Health Benefits

Perilla seed oil benefits and uses

Perilla also known as Perilla frutescens is an aromatic perennial plant that is inherent to Asia. It belongs to the mint family. Perilla oil is an excellent source of Omega-3 essential fatty acids that provides various skin and health benefits. It has high content of n-3 linolenic acid which is an essential fatty acid that has vital role to regulate inflammation of the skin and body. It has flavones that provide antioxidant activity that assist in prevention of damage caused by free radicals. The oil is extracted by cold pressing the seeds which possess oil from 35% to 45%. This oil is used for soothing, moisturizing and treating dry, mature, sensitive and cracked skin. It also protects and nourish the hair as well as scalp.

Health Benefits of Perilla seed oil

  • It is used to soothe, moisturize and protect dry, mature, sensitive and cracked.
  • It makes the skin look young and softer.
  • It also nourishes scalp and hair by protecting it.
  • It repairs premature skin.
  • It makes the skin calmer, clearer and toned with refreshed look.
  • It is used to soothe stomachache, treat asthma, coughs and relieve muscle spasms.
  • It could be used as antiseptic for acne prone skin.
  • It provides relief from itching and swelling of skin.
  • It prevents the skin condition such as eczema and acne.
  • It prevents the conditions such as memory problems and colon cancer.
  • It improves memory and learning in children as well as adults.
  • It provides relief from the conditions such as sunstroke and nausea.
  • Due to its cleansing properties, it is used as a skin cleanser.
  • It lowers the chances of clogged and oily skin.


  • It would be better to consult the doctor for use.
  • Use it in moderate amounts.
  • The people who are allergic to Perilla should avoid using this oil.
  • Sensitive people might get allergic reactions.

How to Eat         

  • It is used in salad dressings, sauté vegetables and other low temperature cooking.
  • It is used to enhance flavor as cooking oil in Korean cuisines.
  • It is used as an ingredient for dressing Korean salads to provide earthy taste.

Other Facts        

Perilla seed oil is used in varnishes, paints, printing ink, linoleum, lacquers and protective waterproof coatings.

Perilla seed oil facts

Perilla seed oil is a great source of essential fatty acid and alpha-linolenic acid and is also used in Asian cuisines. It is used to treat allergies, lower inflammaton in the body, chances of cancer, promote rheumatoid arthritis and promotes cardiovascular health by lowering the chances of cholesterol plaques, blood clots, stroke and heart attack. The oil is extracted by crushing or pressing seeds. The roasted seeds provides more intense flavor.

Perilla seed oil benefits and uses Quick Facts
Name: Perilla seed oil benefits and uses
Scientific Name: Perilla Frutescens
Origin It is grown in India, China, Korea, Japan, Pakistan, Thailand and Japan.
Colors Clear, light yellow
Taste Nutty
Health benefits Moisturize skin, Nourishes scalp, Treat asthma, Relieve itching, Prevents sunstroke
Name Perilla seed oil benefits and uses
Scientific Name of Perilla Perilla Frutescens
Native It is grown in India, China, Korea, Japan, Pakistan, Thailand and Japan.
Common/English Name of Perilla Shiso, Perilla mint, Chinese basil, Japanese mint
Name in Other Languages of Perilla Korean: deulgireum (들기름);
Extraction method Expeller pressed, bleached, refined, deodorized
Color Clear, light yellow
Flavor Intense
Aroma Characteristics, sweet, light, nutty
Taste Nutty



