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The Kidney Bean: beneficial for digestive health

Kidney bean - Phaseolus vulgaris

Phaseolus vulgaris, kidney bean, green bean or common bean, is an annual, climbing or sub-erect herbaceous bush in the Fabaceae (legume or bean family) in the genus Phaseolus L, that originated in Central and South America and is currently grown in many parts of the world for its beans, that can be harvested and consumed immature, still in the edible pod, or when mature, shelled, and dried. Kashmiri kidney beans, Red kidney beans and Chitra kidney beans are some popular varieties of Kidney beans. It is often considered the ‘meat of the poor’ and forms the main protein source for individuals in many countries even though it is also common with wealthier consumers. Apart from its mild flavor it is loaded with important essential nutrients, minerals and vitamins.


A kidney bean is an annual, climbing or sub-erect herbaceous bush growing 3 meters long. It is found growing in tropical and temperate zones. It prefers medium-textured, well drained, organic rich soils over 0.5 m deep. It cannot tolerate high soil acidity and the related aluminum and manganese toxicities. It has well-developed taproot along with many lateral roots. It has 2–3 m long pubescent stem, turns glabrescent when old. Leaf is trifoliolate, alternate on 4–9 cm long petiole. Leaflets are 4–16 cm long, 2.5–11 cm broadly ovate to ovate-rhombic, acuminate, and apex, rounded to broadly cuneate base. Flower is papilionaceous, bisexual. Corolla is white, purple, yellow or pale pink, standard 9–12 mm long and glabrous. It is found blooming during July to September.


Kidney beans are 8–20 cm long by 1–2.5 cm wide, linear-oblong legume, black, green, purple, yellow, pink, white-pink spotted in color, slightly curved to broadly undulating, turgid, glabrous, and beaked. One Kidney bean consists of 4–10 rounded kidney-shaped, ellipsoid or oblong and 2 cm long seeds which are pink, black, white, brown, red, spotted or variegated in 2 colors. A seed normally have dark red skin and has cream-colored flesh. It has mild flavor which is mostly suitable for soups, vegetables and many more. Beans are used for burns, dysentery, acne, bladder, diabetes, cardiac, carminative, dropsy, depurative, diuretic, diarrhea and many other problems.


Kidney bean is usually supposed to have originated in the Americas, with two centers of domestication. The small seed varieties were proposed to have domesticated from small-seeded wild type in Central America and the large-seeded varieties from large-seeded type in the Andean region of South America. Spaniards and Portuguese have taken to Europe, later they also took them to Africa and other parts of the Old World. Currently they are broadly grown in the tropics, subtropics and temperate regions. They are less identified in India, where other pulses are favored.

Nutritional Value

Apart from their mild taste Kidney bean is a good source of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Consuming 100 gram of kidney bean offers 35.6 mg of Vitamin C, 0.362 mg of Vitamin B1, 0.273 mg of Vitamin B2 0.174 mg of Copper, 3.024 mg of Vitamin B3, 47 µg of Vitamin B9, 0.89 mg of Iron and 4.83 g of Protein. Moreover many Amino acids like 0.214 g of Isoleucine, 0.248 g of Valine, 0.203 g of Threonine, 0.05 g of Tryptophan and 0.135 g of Histidine are also found in 100 gram of the fruit.

Nutritional value of Kidney Beans
Serving Size: 1 Cup,100 g

Calories 33 Kcal. Calories from Fat 5.22 Kcal.

Kidney Bean Quick Facts
Name: Kidney Bean
Scientific Name: Phaseolus vulgaris
Origin Originated in the Americas
Colors Red, black, white, brown, pink, mottled or variegated in 2 colors
Shapes Rounded kidney-shaped, ellipsoid or oblong and 2 cm long.
Flesh colors Cream-colored
Taste Mild flavor
Calories 33 Kcal./cup
Major nutrients Vitamin C (39.56%)
Vitamin B1 (30.17%)
Vitamin B2 (21.00%)
Vitamin B3 (18.90%)
Health benefits Curing Cataracts (Eye Disorder), Antioxidants & Anti-aging Properties, Bone Strength, Alzheimer’s disease, Treatment of the Common Cold, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Relieves Fatigue, Cures Acne, Cardiovascular Benefits, Beneficial for digestive health
Proximity Amount % DV
Water 89.3 g N/D
Energy 33 Kcal N/D
Energy 138 kJ N/D
Protein 4.83 g 9.66%
Total Fat (lipid) 0.58 g 1.66%
Ash 0.58 g N/D
Carbohydrate 4.72 g 3.63%
Total Dietary Fiber 6.40g 16.84%
Soluble 2.62 g N/D
Insoluble 3.77 g N/D

