may possibly combat cancerous tumor growth in accordance with website The action of the herb just isn’t known, however, saffron prevents tumors from spreading whilst leaving the healthy cells unaffected. Saffron can also be efficient utilized concurrently with some conventional cancer treatments, whilst leaving the medication’s effects unadulterated.
6. Improved Mental Functioning
The compound crocin, that is present in saffron, is considered to be mostly liable for why the spice enhances mental functioning. Particularly, saffron enhances memory, learning, and ability to recall information. Several think that saffron might be utilized to deal with and reduce the decreased mental functioning lots of people experience because of aging.
7. Saffron During Pregnancy
While pregnant, women are usually recommended to consume saffron milk since it boosts pelvic blood flow. Furthermore, saffron has carminative properties- which means that it will help to suppress cramping. Gas and bloating while pregnant are typical issues and a glass of saffron milk may help relieve digestion and minimize flatulence. Pregnant women also experience moodiness, anxiousness, and also depressive disorders. Saffron energizes the manufacture of serotonin within the body and thus a glass of warm saffron milk is ideal for gloomy days. Bigger doses of saffron may have a unfavorable impact on pregnant women as it may offer an abortive effect ; therefore, it is essential for pregnant women to discuss their saffron dosage with their DNM (doctor of natural medicine) in addition to with their obstetrician.
8. Asthma
Saffron is an efficient cure for asthma in addition to conditions of the kidney and liver. Asthma primarily takes place because of swelling of lung tissue and also the narrow airways. Saffron works well for clearing the airways since it decreases the inflammation. This particular allows for simple breathing that can help decrease the seriousness of an asthmatic attack.
9. Arteriosclerosis
Arteriosclerosis is an extremely dangerous symptom in which the arteries start to harden. Whenever your arteries harden they’ve trouble transporting the quantity of oxygen required to various areas of the body. Since this condition is difficult to detect in early stages, it is essential to take safety measures in early stages.
This is where utilizing saffron as an herbal supplement might help. An herbal saffron supplement can easily reduce the chances of getting arteriosclerosis. The saffron behaves as a stimulant as well as an antioxidant to increase the circulation through the entire body.
10. Menstrual Relief
For ladies who’ve unusual periods, they are able to take saffron to assist manage their menstruation. An herbal saffron supplement might help induce menstruation in addition to help relieve pain which is related to periods. Together with period relief, saffron may also help to lessen long-term uterus bleeding.
11. Gas and acidity
Saffron is beneficial for offering rest from gas and also acidity associated difficulties.
12. Athritis
It will help in reducing swelling of arthritis. Saffron offers rest from joint pains. It is extremely ideal for athletes since it helps reduce exhaustion and also muscle inflammation simply by enhancing the tissues to get rid of lactic acid which gets built up right after intense exercise.
13. Insomnia
It is stated that saffron can also be a moderate sedative that you can use for insomnia and also deal with depression. Taking a pinch of saffron along with milk before going to sleep works well for sleep problems just like insomnia.
14. Fever
Saffron also includes the compound “crocin”, that scientists think that works well for reducing fever. Crocin present in saffron also encourages learning, memory retention, as well as recall capacity.
15. Digestion
Saffron is effective within the enhancement of digestion and appetite, since it works well for enhancing circulation to the organs of digestion. It coats the membranes of stomach and colon that really help in calming gastrointestinal colic as well as acidity. Kidney and liver problem: This particular spices discovered to be incredibly therapeutic for the management of kidney, bladder and liver disorders. Saffron is recognized as a blood purifier.
16. Protects Heart
Antioxidants in saffron assist in lowering cholesterol as well as triglyceride within the body. The cholesterol as well as lipoproteins leads to the buildup of fats within the arteries, which in turn causes circulatory problems. Crocetin in saffron works well for decreasing this lipoprotein in the blood stream. In addition, it helps with pumping of oxygen that considerably helps make the circulatory system effective and eliminates plaque through the arteries and helps make the heart healthy.
17. Weight loss
Saffron is effective in the weight loss diet since it has the capacity to suppress the appetite and lower cravings for fattening foods. Saffron increases quantity of a hormone serotonin within the brain, which will help avoid us from overeating.
A small study published within the journal Nutrition Studies have shown promise in saffrons capability to manage compulsive eating. The research demonstrated that people who added saffron in their diet has a decrease in snacking.
19. Saffron for Aches and Pains
In some parts of the world, saffron is used to babies’ gums when they’re teething to reduce the pain. This can be a very natural and organic treatment for baby tooth pain however it is still preferable to talk with the paediatrician prior to trying it out.Generally though, saffron actively works to decrease pain since we have formerly noticed with PMS. So whether its arthritis, a stomach ache, rheumatism or muscle pain, take some saffron and see the difference.
Rubbing saffron over the bruise is believed to assist it heal and vanish faster.
20. Blood cell production
Iron is extremely important for the formation of blood cells and also saffron consists of iron in big amounts. Hemoglobin within the blood is primarily made up of iron. Individuals who are lacking hemoglobin have to take medications that contains iron. Therefore, using saffron frequently safeguards you from getting anemic.
21. Cell formation and repair
Saffron has the mineral Potassium, that is perfect for the development and repair of the cells within your body. In this way you remain healthy and powerful.
