Perilla essential oil is derived from the leaves of perilla plant with the use of steam distillation method. Perillene, linonene, myristicin, beta-caryophyllene, linalool, myristicin, beta-farnesene, citral, l-perillaldehyde, perilla ketaone, rosmarinic acid and perillyl alcohol are the main constituents in perilla leaf oil. The leaves of perilla contains about less than one percent oil. This oil contains anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, anticarcinogenic, antioxidant, antidepressive and anxyolitic properties. This essential oil has peppery, minty, pleasant and woody fragrance. It is also used in cosmetics as well as in perfume industry. Perilla plant is also called Beefsteak Plant, Perilla red, Perilla white, Perilla Labiatae, Wild basil, Perilla frutescens, Rattlesnake weed, Shiso and Purple mint. The plant is inherent to Asia and is known widely for its various health benefits.
Health benefits of Perilla essential oil
Let’s discuss on some health benefits provided by Perilla essential oil:
Allergen sensitivity
Perilla leaf oil is a perfect substitute for antihistamine medication that has various side effects. It possess a natural antihistamine properties that lowers sensitivity to allergens as it lowers the production of specific mediators.
Antioxidant activity
This oil possesses an antioxidant activity that helps to eliminate free radicals and reactive oxygen molecules that are the cause for oxidative stress in the body. Inflammation is caused by oxidative stress and it also increases the chances of degenerative chronic diseases. It also prevents the chances of neurodegenerative conditions, cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular ailments.
Prevent cancer
Perilla leaves has compounds such as roamarinic acid and luteolin that provides anticancer effects. It inhibits angiogenesis that leads to cancer cells proliferation and tumor growth.The anticarcinogenic effects are studied on lung, kidney and skin carcinogenesis.
Lowers inflammation
It possesses anti-inflammatory properties which is also associated with antiallergic effects that inhibits the production of histamine. Inflammation is the cause for chronic and degenerative diseases.
Relieves stress
This oil has antidepressant, anxiolytic and neuroprotective effects. It helps to eliminate depression and anxiety. It is also used in aromatherapy to lower stress and also improves anxiety.
Nervous health
Perilla essential oil possesses neuroprotective properties that prevent degenerative neurological disorders such as Parkinson’s disease. It also relieves stress that could improve brain function and brain health.
Traditional uses
It is used as an expectorant and cough suppressant and helpful for flu, respiratory afflictions and other problems.
It is helpful for common cold, flu and lung disorders.
It assists carcinoma, allergies, lowers inflammation and swelling.
It eliminates bacteria.
It is used for medications, aromatherapy purposes, massage, cooking and as a preservative.
It lowers cholesterol, prevent stroke and heart attack.
It is used to treat conjunctivitis and allergic pinkeye.
It also treats allergies, nausea, sunstroke, allergic rhinoconjunctivitis and muscle spasms.
Consult an expert for an internal use.
Allergic people should avoid it.
It should be used in moderate amounts.
Other Facts
It is used as a food additive, curative and is topically applied for health benefits.
It adds flavor to various dishes.
Perilla essential oil facts
Beside it contains enormous health benefits, it should be taken under the recommendation of health professionals. It consists of anticancer, antioxidant, anxiolytic, antiallergy, anti-inflammatory and antidepressant properties.
Perilla essential oil facts and benefits
Scientific Name of Perilla plant
Perilla frutescens
Native to Eastern Asia
Common names
Shiso leaf oil
Common/English Name of Perilla plant
Beefsteak Plant, Perilla white, Perilla red, Perilla Labiatae, Perilla frutescens, Wild basil, Rattlesnake weed, Purple mint and Shiso