Pomegranate is a deciduous, much-branched, small tree or shrub that grows between 6 to 10 m (20 to 33 ft.) tall. It is primarily grown in mild-temperate to subtropical and naturally adapted to regions with cool winters and hot summers, but can also be grown in warm tropical areas. It does not flower and fruit well in very humid and wet climates. It is adaptable to a wide range of soil types including soils on which other fruit species will not grow. It thrives on calcareous soil, alkaline soil, and gravelly soil and on deep, acidic loams. For commercial cultivation well-drained, heavy, light and medium soils are preferred although it can withstand seasonal waterlogging. Pomegranate has multiple spiny branches and is extremely long-lived, with some specimens in France surviving for 200 years.
The trunk is covered by a red-brown bark which later becomes gray. Branches are stiff, angular and often spiny. There is a strong tendency to sucker from the base. Pomegranates are also long-lived. There are specimens in Europe that are known to be over 200 years of age. The strength of a pomegranate declines after about 15 years, however.
Leaves are opposite, glabrous, coriaceous, glossy green, entire, simple, oblong-lanceolate to obovate or elliptic, 19–35(−50) × 8–12 (−15) mm, sub petiolate, apex sub-acute to obtuse.
The attractive scarlet, white or variegated flowers are over an inch across and have 5 to 8 crumpled petals and a red, fleshy, tubular calyx which persists on the fruit. The flowers may be solitary or grouped in twos and threes at the ends of the branches. Calyx is campanulate, reddish or purplish with six triangular, persistent lobes, Petals 6, broadly obovate, wrinkled, alternating with the sepal lobes, stamens numerous, multi seriate, persistent, inserted on flower tube, Ovary is sub globose, inferior with three cells in two-series, style one thick, reddish, stigma simple slightly bi lobed. The pomegranate is self-pollinated as well as cross-pollinated by insects. Cross-pollination increases the fruit set. Wind pollination is insignificant.
Fruit is a berry intermediate in size between a lemon and a grapefruit, 5–12 cm (2.0–4.7 in) in diameter with a rounded shape. The tough, leathery skin or rind is typically yellow overlaid with light or deep pink or rich red. The interior is separated by membranous walls and white, spongy, bitter tissue into compartments packed with sacs filled with sweetly acid, juicy, red, pink or whitish pulp or aril. In each sac there is one white, pink or red angular, soft or hard seed 10–13 mm long. Single fruit normally weights about 200 gm. High temperatures are essential during the fruiting period to get the best flavor. The pomegranate may begin to bear in 1 year after planting out, but 2-1/2 to 3 years is more common. Under suitable conditions the fruit should mature some 5 to 7 months after bloom.
It is a very good and smart choice for your dietary plans, as the nutritional benefits of pomegranate are amazing. The pomegranate arils make a perfect garnish for salads and other dishes also. Its juice is used in soups, jellies, sauces and different other types of cakes and its juice also add natural sweetness to the dishes with a unique flavor. It is said that daily intake of pomegranate makes your skin glow like its color inside.
Pomegranate tree is native from the Middle East to the Himalayas in northern India. It has been cultivated and naturalized since ancient times throughout the Mediterranean region of Asia, Caucasus, northern Africa and Europe. The fruit has various uses as it is today and was featured in Egyptian mythology and art, in the Old Testament of the Bible and in the Babylonian Talmud. From its native range, it was introduced to central and southern India and Southeast Asia.
It was reported growing in Indonesia in 1416. It was introduced into Latin America and California by the Spanish in 1796; it is now grown in California and Arizona. It has been widely cultivated throughout India and drier parts of Southeast Asia and tropical Africa. The most important growing regions are Egypt, China, Afghanistan, Turkey, Syria, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Iran, Iraq, India, Myanmar and Saudi Arabia. There are some commercial orchards in Israel on the coastal plain and in the Jordan Valley.
Over 764 cultivars of Iranian pomegranate have been collected in a germplasm collection in the cities of Yazd and Saveh. All of the cultivars possess specific fruit characteristics, including size, color, taste, time of ripening, and disease resistance.
Nutritional Value
Apart from their Sweet taste, pomegranate is a good source of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Consuming 174 gram of pomegranate offers 0.275 mg of Copper, 32.54 g of Carbohydrate, 28.5 µg of Vitamin K, 17.7 mg of Vitamin C, 7 g of Total dietary Fiber, 66 µg of Vitamin B9, 0.656 mg of Vitamin B5, 0.13 mg of Vitamin B6, 0.117 mg of Vitamin B1, 63 mg of Phosphorus and 0.207 mg of Manganese.
