Scientifically known as Apium graveolens, Celery is originated in Mediterranean region. Celery belongs to…
Nymphaea odorata, also known as the American white waterlily, Fragrant Water Lily, Cow cabbage,…
Pumpkin is one of the species in gourd family Cucurbitaceae and is native to South…
Pawpaw, (Asimina triloba), also spelled papaw, paw-paw is a deciduous tree or shrub of the…
Glebionis coronaria commonly known as Crown Daisy, is the flowering plant species of daisy family…
Hepatica nobilis commonly known as Liverworts is an herbaceous perennial in the buttercup family (Ranunculaceae).…
Catsup is the different spellings (or less common spelling) for Ketchup of the same condiment…
Parthenocissus quinquefolia, known as Virginia creeper, Victoria creeper, five-leaved ivy, or five-finger Woodbind, woodbine, false…
Bignay is a nourishing and fresh fruit which are found abundantly in Southeast Asian nations.…
False Hellebore (American Hellebore) scientifically known as Veratrum viride is a species of Veratrum native…
Mulberries are the sweet fruits of genus Morus L. and family Moraceae. It is a…
Bittersweet scientifically known as Celastrus scandens, is a species of Celastrus that blooms mostly in…
Dragon fruit is a fast growing vine like cactus. The fruit is spherical, red colored…
Lingonberry scientifically known as Vaccinium vitis-idaea is a short evergreen shrub that bears edible fruits.…
Native to West Malaysia, the name rambutan is derived from Malay word which means hairy.…
Jacobaea vulgaris commonly known as ragwort, common ragwort, tansy ragwort, benweed, St. James-wort, ragweed, stinking…
Other common names for Black Plum are Jamun Fruit, Indian Blackberry, Damson Plum, Jambolan, Java Plum,…
Alkanna tinctoria commonly known as alkanet, bugloss, anchusa, Spanish bugloss, dyer’s bugloss, orchanet, common alkanet…
Water Plantain scientifically known as Alisma plantago-aquatica is an aquatic or semi-aquatic plant belonging to…
Botanically known as Aegle marmelos, Wood Apple is inherent to India but also found in…
Traditionally Yacon is grown in northern and central Andes from Colombia to Northern Argentina for…
Amanita muscaria, also known as fly agaric, fly Amanita, bug Agaric, Amanite Tue-Mouches, Fausse Oronge,…
Citrus aurantiifolia also known a lime is a small tree or thorny shrub belonging to…
Hypoxis hemerocallidea (Hypoxis rooperi) commonly known as African potato, African star grass, Bantu Tulip, Papa…
Cinnamomum camphora is a large evergreen tree which could be found in particular areas of…
Cyperus articulates commonly known as Adrue, Guinea Rush, jointed flatsedge, priprioca, chintul and piripiri is a species…
Adonis vernalis, known variously as pheasant’s eye, spring pheasant’s eye, yellow pheasant’s eye and false…
Caraway belongs to carrot family Apiaceae. The plant is much branched, hollow stemmed and grows…
Polemonium reptans commonly known as Abscess Root, Creeping or Spreading Jacob’s Ladder, False Jacob’s Ladder,…
Babaco is a relative of papaya but is seedless having smooth skin as well as…