Health Benefits

Rose Apple facts

Rose-apple-factsA Rose Apple is neither an apple nor a rose. It belongs to the same family of plums, apricots, peaches, cherries, raspberries, pears and almonds. It is a sensitive fruit which get bruises easily. It does better in wet, warm and humid areas with adequate rainfall. The tree bears a fruit about 2 kg after the growth of four years. This fruit is rich in polyphenols, potassium, vitamin C and dietary fiber.

Name Rose Apple
Scientific Name Syzygium aqueum
Native East Indies and Malaya, also cultivated in Ceylon, the Pacific Islands, India and former Indochina.
Common/English Name Bell Fruit, Watery Rose Apple, Water Cherry, Bell Apple, Water Apple
Name in Other Languages Brazil: Jambeiro Aguado, Jambo
Portuguese: D’agua
Chinese: Shui Lian Wu;
Dominican Republic (Spanish): Cajuilito Solimán;
Dutch: Djamboe Aer;
French: Jambosier D’eau, Pomme D’eau;
German: Wasserjambuse, Wachsjambuse;
Aceh: Jambi Raya, Jambi Iye;
Bali: Jambu Er, Njamu Er;
Batak: Jambu Erang, Jambu Aek,
Besemah: Jambu Ayik
Bimba: Jambu Jene,
Bugis: Jambu Saiom, Jambu Salo;
Boeol, Sulawesi, Manado: Takaw;
Ceram, Moluccas, Ambon: Kepet, O’uno;
Kalimantan, Dyak: Kubal;
Gajo: Jambu Airjemerl;
G orontalo: Omuto, Upo;
Halmaheira:  Yarem, Rowane;
Jambi: Jambu Pingping ,
Java: Jambu Air, Jambu Uwer,
Lampong: Jambu Air, Jambu Kelinga;
Lingga: Jambu Bertih;
Madurese: Jambhu Wir;
Makassar: Jambu Jene;
Malay, Bengkoelen: Jambu Keling;
Manado: Gora;
Minangkabau:  Jambu Aye;
Nias: Samba;
Oelias: Rutu Putio, Jambu Waelo;
Papua: Purori, Ansahmoh,;
Sangir: Compose;
Sawoe: Wo Luba Kume;
Singkep: Jambu Aer;
Serawaj: Jambu Ayak;
Solor: Bluwo, Bluwa;
Sulawesi, Moluccas: Kebes, Kouoa;
Sundanese: Jambu Air;
Ternate: Gora Yadi ;
Tidore: Yadi;
Toraja:  Jambu, Wua Usa;
Japanese: Mizu Renbu;
Malaysia: Jambu Chili, Jambu Ayer;
Papua New Guinea: Lal Lau;
Philippines (Bisaya): Tambis;
Spanish: Manzana De Agua, Perita Costena;
Suriname: Pommerak;
Thai: Machomphu-Pa, Chom Pu Pa
Plant Growth Habit Tropical, evergreen, low
Growing Climate Warm and humid climates with adequate rainfall
Soil Well-drained
Plant Size 3–10 m
Bark Flaky brown
Branchlets Wide spreading
Stem 30 cm
Leaf Narrow and glossy
Edible parts of the plants Fruits: consumed as fruit salad or made pickle
Leaves: used to wrap fermented sticky rice
Flowering Season Midsummer (from June- August)
Flower Greenish-white or creamy-white, Width: 2 to 4 in (5-10 cm), Diameter: 7.5-10 cm
Fruit shape & size Bell-shaped, length: 5–8 cm
Fruit color Pink-red
Flesh color White
Fruit peel Thin with smooth texture
Flavor/aroma Not tart, simply aromatic
Fruit Taste Mild sweet
Seed 1 or 2, grey in color
Varieties/Types Java Rose Apple, Malay Rose Apple, Jambu, Water Rose Apple
Fruit Season Early winter to Late fall
Major Nutritions Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid)22.3 mg (24.78%)
Vitamin B3 (Niacin) 0.8 mg (5.00%)
Carbohydrate 5.7 g (4.38%)
Total dietary Fiber 1.5 g (3.95%)
Calcium, Ca 29 mg (2.90%)
Potassium, K 123 mg (2.62%)
Vitamin A 17 µg (2.43%)
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) 0.03 mg (2.31%)
Copper, Cu 0.016 mg (1.78%)
Vitamin B1 (Thiamin) 0.02 mg (1.67%)
Manganese, Mn 0.029 mg (1.26%)
Protein  0.6 g (1.20%)
Magnesium, Mg 5 mg (1.19%)
Phosphorus, P 8 mg (1.14%)
Iron, Fe 0.07 mg (0.88%)
Calories in 1cup (100 g) 25 Kcal.
Health Benefits
  • Fights Free Radical Damage
  • Reduced Risk of Stroke
  • Boost good HDL Cholesterol
  • Prevent Diabetes
  • Prevent Constipation
  • Prevent muscle cramping
  • Skin Health
Traditional uses
  • A decoction made from astringent bark is used in folkloric medicine of Malaysia to treat thrush.
  • In the childbirth ceremony, it is served as a salad.
  • In India, it is used to boost the liver and brain functions.
  • Rose Apple is undoubtedly a stimulant for the brain and liver in India.
  • The sweetened prepared from the flowers used to reduce fever.
  • The sore eyes and rheumatism is cured with the decoction made from the leaves.
  • Dysentery, diarrhea and catarrh are treated with the seeds.
  • The infusion of roasted and powdered seeds is used to treat diabetes in Nicaragua.
  • Rose Apple is believed to contain the pain-killer properties in Colombia.
  • Epilepsy is treated with the use of root by the Cuban people.
  • The rose Apple preparations possess high risk of toxicity.
  • The roots and seeds are also poisonous.
  • Hydrocyanic acid (cyanide or prussic acid) is present in the stems, leaves and roots in the numerous amounts which could be harmful to the body.
How to Eat
  • It could be eaten raw.
  • People preserve Rose Apples in the form of jellies and jams.
  • It is also added to the desserts.
  • It is used in the preparation of sauce or fruit syrup.
Other Facts
  • Rose apples highly perishable and easily bruised.
  • It is non-climacteric.
  • The trees of Rose Apple bloom as well as fruit less in summer.
  • 2 kg (5 lbs.) fruit is yield by the matured rose apple tree.
  • Rose Apple enhances the liver and brain.
  • The fruit acts as a stimulant for the liver and brain.
  • The fruit infusion performs as a diuretic.



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