When people try to be as healthy as possible, they often focus on the physical elements and the things they can do, like exercising and eating well, to ensure their physical health is as good as possible. However, although this is important and will help you a great deal, it’s certainly not the only thing you can do. In fact, there are many ways that you can help yourself on top of the physical side of things, and being positive is just one of these ideas.
The more positive a person is, the better it is for their health. Although it can be hard to be positive sometimes – especially if your health happens to be bad or you’re diagnosed with something worrying – the more you can try to turn things around, the better it is in general. With that in mind, here are some of the reasons why being positive helps your health. Once you understand this more, you can take the steps you need to make your life as positive as possible. Read on to find out more.
The Mind-Body Connection
The mind and body are completely linked, and this is what the mind-body connection refers to. Many studies have shown that having a more positive mindset can have a direct (and equally positive) impact on your overall physical health, which is why it’s so important to try to ‘look on the bright side’ no matter what might be happening. Just as being positive can lift your physical health, being negative can bring it down again.
When you have a positive mindset, your brain releases feel good chemicals like serotonin and endorphins. This gives people a wonderful sense of wellbeing, and it reduces stress levels. When we’re less stressed, our physical health will improve, from lowering our blood pressure to putting less strain on the heart and much more, including boosting our immune system. This is the literal mind-body connection that is so important. When you are feeling down, try to find at least one positive thing, whether it’s talking to a friend, enjoying your favorite song, doing exercise, or looking through old photos. You might start to feel much better, helping you to find more positives as time goes on.
Boosts The Immune System
The immune system helps protect people from illnesses and diseases, and you need to try to keep it as healthy as possible to help you as much as possible. A poorly functioning or compromised immune system means you are much more likely to become sick, and you’ll be sick for longer as your body will find it harder to fight off the illness.
Studies have shown that being positive is linked to a better immune system. Positive and optimistic emotions have been linked to lower levels of inflammation and a better immune response in general. In fact, studies have also shown that those who are more positive are much more able to recover quickly and successfully from all kinds of illnesses, including serious things like cancer.
Of course, it’s still absolutely crucial to speak to medical professionals if you are unwell and need to have a diagnosis. They will be able to do the proper tests and let you know exactly what the issue is, and they’ll be able to help you understand the different treatments you can undergo. Being positive should never be a substitute for treatment, but it is something that can work alongside any medications or treatments that are necessary to boost your healing and recovery and make it a lot faster and less difficult.
Have Positive Relationships
Human beings are generally social creatures (some to a greater extent than others), and our relationships will have an effect on our wellbeing and general health as well. When you have positive relationships in your lives, this will make your emotional health better, and this, in turn, will improve your physical health.
When you have positive interactions with people, your body releases oxytocin, which is a hormone that reduces stress. It has also been linked to better bonding, and it’s what many parents will feel when they first see their babies, for example.
On top of this, surrounding yourself with positive and supportive people will be another way to reduce stress and improve your health. When you feel upset for any reason, having good people around you can uplift you and put you in a positive frame of mind to help put you on a positive path once again. For example, it might be that you have to deal with a misdiagnosis, which means your health has suffered. Being around good people will help you feel better, and it can provide practical help, too, such as someone giving you information about a good cancer misdiagnosis claims attorney, for example. The more social you are – when possible because being alone can also be a positive thing – the more chance you have of being healthy.
Mindfulness And Gratitude
There are many ways to be positive in life; any of them will help you with your physical health and wellbeing. However, if you’re not sure where to start, a good thing to do is to try to be more mindful and to practice more gratitude. Both of these things can be linked together, and both can ensure that you have a more positive mindset overall.
Mindfulness helps you stay in the present and not worry about the future or think about negative things that have happened in the past. It also means you can focus on being grateful for everything you currently have without wishing things were different. When you are mindful and grateful, your mindset will become a lot more positive, helping you become healthier, as mentioned above. Keeping a gratitude diary is a great way to become more appreciative of what you have in your life and can help you have a more positive outlook on life.
The more you do these things, the more they will become natural, and you’ll soon do them without even thinking about it. When this happens, you’ll be more positive and, therefore, healthier.