Pimento pepper is a small, branched, mostly erect, annual or perennial herbaceous shrub, 30–80 cm tall. The plant is not an annual and in the absence of winter frosts it can survive several seasons and grow into a large perennial shrub. It is found growing in dry and warm climates without winter frosts and prefers well structured, well drained, friable, sandy loam for productive yields. The plants are inclined to frost and will set fruit when temperature is above 60 degrees F. Plants do not prefers water on their leaves and will stop the flower pollen if kept too wet resulting in no fruits. It has short or deep tap root and glabrescent, densely branched stems. Leaves are alternate, solitary or paired; petiole about 4–7 cm; leaf blade is oblong ovate, ovate, or ovate lanceolate, 4–13 × 1.5–4 cm, glabrescent, base narrowed, margin entire and wavy, apex short acuminate or acute. The plant bears small, off-white, (sometimes purplish) pendent flowers.
Also known as cherry peppers, pimento peppers are heart-shaped berries that measures 3 to 4 in (7 to 10 cm) long and 2 to 3 in (5 to 7 cm) wide and are a good size pepper. They are actually similar in looks to a cherry tomato. They are normally green colored while young and turns to bright red as soon as they mature. They are is quite easy to grow and is a preferred in several backyard gardens. It is wonderful for snacking and many people like pickling or brining them. They are great for salads as well as any kind of garnish too. Pimento pepper has mild, sweet flavor than hot; tasting somewhat like a red bell pepper and is sweet, succulent in taste. They have thin papery skin which covers thick, juicy flesh that is red to reddish yellow color at maturity. It is a popular pepper with numerous varieties cultivated all around the world. Depending on its variety, pepper can be sweet or spicy, but it is almost tasty. Because of its sweet, succulent taste many people around the world is using pimento pepper on a regular basis.
Pimiento pepper has its center of diversity in southern North America and northern South America. It was introduced throughout world where it is now widely grown as a medicine as well as spice. Today, it is found growing in tropical and temperate areas around the world.
Nutritional value
Apart from their sweet, succulent taste, Pimiento pepper is a good source of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Consuming 192 gram of Pimiento peppers offers 163 mg of Vitamin C, 3.23 mg of Iron, 255 µg of Vitamin A, 0.413 mg of Vitamin B6, 15.9 µg of Vitamin K and 0.094 mg of Copper. Moreover many Amino acids 0.027 g of Tryptophan, 0.077 g of Threonine, 0.069 g of Isoleucine, 0.111 g of Leucine and 0.094 g of Lysine are also found in 192 gram of Pimiento peppers.
Health benefits of Pimiento peppers
Some of the health benefits of Pimiento pepper include their ability to treat cancer, alleviates restless leg syndrome, supports skin health and cell growth, protects eye health, internal bleeding, proper growth, prevents anemia, and helps people with Alzheimer ’s disease and many other diseases.
1. Treatment of Cancer
Researchers have discovered that a high consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables have a link to a reduced risk for various types of cancer. Research have shown that increased consumption of vitamin C is linked with a diminished chances of cancers of the lungs, mouth, vocal chords, throat, colon, rectum, stomach, and esophagus. Pimiento peppers consists of considerable amount of vitamin C about 163 mg of vitamin C which is 181.11% of the daily recommended value. Therefore include this beneficial pepper in your regular diet to remain safe from almost all kinds of cancers.
2. Alleviates Restless Leg Syndrome
Restless leg syndrome (RLS), is actually a neurologic movement ailment, produces an urge to move the legs frequently. These types of sensations get further strengthened at rest, and therefore, may cause troubled sleep. Research conducted by Age and Aging discovered that the deficiency of iron (with or without anemia) may result in RLS in the elderly. Thus taking iron supplements can ease its symptoms. So regular consumption of iron rich food is preferable for this disorder.
3. Supports Skin Health and Cell Growth
Vitamin A contain in Pimiento peppers is needed for wound healing and skin re-growth. It is necessary to support all of the epithelial (skin) cells externally and internally and is a prevailing aid in fighting skin cancer. Vitamin is required to form glycoproteins, a combination of sugar and protein, that help the cells bind together forming soft tissues.
Deficiencies of vitamin A result in poor complexion, as showed by studies that prove that vitamin A can fight acne and improve complete skin health. Regular consumption of Pimiento peppers keeps the lines and wrinkles in your skin away by producing more collagen, which is liable for keeping skin young. Vitamin A contributes to healthy hair too.
4. Protects Eye Health
Poor diet and nutrient deficiencies are actually fundamental causes of several eye diseases. Research has revealed that that taking vitamin B6 rich food with other vitamins, like folate, help with the prevention of eye disorders as well as loss of vision.
Pimiento peppers is believed to help slow the onset of certain eye diseases, like age-related macular degeneration since it consists of 0.413 mg of vitamin B6 which is 31.77% of the daily recommended value.
5. Internal Bleeding
Vitamin K helps in decreasing the risk of bleeding in the liver, poor nutrient absorption, jaundice or the combination of long term use of antibiotics or aspirin. Few of the problems related with the gastrointestinal system because of decrease of this vitamin include are Crohn’s disease, obstructions, sprue and colitis. These are due to a reduced content of Vitamin K. Therefore vitamin k rich food must be included in your regular diet solves all these problems.
6. Proper Growth
Pimiento peppers consists of copper which is essential for normal growth and health. Therefore, it is important to include this mineral in balanced levels in your daily diets. It is helpful in the protection of the cardiovascular, skeletal and nervous systems. Normal and healthy growth of organs and tissues, as well as their proper oxygenation from an ample red blood cell concentration, will be impossible if you suffer from copper deficiency. Copper deficiencies are reflected in the number of birth and growth defects in children of those nations.