22. Relieves from Inflammation of Mouth and Tongue
Saffron is known to have several active components that effects favorably on the patients that are suffering from neuro degenerative ailments. It is useful in soreness or even burning of mouth when it is rubbed onto gums. Instant relief have been reported.
24. Maintains Bad Cholesterol
Medical research has revealed that this golden herb may also be used to promote oxygen diffusivity in plasma. Additionally it is instrumental in enhancing pulmonary oxygenation. High cholesterol levels and triglycerides could be kept in check with usage of saffron when it is ingested like a dietary intake.
25. Combats Weakness and Promotes Strength
Saffron is fairly therapeutic for athletes since it decreases tiredness as well as muscle inflammation by enabling tissues to eliminate actic acid, that is gathered in joints post long pressured workout and energetic physical exercises. Its moderate sedative result can be utilized to provide adequate rest throughout fever and influenza and it’s also great for dealing with insomnia.
26. Helps Reducing Salt Consumption
Consuming overabundance salt just isn’t suggested but you often within your regular diet eat more salt than recommended, which might result in high blood pressure or perhaps heart disease. Reducing the total usage of salt can easily catapult your overall health. The astringent taste and also fragrance of saffron may add flavor to the dishes by reduction of some of the salt you frequently add. It’s been proved that utilizing aromatic spices and herbs, just like saffron, is among the fantastic way to continue enjoying your preferred dishes without consuming excess of salt.
27. Fights Respiratory Illness
A number of herbs are utilized to treat and stop some of the diseases and illnesses. Saffron is such herb which will help deal with respiratory conditions by working as a decongestant, which help in loosening mucus congestion perfectly found on the chest which leads to respiratory illness. Additionally, it works just as one expectorant, which lets you expel the mucus, the leading reason for respiratory problems.
History of Saffron
Saffron have been grown for longer than 3,000 years, initially in Kashmir. No ethno-botanical researchers have prevailed in raising the veil of mystery that hangs over the origins of saffron. Was saffron the very first genetically modified plant, very first cultured forty centuries prior to the biotechnological age?
Every wild or even grown plant, even if it’s circumnavigated the globe ten times, has an origin – a cradle. Numerous works seem to state that saffron’s birthplace was Asia: to be precise, somewhere within the immensity of the Himalayas – probably Kashmir.Within the centuries, the passion and also the greed of men, be they navigators, explorers, traders or traffickers, conquering warriors or simple botanists, has got incontestably led to the migration and also growth and development of this spice in the West, notably Southern Europe.
Whatever it is, probably the most valuable food in the world has fuelled the craziest passions for longer than four thousand years – just as the vineyard and wine.Nearer to our own time, the Arabs brought saffron to North Africa, and also to the Moorish state of Spain within the 9th century. In France it absolutely was the crusaders who, throughout their travels, introduced crocus bulbs crocus bulbs (Crocus Sativus) back from Greece and Italy. It was initially grown within the Albi region, then spread to Quercy, Angouleme, Poitou and Touraine, right up until reaching Gâtinais in the 19th century. The culture of saffron reached its peak in the 16th century, before beginning to decline at the conclusion of the 18th century. By the 19th century, just Gâtinais saffron survived in France, but through a mixture of climatic and economic factors had virtually disappeared by the start of the 20th century. At the moment, vines and saffron were substituted with potatoes and beet.
Types of Saffron
1. Sargol Saffron (All red filaments)
Actually convert as “top of the flower”. The same name for top quality saffron in Spanish name is coupe saffron. This sort of saffron is pure and has the stigma with no style.
The highest quality Iranian saffron is recognized as “Sargol” saffron. It really is comprised of the red-orange thistles tips of saffron threads that have been cut and separated from style just before drying. This allows it to retain its pure red color to result in a coloring index range of 220 to 260. Saffron stigmas cut this way offer optimum flavor, aroma as well as natural dye in cooking and baking. This is actually the part with all of the saffron culinary and medicinal properties. Our Sargol saffron is 100% pure saffron. This really is grade I saffron according to ISO standard.
2. Iranian Saffron
Iran is the single biggest producer of saffron, which is known as the Iranian or Persian Saffron. Iranian saffron is recognized for its beautiful, scrumptious fragrance and high coloring abilities. It has traditionally been cultivated within the northeastern region of Iran, referred to as Khorasan. This place has got ideal soil and climatic condition for the crocus crop.
Iranian Saffron can be purchased in different grades based upon the part of the flower and exactly how it is dried. While, the best grade saffron is classified as Sargol (All red), other grades consist of Pushal (Mancha) and Daste (Bunches). The sargol grade of saffron includes only bright red stigma, that have unique aroma, flavor as well as coloring characteristics.
3. Mancha Saffron
Mancha saffron just isn’t cut like Sargol and for that reason consists of more yellow parts from the style of the plant and higher floral waste.
Mancha saffron consists of saffron stigmas with 10-15% of the style and 5% flower waste. It’s got less power of coloring strength compare with our Sargol (cut) saffron.
Mancha saffron or even La Mancha saffron is a very common brand name for Spanish saffron grown in the five provinces of the La Mancha region of southeastern Spain. Based on ISO classification Manch saffron holds grade II in accordance to saffron coloring strength standards.
