Drug addiction is a serious problem that can adversely affect your body. It’s a disease that changes how your brain works and can be very difficult to overcome. One may not understand the damages in the initial stages, but eventually, it will take a toll.
Let’s take a look at some of the most common ways in which drug addiction can affect the body:
Drug Addiction Can Cause Physical Health Problems
Drug addiction can negatively affect your physical health, both short-term and long-term. The most common are changes in weight, difficulty breathing, and problems with the heart and circulatory system.
Long-Term Effects: Drug addiction can cause many long-term health problems. Heart disease, stroke, cancer, and liver disease are the most common. These diseases can be fatal if not treated properly. Drug addiction can also lead to mental health problems such as depression and anxiety.
Short-Term Effects: In addition to the long-term effects, drug addiction can cause several short-term health problems. These include but are not limited to weight loss or gain, respiratory problems, and cardiovascular problems such as heart attack or stroke.
If you or someone you know is struggling with drug addiction, get help as soon as possible. It is Therapists at Villa Oasis can help those seeking treatment for substance use and co-occurring disorders. Look for a treatment center that can offer a comprehensive recovery approach, including inpatient and outpatient care.
Drug Addiction Can Lead to Emotional Problems
When most people think of drug addiction, they picture someone out of control, engaging in risky behavior, and doing anything to get their next fix. This stereotype is not only inaccurate, but it’s also dangerous. It leads to the belief that people with addictions are inadequate or weak-willed and can’t be helped. The truth is that drug addiction can lead to all sorts of emotional problems.
People with addiction often feel ashamed, embarrassed, and helpless. They may try to hide their problem from family and friends, leading to feelings of isolation and loneliness. They may become more irritable, anxious, and depressed as the addiction progresses.
Drug Addiction Can Lead to Injuries and Death
One of the ways that drug addiction can lead to injuries is by causing accidents. People addicted to drugs may drive while under the influence of drugs, which can lead to car accidents. Car accidents are not the only type that can occur; people addicted to drugs can also have accidents at work or at home. For example, someone addicted to drugs may fall down the stairs because they are high on drugs.
Another way that drug addiction can lead to death is by overdose. An overdose occurs when a person takes too much of a drug, which can be deadly. Overdose deaths have increased in recent years due to the opioid epidemic. People addicted to drugs are at a higher risk of overdosing because they often take more of the drug than they should. They may also carry different drugs, leading to a deadly mix.
Drug Addiction Can Lead to Infections
One of the most common ways drug addiction causes the infection is through injection drug use. When people share needles, they open themselves to all potential infections, including HIV, hepatitis C, and tuberculosis. These diseases can be deadly if not treated properly, and they often require long-term treatment plans that can be very expensive.
Another way drug addiction can lead to infection is by weakening the immune system. When the immune system is weak, it is not as effective at fighting off infections. This can make someone addicted to drugs more likely to get sick from an infection that might not have made them ill otherwise.
People who are addicted to drugs often suffer from skin infections. This is because they may pick at their skin or scratch themselves excessively, opening up the skin and allowing bacteria to enter. In addition, people addicted to drugs may not take care of their skin properly, which can lead to skin infections.
Drug Addiction Can Affect Brain Chemistry
Drug addiction can cause chemical imbalances in the brain by disrupting the average balance of neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters are chemicals that help regulate mood, sleep, appetite, and other vital functions. When drugs disrupt the normal balance of neurotransmitters, it can lead to various problems, including mood swings, insomnia, cravings for drugs or food, and weight gain or loss.
The brain cells of a person who is addicted to drugs are changed by repetitive drug use. These changes can be long-lasting and lead to the harmful behaviors seen in people addicted to drugs. Drugs can also kill brain cells outright, resulting in permanent memory loss or death.
Your brain structure can also be damaged by drug addiction. These changes can be seen on brain scans. They may include shrinkage of the prefrontal cortex (which controls judgment and decision-making) or enlargement of the amygdala (which controls fear and anxiety). These changes can lead to impaired judgment, impulsivity, and increased anxiety or fearfulness.
Neurotransmitter function can also be disrupted by drug addiction, leading to mood, energy level, and motivation changes. For example, someone addicted to stimulants may experience an increase in energy and motivation. In contrast, someone addicted to depressants may experience a decrease in energy and motivation. These changes can be highly damaging to your mental health and well-being.
If you or someone you know is struggling with drug addiction, getting help as soon as possible is crucial. Drug addiction can cause irreversible damage to the brain and body, so getting treatment before it’s too late is essential. Several different treatment options are available, so there’s no need to go through this alone. Reach out to a treatment center today to learn more about your options.