7. Prevents anemia
Vitamin B2 is necessary for the synthesis of red blood cells (RBCs) which carry oxygen throughout the body. It plays an important role in absorption of iron, a mineral responsible for binding oxygen. Therefore, low levels of B2 can lower the levels of iron within the body, leading to fatigue and tiredness because of development of anemia. Regular consumption of Pimiento peppers is recommended to get sufficient amount of vitamin b2 naturally.
8. Helps People with Alzheimer’s disease
Pimiento peppers is among the best source of Vitamin E which is actually important to slow down the deteriorating of memory loss and functional decline in people with reasonably severe Alzheimer’s disease. It may also help to delay the loss of independence and the need a caregiver or assistance. Vitamin E, whenever taken with Vitamin C, decreases the risk of developing several forms of dementia.
9. Sugar level
Pimiento peppers has shown competence in managing the level of sugar within human blood due to the presence of sufficient amount of manganese. This further prevents the occurrence of diseases like diabetes. To manage the level of sugar within the blood, manganese help to normalizes insulin synthesis and secretion, and the unpredictable drops in blood sugar can be better controlled, providing normal and functional life for diabetics.
10. Helps with Joint Mobility and to Treat Arthritis
Research shows that Vitamin B3 in the form of niacinamide is effective in increasing joint mobility. Studies connect niacin intake with lower levels of joint pain, improved muscle strength, and fewer symptoms related with muscle or joint fatigue.
Recommended higher doses of niacinamide has been seen in research to improve flexibility and decrease swelling, letting people who take niacinamide to be able to cut down on standard painkillers or medications for arthritis. Therefore research has proven that vitamin b3 must be consumed regular to remain fit and disease free.
How to Eat
- Capsicum annuum and C. frustecens are the most consumed spices around the world.
- Fruits are used for fresh consumption – raw or cooked, and they are sold as frozen, canned, dried and pickled fruit.
- Fruit is also processed as fermented products, sauces, powders, salsas and coloring agents.
- Seed oil is edible and used for seasoning and flavoring.
- Chili in the form of powder or paste is an important ingredient for curries.
- Fermented sweet peppers are produced in west Asia and Africa.
- Young leaves and flowers are consumed as potherb or added to soups and stew in Southeast Asia and PNG.
Other Traditional uses and benefits of Pimiento peppers
- Various parts of Capsicum annuum are used in traditional medication.
- Fruit is regarded diaphoretic, anti haemorrhoidal, antiseptic, rubefacient, digestive, irritant, anti-rheumatic, sialagogue, and tonic.
- It is ingested internally for the treatment of the cold stage of fevers, varicose veins, and debility during convalescence or old age, stomach upsets and for asthma.
- Outwardly, it is used as a therapy for sprains, pleurisy, unbroken chilblains and neuralgia.
- Fruit of the red pepper (namcho) is used to warm body coldness, to stimulate the stomach function, to smooth blocked internal organs, and is used to treat stomach- aches, chilblain, emesis, dysentery, and scabies in Korean traditional medicine.
- Stem is called nalchogyung and is used to treat rheumatic psychroalgia.
- Root, called nalchodoo, is used to cure asthenia of the limbs.
- Leaves are used to treat emesis, dysentery, and scabies.
- Root has been noted as a decoction for treating gonorrhea in Peninsular Malaysia.
Other Facts
- Few varieties are grown as ornamental especially those displaying fruit in four or five colors on the same plant at the same time and for their bright red fruits used as decorations during the festive season like Christmas.
- Fruits and shoots with fruits dried or fresh are used as wreaths, house decorations and floral arrangements.
- Mature bright red chilies are hung in colorful strings (ristras) used as symbol of hospitality in New Mexico.
- Paprika and paprika oleoresin is used for improving the feather color of flamingos in zoos or koi fish in aquariums.
- Too much consumption of pimiento may result in mild to moderate stomach upset.
- Pregnant women are recommended to limit their intake of pimiento-based supplements and foodstuffs that contain pimiento.
- The topical use of remedies that contain pimientos may cause severe allergic reactions to peoples with sensitive skin, thus a skin-test prior to usage and moderate use of such remedies is recommended.
- Individuals using blood-thinning medicine or individuals suffer from sudden panic attacks are warned to limit their intake of pimientos and other chili products to a minimum.
Pimiento pepper Quick Facts | |
Name: | Pimiento pepper |
Scientific Name: | Capsicum annuum |
Origin | Southern North America and northern South America |
Colors | Green that mature to bright red |
Shapes | Large, heart-shaped that measures 3 to 4 in (7 to 10 cm) long and 2 to 3 in (5 to 7 cm) wide |
Flesh colors | Red to reddish yellow colored |
Taste | Sweet, succulent |
Calories | 44 Kcal./cup |
Major nutrients | Vitamin C (181.11%) Iron (40.38%) Vitamin A (36.43%) Vitamin B6 (31.77%) Vitamin K (13.25%) |
Health benefits | Treatment of Cancer, Alleviates Restless Leg Syndrome, Supports Skin Health and Cell Growth, Protects Eye Health, Internal Bleeding, Proper Growth,Prevents anemia, Helps People with Alzheimer’s disease, Sugar level, Helps with Joint Mobility and to Treat Arthritis |
More facts about Pimiento pepper |
Rank | Scientific Name & (Common Name) |
Kingdom | Plantae (Plants) |
Subkingdom | Tracheobionta (Vascular plants) |
Superdivision | Spermatophyta (Seed plants) |
Division | Magnoliophyta (Flowering plants) |
Class | Magnoliopsida (Dicotyledons) |
Subclass | Asteridae |
Order | Solanales |
Family | Solanaceae (Potato family) |
Genus | Capsicum L. (Pepper) |
Species | Capsicum annuum L. (Cayenne pepper) |
Synonyms |