Nutritional value
In 85 grams of cooked Monkfish, we could find 66.73 grams of moisture, 82 calories, 15.78 grams of protein, 1.66 grams of total lipid fat and 1.32 grams of ash. The same serving size offers 72.36% of DV for selenium, 43.48% of DV for isoleucine, 43.33% of lysine, 40.23% of DV for tryptophan, 39.32% of DV for threonine, 38.49% of DV for valine, 37.74% of DV for histidine, 36.67% of DV for cobalamine, 34.71% of DV for leucine, 31.56% of DV for protein, 31.14% of DV for phosphorus, 18.08% of DV for pyridoxine and 13.59% of niacin.
Health Benefits of Monkfish
Monkfish is packed with various vitamins, proteins and minerals that is required for the maintenance of good health. It has high content of omega-3 fatty acids that lowers the chances of heart ailments and assist the nerve function. It is usually served with baked potatoes, whole rice and grilled vegetables. It is packed with antioxidants which prevents the damage made from free radicals. Due to the presence of Vitamin B6 and B12, it increases the myelin production and promotes brain functions.
- Lowers cholesterol
Vitamin B12 lowers the cholesterol level in the body. It controls the level of triglycerides that maintains the function of heart.
- Treat Alzheimer’s
It helps to cure Alzheimer’s disease by showing the symptoms such as cognitive degeneration and confusion. This disease is caused due to the low presence of Vitamin B12.
- Muscle health
Protein is vital for the coordination and contraction of muscles. It is present in the muscle tissues and also maintains the structure of muscles. The growth of muscle is also dependent on the adequate amount of protein in the body. It is very important to maintain the balance between breakdown of these muscle proteins and rate of muscle protein synthesis. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
- Enhance immunity
Protein is essential to build strong immune system. It prevents from various disease and infections. The antibody helps to eliminate the foreign elements such as antigens. The antibodies also deactivates the antigens. (6)
- Healthy bones
Phosphorus has vital role in growth process and maintenance of teeth and bones. It works with calcium for the formation of strong bones. It promotes the gum health and maintains the tooth enamel. Phosphorus is associated with heart health which helps to prevent from cardiovascular ailments. (7) (8)
- Supports digestion
Phosphorus is vital to facilitate digestion. Niacin and riboflavin is responsible for metabolism of energy to emotional and neurological response systems. It also clears diarrhea, constipation, indigestion and bowel movements. This maintains the digestive health and kidneys. (9)
- Balance hormones
Pyridoxine helps to treat the emotional disorders. Its deficiency affects the hormones due to which it might cause emotional disturbance. The adequate consumption of Vitamin B6 is essential for treating the emotional disorders.
- Skin problems
Pyridoxine is essential to maintain the skin health by treating the skin ailments such as dandruff, hair loss, acne, eczema and dry skin. It also helps to treat psoriasis and melanoma.
- Provides energy
Niacin helps to convert carbohydrate, protein and fat into energy.
- Mental condition
The conditions such as mental derangement could be treated with medicinal drugs and niacin supplements.
- Due to the high content of mercury, it should be consumed in limited amounts.
- The people with health ailments or pregnant women should consult a doctor for consumption.
How to Eat
- The flesh is stir-fried, pan-fried, poached, roasted and barbecued.
- It could be added to soups and stews.
- In Japan, the livers of Monkfish are rubbed with salt, soaked in rice wine which is steamed and served with vegetables or herbs.
Other Facts
- Monkfish could grow up to 150 cm (4.9 ft.).
- Mostly, it spends its life on ocean floor.
- It swallows its prey.
- Swordfish, thorny skates and sharks are its natural enemies.
- The mating season occurs from February to October.
- Female lays about one million of buoyant eggs in a season.
- It reaches to sexual maturity at four years of age.
- Male monkfish survives for 7 years and female for 13 years.
- They are renowned for its tail meat.
- It is also regarded as allmouth.
Monkfish facts
Monkfish is the fish with strange and terrifying look. Due to different adaptations, it makes them able to catch its prey. The head has protuberance which could be moved in various directions which attracts small fish. It has large head and large mouth with sharp teeth. The hinged teeth of monkfish allow holding the preys in the jaws of Monkfish. Due to expandable stomach, it could consume large fish. It is considered to be the ugliest fish in ocean. They are found at the depth of 1800 meters on shallow waters.