Minerals Amount % DV
Copper, Cu 0.174 mg 19.33%
Iron, Fe 0.89 mg 11.13%
Manganese, Mn 0.199 mg 8.65%
Magnesium, Mg 23 mg 5.48%
Phosphorus, P 38 mg 5.43%
Potassium, K 194 mg 4.13%
Zinc, Zn 0.44 mg 4.00%
Calcium, Ca 19 mg 1.90%
Selenium, Se 0.6 µg 1.09%
Sodium, Na 7 mg 0.47%

Vitamins Amount % DV
Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid) 35.6 mg 39.56%
Vitamin B1 (Thiamin) 0.362 mg 30.17%
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) 0.273 mg 21.00%
Vitamin B3 (Niacin) 3.024 mg 18.90%
Vitamin B9 (Folate, Folic acid) 47 µg 11.75%
Vitamin K 8.40 µg 7%
Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic acid) 0.381 mg 7.62%
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) 0.093 mg 7.15%
Vitamin A 2 µg 0.29%

Lipids Amount % DV
Fatty acids, total saturated 0.083 g 0.13%
Palmitic acid 16:00 (Hexadecanoic acid) 0.074 g N/D
Stearic acid 18:00 (Octadecanoic acid) 0.01 g N/D
Fatty acids, total monounsaturated 0.045 g N/D
Oleic acid 18:1 (octadecenoic acid) 0.045 g N/D
Gadoleic acid 20:1 (eicosenoic acid)  g N/D
Fatty acids, total polyunsaturated 0.318 g 1.87%
Linoleic acid 18:2 (octadecadienoic acid) 0.123 g N/D
Linolenic acid 18:3 (Octadecatrienoic acid) 0.194 g N/D

Amino Acids Amount % DV
Isoleucine 0.214 g 12.80%
Valine 0.248 g 11.74%
Threonine 0.203 g 11.53%
Tryptophan 0.05 g 11.36%
Histidine 0.135 g 10.96%
Leucine 0.347 g 9.39%
Phenylalanine 0.243 g 8.37%
Lysine 0.275 g 8.22%
Cystine 0.055 g 3.29%
Methionine 0.05g N/D
Tyrosine 0.166g N/D
Arginine 0.263 g N/D
Alanine 0.2 g N/D
Aspartic acid 0.628 g N/D
Glutamic acid 0.589 g N/D
Glycine 0.166 g N/D
Proline 0.195 g N/D
Serine 0.258 g N/D

*Above mentioned Percent Daily Values (%DVs) are based on 2,000 calorie diet intake. Daily values (DVs) may be different depending upon your daily calorie needs. Mentioned values are recommended by a U.S. Department of Agriculture. They are not recommendations. Calculations are based on average age of 19 to 50 years and weighs 194 lbs.


Health benefits of Kidney beans

Kidney beans are loaded with important nutrients, vitamins and minerals which are essential to live a healthy and prosperous life. Including kidney beans on a regular diet helps us to fight with Rheumatoid Arthritis, Relieves Fatigue, good for digestive health, cures acne and many other disease.

1. Beneficial for digestive health

Kidney beans are a good source of dietary fiber. Fiber is normally of two types insoluble and soluble, kidney beans include both. Soluble fiber is helpful in reducing the amount of cholesterol you absorb from food and insoluble fiber provides required bulk for good digestive health as well as bowel movements. Research recommends consuming more fluids as soon as you consume kidney beans or any other legumes to assists digestive system properly uses additional fiber.

2. Cardiovascular Benefits

Kidney beans include higher fiber content which is essential to reduces cholesterol level. Foliate content in kidney beans also helps to lower homocysteine which further decreases the chance of heart attacks, vascular disease and many other heart related diseases. Apart from that magnesium contained in kidney beans helps to maintain healthy functioning of the cardiovascular system.

3. Cures Acne

Kidney beans consists of moderate quantity of Zinc that plays an important role in maintain healthy skin. Zinc helps proper functioning of sebaceous glands that helps to produce perspiration. Apart from that folic acids presents in kidney beans helps in forming new skin cells. Regular production of new cells can be beneficial to clear pores as well as decrease acne breakouts. Therefore kidney beans consumption is beneficial for better skin health.

4. Relieves Fatigue

Fatigue, also mentioned as lethargy, tiredness, listlessness and exhaustion describes a physical and mental state of being tired and weak. Magnesium content of Kidney beans can significantly provide relief from fatigue. It also relaxes nerves, blood vessels and muscles. Regular kidney beans consumption also helps to reduce muscle soreness, headache, migraine and different effects of Asthma.

5. Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid Arthritis is a serious long-lasting progressive illness resulting in inflammation of joints and leads to throbbing deformity as well as immovability, particularly in the ankles, feet, fingers and wrists. Frequent Kidney beans intake is best options for decreasing such inflammatory conditions since kidney beans contain reasonable quantity of Copper content. Copper is essential to encourage certain enzymatic activity as well as sustain elastic properties of joints, blood vessels and ligaments.

6. Treatment of the Common Cold

Common cold, simply known as cold, is a viral infectious illness of the upper respiratory tract that mainly affects the nose. Kidney beans intake improves the immune system of our body, which safeguards from colds and coughs. It enables the absorption of iron and hence strengthens the body’s resistance to infection. It also fights against viruses.

7. Alzheimer’s disease

Alzheimer’s disease is actually a progressive mental weakening which takes place in middle or old age, because of general deterioration of the brain. It is the main reason of premature senility. Vitamin B is essential nutrients for proper brain function which is found in significant amounts in Kidney beans. It nourishes your brain nerves and cells which can avoid age linked disease such as Alzheimer’s.

8. Bone Strength

Calcium and manganese present in Kidney beans are essential nutrients for maintain strong bones and other trace minerals helps to prevents osteoporosis (condition in which the bones become brittle and fragile due to loss of tissue). Different research have proven that low quantities of folic acid in the diet result in  growth of homocysteine levels and considerably increases risk of osteoporosis-related bone fractures, mainly  hip fracture in women and in men. Vitamin K content is also an acute nutrient for bone health. Vitamin K deficient people are at high risk of suffering from bone fractures problems. Vitamin K has shown to stop fractures in women who have passed through menopause and have previously started to experience bone loss.

9. Antioxidants & Anti-aging Properties

Kidney Beans are loaded with antioxidants that are considered to have strong anti-aging properties and to encourage longevity by limiting the damage caused by free radicals. It will help protect the skin and the rest of the body from long-term problems caused by environmental factors as well as unhealthy foods.

10. Curing Cataracts (Eye Disorder)

Cataract is most common conditions of visual problems. Kidney beans consist of considerable amount of vitamin C. An Insufficient quantity vitamin C within lens of the human eye has been discovered mostly when cataracts are present. An increase of vitamin C intake increases the blood supply to the ocular areas of the body.

How to Eat

Other Traditional uses and benefits of Kidney beans

Other Facts


Kidney Bean Facts

Kidney bean is an 8–20 cm long by 1–2.5 cm wide, linear-oblong legume which is green, yellow, black, purple, pink, white-pink mottled color. It can be found growing in organic rich, well-drained soils. It is a nutrients dense vegetable which is mainly used for vegetable.

