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Rice Milk facts and nutrition

Rice milk is made from rice grains usually brown rice and unsweetened uncommonly. Sweetness in rice milk varieties is created by natural enzymatic process which splits carbohydrate into sugars especially glucose similar to Japanese amazake. Nevertheless, some rice milks are sweetened with other sugars or sugarcane syrup.  The milk is made by pressing rice through mill with the use of diffusion to strain out pressed grains. It could be made at home with the use of brown rice protein and rice flour or boiling brown rice with enormous water, blending and straining mixture. People who are not tolerable to lactose find it helpful.

Rice milk is well known in vegetarians, vegans and people having nut or lactose allergies. It is the best alternative to get nutrients through milk made from rice grain. It is a dairy free option which provides no lactose. The flavor is not appealing of unsweetened rice milk so mostly sweetened.  

Health Benefits of Rice Milk

Besides useful for lactose intolerant, it serves some other health benefits as well. Some of which are listed below:

  1. Maintain skin health

Rice milk contains acid and antioxidants which assist skin including para-aminobenzoic acid that is associated to protecting skin from sun rays damage, lowering appearance of blemishes and wrinkles.

  1. Enhance immune system

Rice contains various antioxidants which help to promote overall strength of immune system assisting the body to resist inflammation and oxidative stress that could result chronic diseases.

  1. Cholesterol control

This variety of milk has no cholesterol which is helpful for people battling through cardiovascular issues and obesity. Its consumption helps to lower the chances of heart attacks, atherosclerosis and strokes.

  1. Promote density of bones

Rice derived milk contains plenty amount of minerals such as vitamin D, calcium, magnesium and iron helps to lower the chances of osteoporosis.

  1. Digestive health

It has lack of lactose which eases digestive system and enhance to promote improvement in bacteria environment of gut preventing indigestion and infection.

  1. Prevent sun burn

Rice milk is beneficial for maintaining skin health. Those who suffer from sun burn should apply rice milk on it. It should be mixed with chick pea flour or turmeric in order to get back skin tone.

  1. Manage weight

People who are trying to lose weight feel glad to use rice milk. It aspires to lose weight being low in calories. Rice milk offers required nutrition which helps to lower essential inches.

  1. Slows aging

Rice milk has rich content of inositol which promotes growth of healthy cells and slows aging process by promoting blood circulation. It makes skin look brighter, toned with greater elasticity.

  1. Energizes body

Rice milk is found to be energizing so its consumption when sick or loss of appetite, intake of two cups a day to get good amounts of nutrients and prevent dehydration to regain health. It is recommended for elders and children. It is helpful for nursing as it promotes milk production.


  • It is not beneficial for the person who is trying to shed off some weight.
  • Avoid rice milk by diabetic patients
  • Consume it in moderate amounts.
  • It has high content of arsenic which causes serious side effects such as cancer and heart diseases.
  • Rice milk has low calcium content so the chances of osteoporosis arises.

How to Eat         

  • Rice milk is used as a main ingredient in rice pudding.
  • It is also used to make ice creams.
  • The milk is used for making coffee creamer.
  • Use rice milk to make Mexican chocolate ice.

Other Facts        

  • It is regarded as the third most popular alternative to non-dairy following soy milk and almond milk.
  • It contains more content of selenium and manganese in comparison to other alternatives.





Rice Milk Quick Facts
Name: Rice Milk
Colors White
Calories White Kcal./cup
Major nutrients Vitamin B-12 (62.92%)
Manganese (29.43%)
Calcium (28.30%)
Vitamin B2 (26.23%)
Vitamin A (21.57%)
Health benefits Maintain skin health, Enhance immune system, Cholesterol control, Promote density of bones, Digestive health