Monkfish facts and nutritional value Quick Facts | |
Name: | Monkfish facts and nutritional value |
Scientific Name: | Lophius piscatorius |
Origin | The coasts of Europe |
Colors | Mottled brown |
Shapes | Tapering body; Length: 200 cm |
Flesh colors | Bright white |
Taste | Mild |
Calories | 82 Kcal./cup |
Major nutrients | Selenium (72.36%) Isoleucine (43.48%) Lysine (43.33%) Tryptophan (40.23%) Threonine (39.32%) |
Health benefits | Lowers cholesterol, Treat Alzheimer's, Muscle health, Enhance immunity, Healthy bones |
Name | Monkfish facts and nutritional value |
Scientific Name | Lophius piscatorius |
Native | The coasts of Europe |
Common/English Name | Monkfish, frog-fish, fishing-frogs, sea-devils, goosefish, angler-fish, headfish |
Name in Other Languages | Basque: zapo zuri; Breton: mordosec, marimorgan, marache; Catalan: rap blanc, granota de mar; Corsican: rospu, Budicu, Pescatrice; Croatian: Grdobina, Grdobina mrkulja, Morski davo, Morski đavo, Vrag, Vražja mater, Zaba; Chinese: Ānkāng (鮟鱇); Czech: das mořský; Danish: havtaske, bredflab, Almindelig Havtaske, Marulk; Dutch: zeeduivel, Hozemond; Faroese: Havtaska; Finnish: merikrotti; French: seyot, seillot, lotte, diable, baudroie commune, baudroie; German: Seeteufel, Anglerfisch, Froschfisch, Angler ; Icelandic: skötuselur; Irish: láimhíneach, frogfish; Italian: rana pescatrice, coda di rospo, Bordrò, Budegassa, Budeghi, Budego, Coda di rospo, Diavolo de mar, galangal, Gianello, Giudo, Lamia, Lophius, Martino, Pescatrice, Pescatrice near, Piscatrice, Piscatrice niedda, Piscatrici, Piscatrixi, Rospo, Rospo de fango, Rospo de mar, Rospo grosso; Greek: Peskantrítsa (Πεσκαντρίτσα), Sclepou, Vatrochópsaro, Sklempoú (Σκλεμπού), Sperkelétso (Σπερκελέτσο), Fanári (Φανάρι), Fláska (Φλάσκα) ; Norwegian: breiflabb; Polish: Naw˛ed, zabnica; Portuguese: ra do mar, peixe-pescador, peixe sapo, Tambori, Diabo-marinbo; Russian: Morskoy chert (Морской черт), udiya’shchik (удияьщик ); Scottish Gaelic: molly gowan; Slovenian: morska žaba; Spanish : rape, pejesapo, Lophius, Rape blanco, Tamboril, Xuliana; Swedish: marulk, havspadda; Japanese: Anko; Maltese: Petrica, Petrica kbira; Manx: Guilley-pern; Romanian: Peste pescar; Sardinian: Molly Gowan; Serbian: Grdobina; Turkish: Fener baligi |
Lifespan | 24 years |
Head | Large, flat, broad, depressed |
Shape & size | Tapering body; Length: 200 cm |
Weight | 16 lb. or 7 kg |
Color | Mottled brown |
Flesh color | Bright white, meaty, lean |
Skin | Glossy, loose, scaleless |
Belly | White |
Flavor/aroma | Sweet, mild |
Taste | Mild |
Major Nutritions | Selenium, Se 39.8 µg (72.36%) Isoleucine 0.727 g (43.48%) Lysine 1.449 g (43.33%) Tryptophan 0.177 g (40.23%) Threonine 0.692 g (39.32%) Valine 0.813 g (38.49%) Histidine 0.465 g (37.74%) Vitamin B-12 (Cobalamine) 0.88 µg (36.67%) Leucine 1.283 g (34.71%) Protein 15.78 g (31.56%) |
Health Benefits |
Calories in 3 oz (85 gm) | 82 Kcal. |
Precautions |
How to Eat |
Other Facts |