4. Poushal Safforn
This kind has obtained at the start of harvest ,a little longer compared to red parts of stigma which is generally in the form of triple filament.
The color of the end part becomes pale red and orange which is in the size of 3 to 5 mm after the existing joint among the 3 filaments.
“Pushal” means massive because of its volume resulted from the time and method of harvesting. “Pushal” has got the same power of coloring and aroma as “ All red filaments” type and it generally use for dream and luxury packings.
5. Bunched Saffron (Dasteh Saffron)
The all red and white parts of the stigma bunched and formed by the piece of thread is “bunch” type. Several customers upon their usages would rather buy this type.
6. White Saffron
This kind includes the white and pale parts of the stigma, having higher aroma yet low color strength with a length of 5 to 15 mm, is utilized just as one fragrant substance for foods and ….
7. Konch Saffron
This kind is longer than white saffron type however it is more defined. It includes the lower as well as white parts of stigma along with a part of style, 3 to 5 mm, formed by the piece of thread with a total lenght of 2 to 4 cm.
8.Kashmiri Saffron
Kashmiri saffron originates from India and is also regarded as the most effective saffron in the world. Most of it really is ingested in India and extremely minimal is exported to the rest of the world. Kashmiri saffron is additionally the strongest-flavored variety of saffron.
9.Persian Saffron
Persian saffron originates from Iran. It features a bright color as well as distinctive taste, which makes it a well known variety. Iranian saffron is tough to find within the U.S. because of the present economic sanctions — as of 2010 — in place against Iran.
10.Moroccan Saffron
Moroccan saffron is produced on the more compact scale compared to the saffron grown in other countries. This will make it hard to purchase within the U.S. Moroccan saffron is of high quality with a powerful aroma.
11.Spanish Saffron
Spanish saffron is regarded as the common type of saffron, and also the simplest to find. Spanish saffron is usually red and yellow and is also more affordable than other types of saffron. It features a powerful color as well as aroma and is also utilized in a variety of foods.
12. Negin sargol saffron
This sort of saffron is pure and has stigma without style just like common red saffron . However the remarkable features of this kind is longer and thicker threads (with less broken ) compared to the common saffron as well as the Coloring power that is extremely high (220,240USP or more). in accordance with ISO standard for Saffron ( international standard organization ) this kind is classed in to ISO category I . This kind of saffron regarded as one of the high quality saffron in the world .
13. Dasteh Saffron (Bunched Saffron)
This sort generally has the whole natural threads of saffron (red and yellow parts) that is bunched and tied with a string. The Coloring strength of Dasteh is normally about 140-160 USP And classified in to ISO category II or III.
Saffron: Skin Benefits
Aside from imparting its exotic flavor and aroma to many recipes, saffron possesses beauty benefits as well. It’s got natural skin lightening qualities. Saffron could be very theraputic for your skin within the following ways:
1. Saffron for radiant Skin
To get glowing and smooth skin, prepare the following face pack
- Mix 1 teaspoon of sandalwood powder, 2 to 3 strands of saffron and 2 spoons of milk.
- Wash the face and wipe with a cloth before you apply this particular face mask
- Apply it while the face is still wet.
- Massage the skin completely in the circular motion.
- Allow it to dry for 20 minutes and rinse off.
- This mask ought to be utilized once per week for optimum results.
2. Saffron for Fairer Skin
To get naturally fair skin
- Soak a few strands of saffron in milk for 2 hours.
- Smear this milk in your face and neck.
- Wash off after few minutes.
- Using this particular frequently can make the skin naturally fair.
Here’s another mix that you could prepare to get naturally fair skin
- Soak sunflower seeds (chironji) and saffron in milk and keep them overnight.
- Grind this mix in the morning
- Apply it in your face to get fair and glowing skin.
- Adding a couple of strands of saffron in your glass of milk may also provide you with a glowing complexion. Expectant mothers are frequently provided milk and saffron so that the fetus within the womb receives a fair and glowing complexion. There is, however, no medical theory behind this.
3. Treatment of Acne and Blemishes
The anti-fungal content of saffron can make it efficient for the treatment of acne, blemishes as well as blackheads.
- Mix 5-6 basil leaves with 10-12 strands of saffron to make a fine paste.
- Apply this in your face
- Wash off with cold water after 10 to 15 minutes.
- This will assist you to eliminate acne and pimples.
Basil leaves can easily clean the bacteria that create acne and pimples. Apply saffron soaked milk in your face twice daily to aid in clearing blemishes.
4. Treatment of Dull Skin
- Add 2-3 strands of saffron to one teaspoon of water and keep overnight.
- By next morning the color of the water will turn yellow.
- Add one teaspoon milk, 2-3 drops of olive or coconut oil along with a pinch of sugar to the saffron water.
- Dipping a piece of bread within this mixture, put it on in your face.
- Allow it to dry for 15 minutes and wash off.
- This mask will certainly freshen up dull skin in addition to assist in removing dark circles underneath the eyes.
- It additionally exfoliates the skin by assisting blood circulation, therefore making the skin smooth and glowing.
5. Saffron for Luminous Complexion
- Add a few strands of saffron to honey.
- Massage the face with this face pack.
- This will encourage blood circulation by giving oxygen to your skin.
