Plant description
Canarium odontophyllum is a medium sized and upright tree which measures 36 meters high having 86 cm trunk diameter and branched canopy at the top of the trunk. Leaves are thin, large and finely pugbescent and pinnate. New leaves forms in the color of red velvet or green. Branchlets and petioles have resinous ducts. Flower measures 10 mm across and is white-yellow. Male flower has six stamens and female flower has six staminodes. Flowers are followed by fleshy and oblong to ellipsoidal drupe about 35–40 mm long by 20–25 mm wide. Fruits are white when immature which turns purplish black when ripe having thin and edible skin. Flesh is 4-7 mm thick and white or yellow. Seed is large and three angled pointed.
Health Benefits of Dabai
- Act as antioxidant
Dabai lowers the signs of aging by reducing wrinkles and preserves the skin texture. It prevents skin from sun damage and lowers the chances of sunburn.
- Lipid
It produces energy and protects vital organs such as kidneys, heart, spleen and liver.
- Magnesium
Magnesium helps to lower the chances of coronary heart diseases. It is beneficial to cardiovascular system. The sources of magnesium and potassium are associated with reducing blood pressure. Moreover, it treats diabetes, insomnia, migraines and depression.
- Calcium
It promotes bone mass in both growing children and young adults. It can lower bone loss during aging. It prevents the chances of weight gain as it promotes more fat to be burned and less fat is stored.
- Fatty acids
The diet with low content of fatty acids results in skin problems such as eczema, split nails, dandruff and brittle hair. It regulates blood pressure, liver function and immune responses and also support blood clotting and breaking down of cholesterol.
Culinary uses
- It is used in various recipes such as fried rice, pizza, maki, mixed vegetables, mayonnaise, desserts, salad sauce, ice cream and chips.
- Soak it in hot water for 10 minutes till it becomes soft and then consume with sugar or soy sauce in a meal.
Dabai Quick Facts | |
Name: | Dabai |
Scientific Name: | Canarium odontophyllum |
Origin | Borneo – the area of greatest diversity is located in Brunei Darussalam and the Brunei Bay region. |
Colors | Purplishblack |
Shapes | Oblong to ellipsoidal drupe |
Flesh colors | White or yellow |
Taste | Rich mealy, oily |
Name | Dabai |
Scientific Name | Canarium odontophyllum |
Native | Borneo – the area of greatest diversity is located in Brunei Darussalam and the Brunei Bay region. In Sarawak dabai can be found along the riverbansk in Sibu, Kapit and Sarikei divisions. It is also found in Pahlawan and Sumatra. |
Common/English Name | Dabai, Sibu Olive |
Name in Other Languages | Borneo: Bundui-Bundui, Dabai (Sarawak), Dabu, Dabang, Dawai, Danau Majang, Kembayau (Brunei), Kembayau, Kembayu (Sabah),Defai (Punan Malinau, East Kalimantan), Bua Labai (Merap, East Kalimantan), Bua Pasan (Lundaye, East Kalimantan), Keravei (Kenyah Uma’, East Kalimantan), Kumbayan, Kedongdong, Kurihang, Saluan; Indonesian: Danau majang, Kurihang |
Plant Growth Habit | Medium-sized, upright tree |
Plant Size | 36 m high with 86 cm trunk diameter |
Flower | White-yellow, 10 mm across |
Fruit shape & size | Oblong to ellipsoidal drupe, 35–40 mm long by 20–25 mm wide |
Fruit color | Purplishblack |
Flesh color | White or yellow |
Fruit skin | Thin |
Flavor/aroma | Fine |
Fruit Taste | Rich mealy, oily |