For the Crust
- 1/3 cup macadamia
- 2/3 cup almonds
- Pinch of vanilla
- 1 tbsp coconut oil
- 3 tbsp agave nectar (you can add more sweetener, adjust to your taste)
- Pinch of salt
Dark Cookie dough
- 2 cups almond butter
- 1/3 cup soaked and peeled almonds
- 2 tbsp raw cocoa powder
- 1/3 cup soaked raisins
- 2 tbsp agave nectar
- 1 tsp orange peel
- Pinch of cinnamon powder
For Filling
- 1½ cup cashews
- 2/3 cup fresh coconut
- 4 tbsp agave nectar
- 1/3 glass coconut milk
- 1/3 glass carrot juice
- 1/3 cup coconut oil
- 1 tbsp lime juice
- Pinch of salt
- ½ cup ripe pumpkin diced
How to Make It
For Crust
- Put all the ingredients in a food processor. Avoid over processing and melting the ingredients. For Filling
- Put all the ingredients into a blender and blend very well until it becomes a very smooth and creamy mixture.
- Use a food processor to break the cookie dough into crumbles.
- In a round shape mold put the crust mixture and press down to make a thick crust layer.
- Sprinkle on top with the cookie dough crumbles Freeze for 1-2 hours before serving. Keep refrigerated.