As a physician, it’s my duty to inform my patients of the dangers to their health and try to help them. I have advanced my education to assist my patients in smoking cessation and have prescribed Varenicline and Bupropion anti-depressant medication. It is with great regret that I do not see my patients succeeding in stopping smoking using these medications. The few who manage to stop in light of surgery generally go back to smoking after their procedure. Thus, I have been in search of different solutions I can feel confident recommending to my patients.
Such solution unexpectedly came from a patient of mine with peripheral arterial disease (PAD) and breast cancer, whom I’d been asking to stop smoking. She informed me that she had quit using a method called CBQ method, CBQ as in cognitive behavioral quitting. I did not know what this CBQ method was, but I was pleasantly surprised that my patient managed to be successful and asked her if she’d pass on the details to me, which she did while insisting I should tell all my patients about that method.
Admittedly, I was reluctant to recommend something to my patients just on the basis of an individual’s success and without examining the approach for myself. I have never smoked in my life, but I am educated in psychiatry and psychology. Thus, I purchased the CBQ program to examine further the CBQ Method. My review is as follows, separated into pros and cons.
Pros And Cons Of The CBQ Program: Review By A Medical Doctor
Comprehensive. I found the program to be complete and comprehensive, with information covering everything, from the smoker’s psychology and fear to invoking change in one’s routine.
Well distributed information. The CBQ Program resembles a gradual build-up process, an element lacking in other smoking cessation programs I’ve attended or reviewed, making it more likely to be effective. I found Nasia Davos and her lectures to be impressive and of high quality, with a friendly and non-judgmental teaching style, something I’ve seen other program members commenting on.
Science and self-help come together. As a colleague suggested in another review the CBQ Method is compatible with The Transtheoretical Model (TTM) of change that has been the leading theory of behavioral change. The quit smoking stages of the CBQ Method seem to be more concise than the stages of The Transtheoretical Model (TTM) of change as the CBQ Method expands on the mental change of the individual. Ms. Nasia Davos’ program is informed by Cognitive Behavioral Therapy married with self-help, coaching, and NLP, which in my view, presents a refreshing angle.
Flexible. Patients can smoke while preparing for their upcoming quit date, relieving pressure. Doctors need to navigate this carefully. My patients ask if they’re allowed to smoke for 10 more days (the program’s predetermined day of quitting) instead of stopping smoking immediately, to which I respond by affirming that they can smoke for 10 days and stop for good rather than stop immediately today and default tomorrow. For other doctors who may face similar inquiries, the program allows individuals to stop smoking anytime they wish before the end of the program.
Senior population. Many smokers of older age may have never purchased or consumed an online course before, which can form an impediment for seniors who want to quit smoking unless they’re familiar with usage of smartphones or similar technology devices.
Only online access. Internet connection is a requirement for this program. I wish to see a home DVD option for those who have no internet connection.
Price. This is the most sizeable disadvantage. The CBQ program is well worth its price, but not everyone can afford it. I feel strongly about seeing the CBQ program offered by governmental health organizations & healthcare providers to those who are ill and in need of stopping smoking or vaping.
In conclusion, I am satisfied and found the CBQ Program to be an excellent and viable solution I have been recommending to my patients. I have also reached out and am interested in being trained and licensed in the CBQ Method myself so I can be effective in directly helping my patients.
Dr. Ian P. Mitchell MBChB, Ph.D., FACC, FSCAI