The scientific name for Giant Mucuna is Mucuna gigantea. It is a big, strong climbing…
Helianthus strumosus also called the pale-leaf forest sunflower or Pale Sunflower, is a species of…
Duboisia hopwoodii is often called Pituri is a bush in the family Solanaceae, which is…
Ladder Fern, also called Pani Amala, is a type of fern with the official name…
Himalayan Bayberry, also called Box Myrtle or Kafal, is a tree or big shrub in…
The formal name for the Himalayan Gooseberry is Ribes himalense. It is an evergreen shrub…
The formal name for the White Brazil Guava is Psidium acutangulum. It is a tropical…
The Australian Boab tree, also called the Boab tree, is a unique and well-known tree…
The sea coconut, also called the double coconut, is a single-species genus in the palm…
Bouea oppositifolia, also called Marian plum or Membangan fruit, is a tropical fruit tree in…
Perennial Buckwheat scientifically known Fagopyrum dibotrys is an herbaceous perennial plant belonging to the Polygonaceae…
Phytelephas aequatorialis is a species of palm tree that is often called the tagua palm…
The formal name for Lemon-Scented Geranium is Pelargonium crispum. It is a member of the…
The Rukam plant, or Flacourtia rukam, is a type of flowering plant in the family…
Persicaria maculosa, also called “Redshank” or “Lady’s-thumb,” is an ornamental plant in the same family…
Cyperus papyrus, also called Egyptian papyrus, papyrus, or Nile grass, is a species of water…
Marsh pennywort, or Hydrocotyle umbellata, is a perennial aquatic plant that belongs to the Apiaceae…
Daphne Bholua, also referred to as Himalayan Daphne or Nepalese paper plant, is a floral…
Fallopia convolvulus, also known as black-bindweed or wild buckwheat, is a flowering plant species in…
Dalbergia cochinchinensis, also known as Thailand rosewood, Siamese rosewood, and tracwood, is a legume species…
Carpobrotus chilensis popularly known as Chinese licorice is a species of succulent plant related to…
Strychnos spinosa is a type of plant in the Loganiaceae R. Br. ex Mart. (Logania…
The formal name for African ebony is Diospyros crassiflora, but most people call it African…
The formal name for Giant Fennel is Ferula communis. It is a type of flowering…
Fagopyrum cymosum, also called yellow buckwheat or tall buckwheat, is a species of plant that…
Corylus colurna also called the Turkish hazel or Turkish filbert is a tree that loses…
The formal name for Sword Bean is Canavalia gladiate. It is a species of legume…
Chinese quince, also known as Chinese flowering quince or Chaenomeles speciosa, is a type of…
The Moldavian dragonhead, or Dracocephalum moldavica, is an annual grass plant in the genus Dracocephalum,…
Coffea Liberica is a type of flowering plant in the same family as coffee and…