- Using this particular face pack frequently will provide you with a glowing complexion.
6. Saffron as a Toner
Saffron might help in toning up the skin. All that you should do is soak saffron strands in rose water and use it on the skin after scrubbing.
7. Improves Face Texture
- Boil ½ cup of water for 10 minutes
- Add 4 to 5 strands of saffron and 4 tablespoons of milk powder to the water.
- Apply it in your face for 10 to 15 minutes and after that wash along with cold water.
- This face pack will assist you to enhance the texture of the facial skin.
8. Treatment of Dry Skin
In case you have dull and dry skin, you are able to make a mask along with lemon and saffron. Lemon cleans the skin from deep within just while saffron offers luminosity to it. All you have to do is:
- Mix a few drops of lemon juice with a spoonful of saffron powder.
- If you’ve very dry skin, you can include a few drops of milk.
- Make it in a smooth dough and spread in your face.
- Leave for 20 minutes and wash off with lukewarm water.
9. Saffron in Bath Water
Saffron strands could be spread within your warm bath water. Allow it to soak in the water for 20 minutes. Make use of this water for the bath. This can lighten up your complexion naturally.
Other Beauty benefits of saffron
- Take 1 teaspoon of sandalwood power, 2-3 strands of saffron, and 2 spoons of milk. Mix all ingredients together. Just before using this face mask, clean your face and wipe with a cloth. Use this particular mask once the face is still wet. You are able to massage the skin completely with this particular pampering face pack in the circular motion. Allow it to dry for 20 minutes and after that rinse it off. Use this sandal-saffron mask at least one time a week for the glowing and clean skin.
- Saffron is filled along with anti-bacterial qualities, which will make it well suited for treating acne. Saffron’s exfoliating qualities turn it into a wonderful assist in clearing as well as brightening up the complexion.
- Soak up few stands of saffron in milk for 2 hours. Then smear this milk in your face and neck. Wash off after few minutes. On continuous utilize, you skin will begin getting fairer naturally.
- Saffron is a wonderful skin lightening agent that can help to lighten the skin tone dramatically. You may make a skin lightening face mask with 2-3 strands of saffron, 1 pinch of sugar , 1 teaspoon of milk, 1 teaspoon of water and 2-3 drops of coconut oil or even olive oil. Keep 2-3 strands of saffron in one teaspoon of water overnight. By morning, colour of water will turn yellow. Then add milk,sugar and coconut oil/olive oil to this. Dip a piece of bread within this mixture and wipe the face with this piece of bread. Small pieces of bread can stick to your face however it will come off easily whenever you wash the face. Keep this mix in your face for 15 minutes. This particular saffron mask freshens up the dull complexion instantly. It will help to help ease off dark circles and fatigue lines. The immediate advantages of applying this nourishing saffron mask is that it works well for blood circulation resulting in a shining skin.
- Soak up chirongi (Sunflower seeds) and saffron in milk overnight. Grind this mix each morning to use on the skin. This particular face mask is extremely therapeutic for causing you skin fair and glowing.
- Massage the face along with malai(milk cream) together with two strands of saffron included with it. On continuous use ,you will observe fairer and radiant skin throughout.
- In case you mix few strands of saffron along with milk and drink it frequently, your complexion will enhance naturally.
- You are able to blend few strands of saffron along with olive oil, almond oil or coconut oil to massage the skin. Massaging the face with any of these oils provides lighter as well as much softer skin.
- You are able to combine one pinch of saffron along with liquorice and milk. Use this combination in your bald patches; this particular mask helps you to arrest hair fall and also encourages the development of new hair.
- Apply honey along with few strands of saffron included with it. Massage the face along with enchanting face mask which behaves as a home facial. It is extremely effective home cure that gives oxygen to the skin stimulating blood circulation. Make use of this facial mask for getting lustrous complexion.
Medicinal Benefits of Saffron
- Both saffron stigma and petals have been demonstrated to be ideal for depression.
- Saffron was discovered to be effective in reducing the signs of PMS.
- Saffron, crocins as well as crocetin prevent breast cancer cell proliferation.
- It is utilized for the development of digestion and appetite.
- It really is utilized for dealing with cough.
- It is discovered to be incredibly therapeutic for offering rest from gas and acidity related problems.
- Helps with treating Insomnia (a pinch of saffron taken with warm milk within the nite helps curing insomnia).
- It is utilized to treat spitting up of blood.
- It is a extremely popular answer to many skin problems, just like dry skin, enhancing and lightening the skin tone etc.
- It is used by the management of kidney, bladder and liver disorders. It will help in enhancing circulation on the organs of digestion.
- It will help for treating numerous problems just like asthma, atherosclerosis, painful menstrual periods as well as depression.
- Saffron is recognized as a blood purifier as well as anti-inflammatory qualities.
- It will help in reducing inflammation of arthritis also along with offering relief from joint aches.
- Rubbing the gums along with saffron helps with decreasing soreness as well as inflammation of the mouth and also the tongue.
- It is suggest to utilize of saffron during pregnancy since the herb contain the property of raising the body temperature.
- Provides rest from lower back pain.
- It is really an antioxidant and it has anti-cancerous qualities.
- Numerous people also realize its a powerful aphrodisiac – which most likely explains the kesar milk which is a part of the wedding night ritual.
