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Organic Baby Formula vs. Non-Organic – Know The Difference Between Them

A mother’s choice to breastfeed is entirely personal and can depend on several factors. The most important thing is that the baby is nourished and happy. Exclusively formula feeding or mixed feeding can often be extremely healthy for both the mother and the baby.

The best formula for your baby is the one that your pediatrician recommends, and your baby digests well. The good news is that baby food production is strictly regulated and must meet basic nutritional requirements. Why choose goat milk formula? If your baby is having a hard time digesting cow’s milk formula, you may be wondering if there is anything to help him/her.

Why is it essential to choose organic products?

Scientists have cited synthetic mineral fertilizers, pesticides, growth stimulants, and other agrochemicals as the cause of many health problems, including cancer, lung disease, endocrine, immune, and reproductive system disorders. A whole combination of chemicals is consumed with conventional foods.

Organic production standards prohibit the use of any artificial and chemical substances in the production of organic products. In addition, new research shows that organic food actually contains more healthy nutrients, unlike industrial food, because instead of chemicals, plants absorb natural micronutrients from the soil.

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What does this mean for your baby? Suppose you buy only organic formula and other organic products. In that case, your baby will not be exposed to chemical compounds, and most importantly, along with delicious food, your little one can get more nutritional elements for full development and strong immunity.

From birth to one year of age (and even later), babies are the most vulnerable to the effects of toxins that enter the body with food. Here are a few reasons:

What makes infant formula organic?

Organic baby formula composition based on only the highest quality organic ingredients. What does it mean?

 At least 95% of all ingredients and additives in the baby formula must be organic to get the appropriate certification. In the United States, products labeled with the USDA Organic mark approved the organic quality.

 What is organic certification?

What do we know about different types of organic certification when buying infant formula for babies? For example, in the EU, organic certification requires that 95% (or more) of the baby formula composition must be organic. Some European infant formulas are certified by Demeter and Bioland. The well-known Holle brand is the only European infant formula certified by Demeter.

Demeter is a certificate in biodynamic farming and is also the first ecological label for organic food. Demeter farming aims to preserve the ecosystem, focusing on plant protection and biodiversity promotion.

Another certification that you can see on some European formulas, such as Lebenswert, is Bioland.

Bioland is a type of certification with standards that exceed the minimum typical EU requirements for organics. Bioland rules are stricter than regular organic but not as strict as Demeter.

EU standards prohibit the inclusion of sucrose in infant formulas, except in small amounts in special formulas for premature babies or babies with allergies. Finally, all formulas approved by the European Commission must be produced from milk free of hormones, undetectable pesticide residues, and GMOs.

What ingredients should be in organic baby formula?

The best organic formulas are designed to accurately mimic the nutritional composition of breast milk. This includes using organic lactose as the main source of carbohydrates. My Organic Company provides the best options for your organic formulas.

Prebiotics and probiotics are often added to replicate the immune-boosting properties of breast milk. Prebiotics such as galactooligosaccharides are very similar to breast milk oligosaccharides (HMO). The HMOs in breast milk play a significant role in developing a healthy gut microbiome, reducing the risk of infections and allergies, and promoting brain development.

The organic formula provides the necessary nutrients as well, ensuring that no traces of harmful substances get into your baby’s bottle.

What ingredients should you look for in an organic formula?

Organic milk

Like all other products, organic milk has a significant advantage. It contains no harmful pesticides, antibiotics, hormones, synthetic additives.

The most important element in organic milk is calcium, which forms and strengthens bones and teeth. Milk also contains other ingredients that help calcium absorption: phosphorus, vitamin D, magnesium. Milk also provides babies with essential proteins, which are well absorbed by the baby’s body. In addition, milk fat plays a vital role in cell building.

What ingredients should you avoid in an organic formula?

What is the best organic formula brand?

There are many differences between infant formula brands in the United States and European formula brands because standards for what can be included in infant formula are stricter in Europe than in the United States.

The most popular organic formula brands from Europe among American parents are Holle, HIPP, and Lebenswert. These manufacturers are highly respected and have years of experience in the baby and food industry. They never include sucrose, corn syrup, or synthetic ingredients in their formulas.

All these brands and even more reliable organic baby food options you can find on



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