Even the best of us can sweat a lot in the summer when the temperature hits 36 ℃. Should you go out? Definitely! However, how do you smell good even after sweating?
The issue of how to smell good even after sweating is a common and pressing problem for people living in warm countries. However, it’s so ordinary that the majority don’t see it as an issue and go on with their everyday lives.
Learn everything there is to know about smelling good even after sweating, including why we sweat, effective ways to combat the sweatiest parts of our bodies, suggested deodorants, and more.
What Causes Body Odors and How Does it Happen?
Body odor is a natural process that happens to everyone. Bacteria in the armpits, groin, and feet can cause it. The sweat, produced by the body when it’s hot or during physical activities, mixes with these bacteria and produces a smell.
Many things, such as diet, genetics, and health conditions like diabetes or liver disease, can cause body odor. In addition, certain medications like antibiotics or blood pressure medication can also cause it.
The most common cause of body odor is sweat stains. This happens when the sweat from the armpit glands mixes with bacteria on clothes under the armpits, making it hard for people to wear those clothes again without smelling bad.
Body Odor and Diet
You don’t need to be ashamed of body odor. It is part of our body’s natural process. However, it can be unpleasant for others when you have a strong body odor.
Diet plays an essential role in body smell. If you eat certain foods, the food will break down into substances released through your sweat and cause body odor.
These diets include what you eat and drink, your medications, your age, stress level or lack of sleep, and your hygiene habits. Foods that trigger body odor are usually those high in sugar or salt, like garlic or onions.
Some people also produce stronger-smelling sweat than others due to their genetic makeup, which can affect how they smell even after they shower and use deodorant.
Body Odor and Lifestyle
Sweat is produced by the apocrine glands, which are concentrated in the armpits, groin, and feet. When bacteria mix with sweat, it creates a strong odor and releases toxins into the air around us.
To combat this unwanted bacterial process, showering regularly can help. Similarly, you should change your clothes after exercising or playing sports and avoid wearing clothes worn for more than 24 hours.
We are with you! We understand that sometimes, we forget these hygienic routines due to our busy schedules. That is why some natural remedies can help you with this problem.
You can use a deodorant with baking soda or charcoal, as these ingredients help absorb moisture and reduce bacteria that cause body odor. In addition, the alkaline nature of baking soda is one of the natural remedies for sweaty hands & feet. Lastly, avoid eating foods that produce strong odors, such as garlic, onions, curry, or broccoli.
Deodorant Vs. Antiperspirant – What’s The Difference?
There are some essential distinctions between antiperspirant and deodorant. While an antiperspirant lessens sweating, deodorant covers odor. Both items are practically everywhere on your body where they are used, most frequently on the underarms.
Antiperspirants are under the category of medication, whereas deodorants are classified as cosmetics. Antiperspirants are subject to Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulation. This implies that policies and processes govern them and that the labels may include expiration dates.
A study by Urban et al. (2016) discovered that antiperspirants had an early unfavorable impact on bacterial abundance, while deodorants didn’t. Antiperspirant users also had fewer colonies of culturable bacteria after stopping their product usage for one day than deodorant users or non-users.
Following the application of antiperspirants, bacterial density significantly decreased. Additionally, according to their sequence-based analysis, those who regularly use antiperspirant have a higher concentration of bacterial Operational Taxonomic Units (OTUs) in their armpits than people who regularly use deodorant.
Diseases that May Cause Body Odor
Your sweat may smell unpleasant for several reasons. For instance, certain drugs, vitamins, or foods can cause your sweat to smell foul. However, remember that the germs on your skin mixed with the sweat causes the odor, not the sweat itself.
Several illnesses and medical problems are linked to variations in a person’s typical body odor, such as Diabetes, Gout, Menopause, Thyroid disease, Liver infection, Kidney inflammation, and virus-based illnesses.
A shift in your body odor could indicate diabetic ketoacidosis if you have diabetes. Your blood becomes more acidic, and you start to smell fruity when you have high ketone levels. Your breath may smell like bleach if you have liver or kidney illness because of the buildup of toxins in your body.
7 Simple Steps for Preventive Maintenance of Body Odor
Have you ever thought that you might not smell that great? Unfortunately, it’s inevitable, so here are a few steps to sweat less and eliminate body odor.
- Keep yourself spotless: You may wash away sweat and some microorganisms on your skin by taking a shower at least once daily. By alone, sweat has almost no smell. However, when sweat and the germs on your skin mingle, they quickly grow and stink. Body odor can be reduced by adequately washing, mainly where you are prone to perspiration.
- Apply antimicrobial soap: Eliminating some bacteria by washing vigorously with an antimicrobial bar soap can help with the stench. Go to the nearest supermarket or convenience store and search for the word “antimicrobial” or “antibacterial” on the soap’s packaging.
- Dry it all out: Dry yourself down right after a shower, paying particular attention to places where you tend to perspire a lot. It’s more difficult for bacteria that produce body odor to grow on dry skin.
- Apply antiperspirants with “Industrial Strength”: Ensure you’re dry and clean before applying a potent antiperspirant to your underarms. These contain a substance called aluminum chloride, which aids in preventing perspiration, and frequently also have a deodorant. Make use of it twice daily, in the morning and before sleep. No prescription is required to purchase a potent deodorant. Instead, look for those that claim to be stronger. Consult your physician about prescription antiperspirants if you feel you need further assistance.
- Clean up your clothes: If you’re perspiring a lot, change your clothes frequently. Wearing clean clothes can reduce body odor. Switch out your socks, too, particularly if you tend to have smelly feet. Go barefoot whenever you can, replace your insoles frequently, and use antibacterial powders in your shoes.
- Reduce or eliminate certain foods and drinks: Your body odor depends on what you eat. Foods like chili peppers and other spicy foods induce sweating more and may also cause body odor. Also, your perspiration may contain food aromas like onions or garlic. You may perspire more if you consume alcoholic or caffeinated beverages.
- Use essential oils: Our environment can also dictate how good or bad our smell will be. For example, if you continuously walk by a pile of garbage on your way to work, the foul smell can penetrate your clothes, especially if not washed properly. Likewise, if you always use essential oils in your house or diffuse them in your car, there is a high possibility that their smell can come with you wherever you go.
Such essential oils include Egyptian Musk Oil. One particular product you should check out is Lick Me All Over Fragrance Oil, which will take your worry about smelling bad away because of its authentic and long-lasting fragrance.
Keep your Armpits Fresh and Clean by Taking These Simple Measures
Thanks to the tips and tricks above, you’ll be able to combat armpit odor without breaking a sweat (literally). Sweating is indeed a natural human process that helps our bodies stay cool. However, there are ways to keep sweat at bay while preventing your armpits from smelling like onions. Work this into your routine, and people will think you’ve been locked away in the library all day long (only with much better-smelling results!).
The effect of habitual and experimental antiperspirant and deodorant product use on the armpit microbiome
Body Odor