- Saffron is usually thought to have anti-tumor qualities.
- Saffron being a blood purifier helps with boosting the oxygen content of the blood therefore helping within the overall health and well being of the person.
- Saffron could have a protecting effect on the heart.
- A 2011 double blind, human trial found usage of 100 mg of saffron every day has got temporary immunomodulatory activities
- Expectant mothers drink a solution of saffron and milk within the belief that the beauty and complexion of the baby would substantially improve.
Ayurvedic Health benefits of Saffron
- Menstrual Disorders: Take Saffron with a glass of milk.
- Skin Diseases: Make a paste of saffron by adding milk in it. Apply on the affected areas.
- Fever: Add half tsp of Saffron in a cup of boiled water. Drink 1 tsp of it after a gap of an hour.
- Dull Skin: Dip 2 strands of Saffron in 20 ml Milk. Leave it overnight. Apply it using Cotton bud on your Face and Neck.
- Insomnia: Add 2 threads of Saffron in a cup of warm Milk. Drink it during bedtime.
- For Eyes: Boil 3-4 threads of Saffron in a cup of water. Use it as an Eye Wash when bearable hot.
- Spermatorrhoea: Add 2 to 3 strands Saffron in a cup of boiling milk. Drink it daily.
- Dark Lips: Add 3 to 4 strands of Saffron with little butter. Mix it well. Massage your lips with this mixture once or twice a day. This will definitely improve our lips color and make it soft.
- Erectile Dysfunctions: Mix half teaspoon of Saffron in one glass of warm milk. Have it daily.
- Aphrodisiac: Boil 3-4 threads of Saffron in one glass of Milk. Drink it lukewarm.
- Excessive Masturbation: Add 2-3 strands of Saffron to a glass of warm milk. Drink it every night before going to sleep. Continue until you see the results.
- Swelling: Take 4 cups of broken Agar wood chips. Soak in 2 liter water over night. Next day boil it till the water is reduced to half liter. Now grind the chips separately and again boil with the decoction for 10 Minutes. Filter. Heat with half liter each of Coconut Oil and Cow’s Milk. Add One cup each of Wild Turmeric, Rinds of Terminalia Bellirica and 2 cups each of Cassia Articulate and Southern wood flower. Add a pinch of Saffron. Boil for 10 Minutes. Cool, strain and store. Massage the scalp with this oil twice a week.
- Baldness: Dip 5 cups of broken Agar wood chips in 2 liter water overnight. – Boil until the water reduces to one fourth. Add half liter of Coconut Oil and Cow’s Milk, one cup each of Wild Turmeric, Rinds of Terminalia Bellirica and 2 cups each of Cassia Articulate and Southernwood flower. Boil for 10 minutes. Strain. Apply on the scalp twice a week.
- Debility: Take a glass of Milk. Add 4 Dates, a pinch of Saffron, Cardamom Powder and One tablespoon Honey. Mix and drink daily before retiring.
- Acne: Take equal quantity of Saffron, Turmeric, Neem, Red Sandalwood, Basil and Fuller’s Earth. Mix them in Butter Milk or Milk. Apply on the affected part twice a day.
- Libido loss Male: Take 5 tablespoons of Withania Somnifera, 5 tablespoons of Asparagus Racemosus, 1.5 tablespoons of Dodder, 2 pinches of Saffron, 1 tablespoon of Anacyclus Pyrethrum, 1 tablespoon of Nutmeg and 1/2 tablespoon of Marsh Orchid. Grind all ingredients together. Have half teaspoon with milk daily.
- Libido Loss Male: Take 2 tablespoons of Shilajit, 2 tablespoons of Indian Spider Plant, 1/4 teaspoon of Saffron and 2 tablespoons of Asparagus. Powder them together. Take 1/4 teaspoon twice a day with milk for 2 months. (Note: You may continue this medicine after a gap of 3 months, if problem persists.)
- Impotence: Take 50 grams Asphaltum, 50 grams Indian Spider Plant, 50 grams Asparagus Racemosus and 4 to 5 grams Saffron. Grind them together. Take half teaspoon with milk once a day for 2 months. (Note: You may continue this medicine after a break of 2 or 3 months, if needed.)
- Oligospermia: Mix 5 tablespoons Asphaltum (powdered), 5 tablespoons Indian Spider Plant (powdered), 5 tablespoons Asparagus Racemosus (powdered) and 5 pinches Saffron. Take half teaspoon with milk twice a day for 3 months. (Note: If problem persists, you may continue after 3 months.)
- Body Odor: Take equal quantity of Agar wood, Vetiver, Saffron, Benzoin, Camphor, Symplocos Racemosa and Nut Grass. Grind them together. Rub for 20 minutes over body daily.
- Hoarseness: Take 1 tbsp Asafoetida powder, 1 tbsp brown mustard seeds, 1 tbsp saffron, 1 tbsp black pepper. Put all ingredients in a bottle. Add one tbsp of honey. Have half tsp mixture and suck it. Do it twice or thrice a day.
