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How to Support Your Prostate Health

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The topic of prostate health is often difficult to approach and discuss, even with the support of your doctor and health care provider. However, it’s important for men to express concerns about their risk of prostate cancer and other associated health risks to a doctor as soon as possible. As you age, it’s essential to do everything you can to manage your prostate health and increase your prevention methods wherever possible. Supporting your personal prostate health can involve everything from exercising regularly to including natural health supplements in your diet. 

As you continue to age, optimizing your overall health and wellness becomes an increasingly difficult task. However, you shouldn’t let that discourage you from taking care of yourself and seeking medical attention whenever necessary. Many of the ways to support your prostate health also help you manage your overall fitness and health. Unfortunately, there’s currently no proven method, foods, or health regimes that fully reducing your risk of prostate cancer. Many companies seek to sell a cure-all for prostate health, but at most can only supplement regular preventative measures. 

Many of the steps for reducing your risk of prostate cancer require making changes to both your diet and routine. These changes become increasingly important with age, and you may want to implement them as soon as possible. Let’s look at a few of the ways you can reduce the risks of prostate issues down the road.  

Regular Exercise and Weight Management

Staying physically active is often the most challenging part of maintaining prostate (and general) health and wellness. Finding the motivation to move can be challenging, but you don’t have to start off a new exercise regime all at once. Adding in a few extra steps, such as a walk around lunchtime or after work, is a great way to get started. Here are a few steps for introducing regular exercise into your life in order to improve your overall health and reduce your risk of prostate cancer and BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia)

Take Stock of Your Current Fitness Levels

Assessing your current level of fitness is a necessary first step for all exercise planning. Even you feel that you are out of shape, or were previously in better shape, it’s important not to get discouraged about where you’re currently at in terms of personal fitness. If you can, measure your heart rate and distances when trying out a starting walk or run. Your BMI, flexibility, and weight may also be important for developing a plan. If you are seeking professional assistance with beginning regular exercise, you should speak to your doctor then reach out to a physical trainer. 

Create and Implement a Schedule

The easiest way to make sure you stick closely to your exercise goals is to make sure you schedule your walks, runs, and weightlifting sessions. You don’t have to (and often shouldn’t) exercise at full capacity each day, but you should at least plan on building in a few extra daily steps. Scheduling the exercise process hold you accountable for what you’ve set out to do and helps you maintain a balanced routine.    

Nutrition and Diet for Prostate Health

There are no specific foods that directly support prostate health. Instead, a normal healthy diet is the key to reducing your risk of potential health complications related to your prostate. Choosing foods and beverages that support your general nutrition is just as important as implementing exercise into your daily routine. 

Fruits and Vegetables

Implementing more food and vegetables into your diet is an essential first step to introducing beneficial vitamins and minerals into your system. The food and drug administration, in addition to your local health department, likely recommends that eat at least five servings of fruit and vegetables each day. Keep the colors of these vegetables and fruits varied for an easy way to make sure your diet includes a variety of supplementary nutrients. 

Reduce Intake of Processed Food

The next time you’re ready for a snack, make the active decision to stay away from processed foods. Anything that comes in a box on the shelf is typically processed, with only a few exceptions, such as oats and rice. Processed foods usually contain far more harmful ingredients than beneficial ones and ultimately do less to satisfy your stomach. The fats contained in processed food vary greatly from those in natural foods. Avocados and nuts are good examples of foods that contain more naturally occurring fats. The sugars and sodium than processed foods often carry can also be particularly harmful and unhealthy. 

Limit Portion Size

For most adults, eating perfectly isn’t realistic- many of our favorite foods are not a part of a strictly health-conscious diet. Instead of eliminating these items from your diet entirely, consider a policy of “everything in moderation”. Scaling down the portion size of the unhealthy foods makes it easier to introduce the healthier fruits, vegetables, and fats that form a diet with nutritional benefits for your prostate and general well-being. For more healthy eating tips, check out this guide for creating a healthy eating pattern. 

Natural Health Supplements

Many supplement products can support the health of your prostate. Health professionals formulate the best supplements with all-natural ingredients that bolster any deficiencies in your diet. They typically contain a mixture of plants, vitamins, and minerals that support your overall health. Natural health supplements are not a cure; instead, they can assist with preventative measures that combat conditions such as prostate cancer and BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia). They typically have minimal side effects and are safe to try without consulting a doctor. 

Conclusion- How to Support Your Prostate Health

You can support your prostate health by managing your overall wellbeing and nutrition. While there is no single food or medicine for directly reducing conditions such as prostate cancer, the combination of regular exercise, health supplements, and a nutrient-rich diet can help you support your prostate health and reduce the risk of any major problems moving forward.



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