Archives: Health Wikis

Lipid peroxidation is a biochemical process in which free radicals, particularly reactive oxygen species (ROS),…

Bones are dynamic, living tissues that form the structural framework of the human body, providing…

Cartilage is a flexible, resilient connective tissue found in various parts of the human body,…

Carotenoids are a diverse family of fat-soluble pigments found naturally in plants, algae, some fungi,…

Metabolism is the complex network of chemical reactions that occur within living organisms to maintain…

A hybrid plant is a result of crossbreeding two different plant varieties or species to combine…

A nutty taste is a flavor profile commonly associated with nuts such as almonds, walnuts,…

Hydration is the process of maintaining an adequate balance of fluids in the body, essential…

An heirloom plant refers to a plant variety that has been passed down through generations, often within…

Zeaxanthin is a carotenoid pigment belonging to the xanthophyll subclass, prominently found in the retina,…

Copper is a versatile and essential metallic element with the chemical symbol Cu and atomic…

Saturated fat is a type of dietary fat that is typically solid at room temperature…