Name Kidney bean
Scientific Name Phaseolus vulgaris
Native originated in the Americas
Common/English Name Bush Bean, Haricot Bean, Runner Bean, Dry Bean, Dwarf Bean, Frash Bean, French Bean,Green Bean,String Bean, Wax Bean, Navy Bean, Pea Bean,Common Bean
Name in Other Languages Angola : Otchipoke ( Umubumbu )
Columbia : Alubia, Fríjol, Frísol;
Eastonian : Harilik Aeduba, Turgi Uba
Armenian : Lobi Sovorakan
India : Bakla, Biins, Rajmah ( Hindu ), Binns
Ecuador : Fréjol, Vainita
Chinese : Bai Fan Dou, Ban Wen Dou, Cai Dou
Chuvash : Shalsa Parsi
Argentina : Chicharo, Chaucha, Poroto
Democratic Republic of Congo : Cishimbo ( Shi )
Finnish : Salkopapu, Tarhapapu, Torapapu
Thai : Thua Khaek, Thua Phum
Hungarian : Bab, Paszuly, Veteménybab
Georgian : Lobio
Spanish : Alubia, Alubias, Bajoca, Caraotas
French : Haricot Commun, Haricot Grimpant
Bolivia : Chicharo, Judía, Judía Común, Frejol
Gabon : Modjangi, Maliko ( Apindji ), Butsangi ( Baduma)
Ukranian : Kvasolya Zvichaina
Cuba : Frijol
Czech : Fazol Obecný, Fazole Zahradní
Dutch : Boon, Bruine Boon, Gewone Boon
Azerbaijan : Adi Lobya
Hawaian : Bakla, Loba, Lobia, Rajmah
Korean : Gang Nang K’ong
Burmese : Bo Sa Pè, Hto Pe Ton, Mete Beir
Nepali : Dolo Simi
Moldavian : Fasole Urketoare
Malaysia : Kacang Buncis, Kacang Merah
Peru : Chicharo, Judía, Judía Común, Frejol
Vietnamese : Ðậu Ve
El Salvador : Frijol
German : Bohne, Fisole, Garten-Bohne
Dominican Republic : Habichuela
Japanese : Ingen Mame, Sasage
Panama : Chicharo, Frijol, Poroto
Guatemala : Frijol
Portuguese : Feijão, Feijăo-De-Trepar, Feijão- Vagem
Lithuanian : Darzines Pupeles
Danish : Almindelig Břnne, Bønne, Buskbřnne
Swiss : Bruna Bonor, Storbona
Norwegian : Hagebønne
Turkish : Fasulye
Pakistan : Loba Fasoulia
Nicaragua : Frijol
Chile : Chicharo, Judía, Judía Común, Frejol
Greek : Fasiolos Koinos, Fasolaki Anarihetiko
Honduras : Frijol
Indonesia : Boncis, Buncis
Brazil : Feijão, Feijão–Vagem, Feijoeiro
Mexico : Ejote, Frijol
Swedish : Böna, Stĺngböna, Störböna
Russian : Fasol’ Obyknovennaia
Paraguay : Habilla
Uruguay : Chicharo, Poroto
Italian : Fagiolo, Fagiuolo Commune, Fagiolo Da Sgranare
Costa Rica : Frijol
Kampuchean : Sândaèk Barang
Laos : Mak Thaoua Khek, Mak Thaoua Frang
Ubzek : Loviya
Slovašcina : Fižol Navadni, Navadni Fižol
Puerto Rico : Habicuel
Swahili : Mharagwe
Latvian : Parastas Pupinas
Mong : Chichees Buurtzag, Egel Shosh
Mali : Nii
Polish : Fasola Zwyczajna, Fasola Zwykła, Feijao
Slovencina : Fazuľa Obyčajná, Fazua Záhradná
Belarusan : Fasolya Zvychainaya, Khvasolya
Taiwan : Pan Wen Tou
Uganda : Mattu Wanyambi ( Bugisu ), Ngaingai
Venezuela : Caraota
Plant Growth Habit Annual, climbing or sub-erect herbaceous bush
Growing Climate Tolerate most environmental conditions in tropical and temperate zones.
Soil Medium-textured, organic rich, well-drained soils over 0.5 m deep. It is intolerant of high soil acidity and the associated aluminum and manganese toxicities.
Plant Size 3 metres long
Root Well-developed taproot with many lateral roots.
Stem 2–3 m long pubescent stem, glabrescent when old
Leaf Trifoliolate, alternate on 4–9 cm long petiole
Leaflets 4–16 cm long, 2.5–11 cm broadly ovate to ovate-rhombic, acuminate, apex, rounded to broadly cuneate base
Flowering Season July to September
Flower Papilionaceous, bisexual. Corolla white, yellow, purple or pale pink, standard 9–12 mm long and glabrous,
Pod shape & size 8–20 cm long by 1–2.5 cm wide, linear-oblong legume,
Pod color purple, green, pink, yellow, black, white-pink mottled in color
Seed shape & size 4–10 rounded kidney-shaped, ellipsoid or oblong and 2 cm long.
Seed Color White, brown, pink, red, black, mottled or variegated in 2 colors
Flavor/aroma Mild flavor
Skin Color Dark red skin
Flesh Color Cream-colored flesh
Varieties/Types Red kidney beans, Kashmiri kidney beans,  Chitra kidney beans
Major Nutrition Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid) 35.6 mg 39.56%
Vitamin B1 (Thiamin) 0.362 mg 30.17%
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) 0.273 mg 21.00%
Copper, Cu 0.174 mg 19.33%
Vitamin B3 (Niacin) 3.024 mg 18.90%
Total Dietary Fiber 6.40g 16.84%
Isoleucine 0.214 g 12.80%
Vitamin B9 (Folate, Folic acid) 47 µg 11.75%
Valine 0.248 g 11.74%
Threonine 0.203 g 11.53%
Tryptophan 0.05 g 11.36%
Iron, Fe 0.89 mg 11.13%
Histidine 0.135 g 10.96%
Health Benefits
  • Curing Cataracts (Eye Disorder)
  • Antioxidants & Anti-aging Properties
  • Bone Strength
  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Treatment of the Common Cold
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Relieves Fatigue
  • Cures Acne
  • Cardiovascular Benefits
  • Beneficial for digestive health
Calories in 1cup (145gm) 33 Kcal



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