- Weakness: Powder 2 tablespoon Ashwagandha, 5 to 8 strands Saffron, 1 tablespoon Asparagus Racemosus, 1 tablespoon Nutmeg, 1 tablespoon Golden Bamboo and 1 tablespoon Indian Kudzu. Also add the extract of 1 tablespoon Indian Spider Plant and 1 tablespoon Shilajit. Store in a glass jar. Leave it for a week. After a week, take 2 pinches with a glass of lukewarm milk on alternate nights before going to bed.
- Baldness: Mix 1/4 teaspoon of Saffron and 2 tablespoon Liquorice powder in 4-5 tablespoons of Milk. Apply it on the bald patches at night and wash off next morning.
- Hair fall: Add a quarter to 1 teaspoon Saffron into one cup of milk with Licorice root powder. Mix it well. Apply directly to bald patches at bedtime and leave it overnight. Wash your hair next morning. Repeat this procedure thrice a week.
- Erectile Dysfunction: Take 1 teaspoon each of Saffron, Cardamom, Dry Coconut Gratings, Raisins and Powdered Rock Sugar. Mix and wrap all the herbs in a Betel leaf. Chew it after meals.
- Wrinkles: Take one teaspoon each of Sandalwood powder, Raw Milk, Saffron. Mix them well. Apply over the wrinkles and leave it for 15 minutes. Wash with fresh water.
- Rhinitis: Mixture of 65 mg of saffron and betel leaf is beneficial for rhinitis.
- Abdominal Diseases: Decoction prepared from 10-15 ml when consumed frequently is beneficial for all types of abdominal diseases.
- Cholera: 5 ml lemon juice along with saffron is beneficial for Cholera.
- Retention of Urine: Few saffron are put in water for overnight. Next day it is mashed and is consumed. It is beneficial for retention of urine or any kinds of urinary problems.
- Menstrual Problems: Saffron and Akarkara is powdered and 125 mg capsule is made. These capsules are beneficial for solving menstrual problems.
- Joint Pains: Leaf paste prepared from saffron when applied over joints is beneficial for overcoming joint pains.
- Ulcer: Saffron leaf paste prepared when applied is beneficial for healing ulcers.
- Hemorrhagic Diseases: Saffron when consumed with goat’s milk is considered beneficial for Hemorrhagic diseases.
- Cold in Kids: Paste prepared from saffron and hot milk when applied over the chest is beneficial for cold in kids.
Saffron buying tips
- Saffron is sold both in powdered form as well as whole threads (whole stigmas). It is advisable to purchase whole threads since they maintain their flavor and therefore are more efficient compared to the ground types.
- Powered saffron will lose its color as well as flavor quickly. Therefore, go for whole red threads of saffron for the best and assured quality.
- It is usually suggested to buy saffron from the dependable shop to guarantee the quality of saffron, particularly in case of powdered saffron since it is likely to be adulterated with turmeric, fillers, imitations, or any other additives.
- Pick up sealed packets of saffron which has the date of packaging and date of expiry printed on them.
- Since very little is needed, ground saffron can be found in packets of 1/16 of a teaspoon whilst threads are found in ¼ gram or ½ of a teaspoon.
- Check the freshness of saffron by watching its color. It must be bright orange-yellow hued and every thread should measure 2 to 4 cm in length. Any grey color streaks or even light spots on the stigmas needs to be eliminated.
Saffron Storage Tips
- Saffron needs to be covered with foil and also saved in an air-tight container in the cool, dark place far from light since direct light rays can oxidize the pigments contained in saffron and minimize its taste.
- With proper storage as well as handling tips, saffron could be kept for approximately 6 months.
- Although saffron may last up to minimum three years and doesn’t spoil, it has a tendency to lose its flavor as it ages.
Culinary uses of Saffron
Only a pinch of fresh saffron is sufficient to boost the flavor and color the whole recipe. There are many techniques to utilize it in your kitchen. Whole stigma could be added straight to the preparations, or oftentimes, the threads are ground to paste utilizing traditional mortar and pestle, and added to the recipes. Within the third method, a pinch of saffron is added to a cup of hot water, steep; add this particular water to the recipes.Here are a few serving tips:
Saffron stigmas have already been utilized as flavoring base and coloring base both in food and drinks in Mediterranean, and Asian cuisines.Typically referred to as “kesar” in Indian subcontinent, it’s been utilized within the preparation rice-pulov, in addition to rice-pudding, “halwa” along with other sweet dishes in lots of Indian, Pakistani, as well as Cental Asian countries. Additionally it is utilized as a color and also flavoring base within the preparation of kulfi, ice-creams, cakes and drinks.
When determining just how much saffron to utilize in cooking, keep in mind that the saffron flavor will probably be stronger the second day. Generally speaking, only use a pinch in soups and stews that provide 4 to 6 people.
Saffron is particularly good whenever utilized in cooking seafood dishes like bouillabaisse and paella. Additionally it is utilized in risotto and other rice dishes. Try including some in your next beef stew or tomato-based sauce.To create a amazing marinade for fish, add saffron threads, garlic, and thyme to vinegar. Saffron is additionally utilized in bread and cake cooking. Use your imagination and be innovative when utilizing saffron within your cooking.
In case your recipe consists of liquid (water, broth, or wine), make use of a little of it and pour within the saffron.
Do do use wooden utensils whenever combining saffron. Wood utensils have a tendency to absorb saffron easily. Since saffron is costly, you won’t want to waste it.
