
Caramel Nut Tartlets
Caramel Nut Tartlets are a treat that combines flavors of caramel and a variety of toasted nuts, all nestled within crust. These tartlets, a modern twist on traditional pies and tarts, trace their origins to the European pastry tradition. Typically served as a dessert, they are perfect for small gatherings or a meal. The major ingredients include unsalted butter, brown sugar, honey, a mix of slivered almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, heavy cream for the filling, and a chocolate tartlet dough made with semisweet chocolate, almond meal, and spices. The cooking method involves preparing the chocolate dough, baking it and then filling it with a boiling mixture of caramelized sugar, honey, cream, and toasted nuts. Once baked until the filling bubbles, they are cooled to set.
Chocolate tartlet dough
Crafting the Crust:
Preparing the dough as per the instructions provided. Gently shape it within your tartlet pans, forming the base. Place these pans into the refrigerator to chill, allowing the dough to rest and firm up.
Baking the Base:
Place your oven, setting oven temperature to 350°F, or 180°C. Bake for 10 to 12 minutes, or until the crusts begin to look dry. The tartlet pans should be moved to a wire rack. Re-form the shell by gently pressing on the dough with a tiny rubber spatula if the crusts are puffed in certain areas and/or if the sides have slipped down. After allowing the crusts to cool fully, transfer them to a baking sheet.
Concocting the Filling:
In a saucepan, cook the butter, brown sugar, and honey over low heat, stirring constantly, until the sugar melts and the mixture stops being gritty. Turn up the heat to high and keep stirring until the mixture boils. Boil for one minute or until big bubbles form without stirring. Take off the heat source. Add the cream, hazelnuts, walnuts, and almonds and stir. Pour right into the crusts, distributing the contents equally.
The Final Flourish:
Place oven and bake for about 12-15 minutes. Put them back to the wire rack to cool about 30 minutes. With a touch, release the tartlets from their pans. These tartlets are best at room temperature.