Saffron Side Effects
There are some saffron negative effects just like an decrease or increase in appetite, drowsiness, nausea and vomiting. These aren’t very annoying negative effects of saffron yet few other vary together with the seriousness of the problem which may be anxiety, elated mood, rapid speaking, hyper-sexuality. Skin allergy, rashes, hives, difficulty in breathing may also be several saffron side effects. In case you have ingested a poisonous saffron then it might cause jaundice in which yellowing of white of eye and skin occurs. Also this could lead to serious or continuous vomiting, diarrhea along with blood, excessive nose bleeding, severe dizziness.
Saffron side effects change from individual to individual and it’s also also true that you may not face any side effect at all. Also the side effects mentioned might be due to some other thing. You have to seek advice from doctor for any above mentioned sign.
Saffron Quick Facts | |
Name: | Saffron |
Scientific Name: | Crocus sativus |
Origin | Native to Asia Minor. It is now cultivated from the western Mediterranean (Spain) to India (Kashmir). |
Calories | 7 Kcal./cup |
Major nutrients | Manganese (25.96%) Iron (2.88%) Vitamin C (1.89%) Vitamin B6 (1.62%) Magnesium (1.43%) |
Health benefits | Appetite suppressant, Anti-depressant properties, Supports eyesight, Improves memory, Treat cancer |
Name | Saffron |
Scientific Name | Crocus sativus |
Native | Native to Asia Minor. It is now cultivated from the western Mediterranean (Spain) to India (Kashmir). |
Common/English Name | Saffron crocus, Asian Saffron, Greek Saffron, Bulgarian Saffron, Indian Saffron, Persian Saffron, Saffron, Italian Saffron, Saffron Cress, True Saffron, Species Crocus, Autumn Crocus |
Name in Other Languages | Arabic: za’farân (zaʿafarān) زعفران , زَعْفَرَان , krûkû, kurkum (كركم ); Armenian: k’yrk’um (քըրքում), քրքում (k’rk’um), kerkoom; Assamese: jafaran (জাফৰাণ), jafaran (জাফৰান), কুঙ্কুম, kunkum (kungkum) কুংকুম; Bengali: jafaran (জফরাণ), jafaran (জফরান), keshar; Bulgarian: shafran (шафран); Catalan: safrà; Chinese: fan hong hua (番 红 花), xi hong hua (西红花), zang hong hua (藏 红花); Croatian: vrtni šafran; Czech: šafrán; Danish: saffron; Dutch: saffraan, saffraankrokus; English: saffron, saffron crocus, rouge; Estonian: krookus, safrankrookus; Finnish: sahrami; French: safran, safran cultivé; German: safran, echter safran, safran-krokus, saffran, echter saffron; Greek: κρόκος krokos (krókos krokos), safrani (σαφράνι), zaforá ζαφορά (ζαφορά); Gujarati: keshar (કેસર); Hebrew: za’afran (זְעַפרָן), karkum (karkōm) כרכום; Hindi: zaafraan (ज़ाफ़रान), kesar (केसर); Hungarian: füszersáfrány; Italian: zafferano, croco fiorito, zafferano vero, croco senza fiori, grogo domestic, fior cuculo; Japanese: safuran (サフラン), safuran (さふらん), 蕃紅花; Kannada: kesari (ಕೇಸರಿ), kunkuma kesari (ಕುಂಕುಮ ಕೇಸರಿ); Khmer: romiet; Korean: sapuran (사프란), syapuran (샤프란); Lithuanian: šafranas; Malay: kuma-kuma, sapran, kunyit kering; Malayalam: kashmeeran (കാശ്മീരം), kēsara, kuṅkumapū (കുങ്കുമപൂ), kuṅkumappūvu (കുങ്കുമപൂവ്), kuṅkumamaraṁ; Nepalese: kaashmirii keshara (kashmiri keshar), keshara (keshar), kung kum (कुंगकुम); Norwegian: safran; Oriya: kesara (କେସର), kunkuma phul (କୁଙ୍କୁମ ଫୁଲ); Persian: zaafaran (zarparan) زرپران, za’afaran (زعفران); Polish: krokus uprawny, szafran uprawny, szafran; Portuguese: açafrão; Punjabi: keshar (ਕੇਸ਼ਰ), kesar (ਕੇਸਰ); Romanian: safran; Russian: shafran (шафран), shafran posevnoj (шафран посевной), shafrana posevnogo (шафрана посевного); Sanskrit: kashmiirajan, kuṅkuma (कुङ्कुम), nagakeshara; Serbian: šafran (шафран); Sinhalese: kūṁkūma (කුංකුම), kūṁkūmappū (කුංකුමප්පු ); Slovakian: šafrán siaty, šafrán; Slovenian: žafran; Spanish: azafrán; Swahili: zafarani; Swedish: saffron; Tagalog: kashubha; Thai: ya faran (หญ้าฝรั่น); Turkish: çiğdem, safran çiğdemi, safran, zafran; Urdu: kisar (کیسر), zafran (زعفران ); Vietnamese: nghệ tây; Afrikaans: Saffraan; Albanian: Kaçe, Shafran; Amharic: Safron; Arabic: Jafrana, Krûkû, Quste Talkh, Kurkum, Zaafaran, Za’farân, Zahafaran; Aramaic: Kurkam, Zapran; Armenian: Kerkoom, Kerkum; Azeri: Zəfəran; Basque: Azafraia, Hupa, Azaparán; Belarusian: Shafran; Brazil: Açafrão Verdadeiro; Breton: Safron; Bulgarian: Shafran; Burmese: Koan°-ku-man°; Esperanto: Safrano; Gaelic: Crò, Cròch, Cròdh Galician: Azafrán Georgian: Zaprana, Zaphrana; Icelandic: Saffran; India:- Dhivehi: Kukum, Manipuri: Kesar, Kung-Kum, Keshar, Marathi: Kaesar, Kesara, Kesar, Sanskrit: Agneeshekhar, Agnishikha, Agnishekhara, Aruna, Asra, Asrika, Bahlikabc, Asrugvar, Balhika, Chandana, Bhavarakta, Charu, Dhira, Gaura, Dipaka, Ghasra, Ghusrna, Ghusriam, Ghusruna, Harichandana, Kaisara, Jaguda, Kaleyaka, Kashmara, Kanta, Kashmiraja, Kasmira, Kashmirajanma, Kasmiraja, Kashmiria, Kasmirajanma, Kesaram, Kesara, Kesaravara, Khala, Keshara, Ksataja, Kumkumam, Kumkuma, Kunkuma, Kusrunam, Kunkumam, Kusumatmaka, Mangal, Lohita, Mangalya, Pitaka,Pishuna, Pitana, Rakta, Raja, Raktachandana, Ruchira, Raktasanjna, Rudhira, Sankoca, Sankochapishuna, Sankocha, Saubhara, Shatha, Saurab, Shonit, Shonitavhaya, Shonita, Valhika, Varabalhika, Vara, Varenya, Vira, Tamil: kungumapu (குங்குமப்பூ ), Akkinicekaram, Avam,Avakam, Cankocapicunam, Catimaracam, Catikecam, Centurukkam, Cukkilapputta, Irattancapittam, Irattam, Kacimiram, Kasmiram, Kecaram, Kecaravaram, Kecarippu, Kecari, Khoongoomapoo, Kirucan, Kucumpam, Klungumapu, Kungumappoo,Kungu Mappoo, Kunkumam, Malam, Kunkumappu, Marali, Maralukam, Maravam, Mavacciram, Maravatam, Nalal, Mavananki, Nalalpu, Nalarpu, Naravucaram, Naravam, Piriyakam, Palapaliriti, Pumalekinam, Turukkam, Putpika, Turumam, Ulokitacantanam, Ulukalam, Vanita, Vallapetam, Vareniyam, Vanmikam, Vatankura Telugu: kunkumapave, kunkumapuvvu (కుంకుమపువ్వు ), Kunkuma-Puvva, Kunkumamu, Kunkumapave, Kunkumapuvve, Kunkumma- Purru, Tulu: Kesari; Indonesia: Kuma-Kuma, Sapran, Kunti Kering; Iran: Larkimasa, Za’farân, Zaafaran, Kurkum; Italian: Croco, Croco Senza Fiori, Croco Fiorito, Fior Cuculo, Grogo Domestic, Giallone, Zafferano, Zafferano Domestic, Zafferano Vero; Japanese: Bankōka, Bankoka, Safuran Kashmiri: Zafran, Kung; Kazakh: Jawqazın, Zapırangül, Zağıparan; Khmer: Romiet; Korean: Saphran, Syapuran, Sapuran; Laos: Ya faran, Yafan Latvian: Safrāns, Safrānaugs, Safrāna Krokuss; Macedonian: Safran; Malaysia: Kuma-Kuma, Sapran, Kunyit Kering; Maltese: Żagħfran, Żafran; Pashto : Zaffaron Philippines: Kashubha; Polish: Krokus Uprawny, Szafran Uprawny, Szafran; Portuguese: Açafl or, Açafrão; Provencal: Safran Slovašcina: Pravi Žafran, Žafran; Slovencina: Šafrán, Šafran Siaty; Tibetan: Gur-Gum, Kha Che, Gur-kum, Kha-chekye; Turkish: Safran, Zafran, Zağferan Ukrainian: Krokus, Shafran; Uzbek: Zafaron; Welsh: Saffrwm; Yiddish: Zafron, Zafren |
Plant Growth Habit | Perennial |
Plant Size | 20 to 30 cm tall |
Leaves | 15 to 20 cm × 2 to 3 mm |
Flowering Season | Late Summer/Early Fall |
Flower | Bisexual, 2.5 to 4 cm × 1 to 2 cm, deep lilac-purple |
Plant parts used | Flower pistils |
Major Nutritions | Manganese, Mn 0.597 mg (25.96%) Iron, Fe 0.23 mg (2.88%) Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid) 1.7 mg (1.89%) Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) 0.021 mg (1.62%) Magnesium, Mg 6 mg (1.43%) Carbohydrate 1.37 g (1.05%) Copper, Cu 0.007 mg (0.78%) Potassium, K 36 mg (0.77%) Phosphorus, P 5 mg (0.71%) Vitamin B9 (Folate) 2 µg (0.50%) |
Calories in 1 tbsp (2.1 gm) | 7 Kcal. |