Health benefits of Pomegranate
Whenever people think about these small red seeds they think of the high power of anti-oxidants. The bottom line is, anti-oxidants are essential simply because they provide electrons to free-radicals (body pollution) so that they don’t need to commit the crime of robbing from healthy cells within our bodies. Numerous recent reports have demonstrated substantial possible health advantages from consuming and also consuming fresh pomegranate fruit. Here are some of the well-known health benefits of pomegranate:
1. Impressive Anti-Inflammatory Effects
Long-lasting inflammation is one of the leading drivers of many killer diseases like heart disease, cancer, type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease and even obesity.
Pomegranate has strong anti-inflammatory properties, which are mostly mediated by the antioxidant properties of the punicalagins. Test tube research has shown that it can reduce inflammatory activity in the digestive tract, as well as in breast cancer and colon cancer cells.
Research in diabetics found that 250 ml of pomegranate juice per day for 12 weeks lowered the inflammatory markers CRP and interleukin-6 by 32% and 30%, respectively. Thus we can conclude that including pomegranate in our diet is quite beneficial for anti- inflammatory problems.(1), (2), (3), (4)
2. Help Fight Prostate Cancer
Prostate cancer is the most common type of cancer in men. Laboratory research has shown that pomegranate extract help to slow down cancer cell reproduction, and even induce apoptosis (cell death) in cancer cells. The PSA (prostate specific antigen) is a blood marker for prostate cancer.
Men whose PSA levels double in a short period of time are at increased risk of death from prostate cancer. Remarkably, a human research found that 237 ml (8 oz.) of pomegranate juice per day increased the PSA doubling time from 15 months to 54 months, which is huge. A follow-up research found similar improvements using a type of pomegranate extract called POMx.(5), (6), (7), (8)
3. Relieve Stress
Regular consumption of pomegranate juice is one of the best options to relieve stress.
In a research, it was noticed a significant fall in the stress hormone cortisol in the people who were served with pomegranate juice. Thus people suffering from stress can consume juice for a few days. You will see significant result with a week.
4. Lower Blood Pressure
High blood pressure (hypertension) is one of the leading causes of heart attacks and strokes.
In one research, people with high blood pressure had a substantial reduction after consuming 150 ml (5 oz.) of pomegranate juice daily for 2 weeks.
Other research has found similar effects, particularly for systolic blood pressure (the higher number in a blood pressure reading).(9), (10), (11)
5. Anemia
Regular consumption of pomegranate in any form helps to maintain healthy blood flow in the body. Pomegranate supplies iron to the blood, therefore helping to decrease symptoms of anemia, including exhaustion, dizziness, weakness, and hearing loss.
6. Lower Risk of Heart Disease
Heart disease is presently the world’s most common cause of premature death. It is a complicated disease, driven by several different factors. Punicic acid, the main fatty acid in pomegranate, may help protect against several steps in the heart disease process.
Research in 51 people with high cholesterol and triglycerides, 800 milligrams of pomegranate seed oil per day for 4 weeks was shown to considerably lower triglycerides and improves the triglyceride: HDL ratio.
Another research looked at the effects of pomegranate juice in people with type 2 diabetes and high cholesterol. They noted significant reductions in LDL cholesterol, as well as other improvements.
Pomegranate juice has also been shown, in both animal and human researches, to protect the LDL cholesterol particles from oxidation, one of the key steps in the pathway towards heart disease.(12), (13), (14), (15), (16), (17), (18)
7. Dental Care
One of the best benefits of pomegranates is that their juice, together with its antibacterial and antiviral properties, helps to reduce the effects of dental plaque and safeguards against various oral diseases.
8. Help Treat Erectile Dysfunction
Oxidative damage can impair blood flow in all areas of the body, including erectile tissue. Pomegranate juice has been shown to be helpful in increasing blood flow and erectile response in rabbits.
In a research of 53 men with erectile dysfunction, pomegranate seemed to have some benefit, but it was not statistically substantial.(19), (20)
9. Diabetes
For diabetic patients, consuming pomegranate juice can reduce the risk of various coronary diseases. Along with this, there is a reduction in the hardening of the arteries, which can prevent the development of various heart diseases.
10. Help Fight Bacterial and Fungal Infections
Compounds in pomegranate help to fight harmful microorganisms. They have been shown to be beneficial against some types of bacteria, as well as the yeast Candida albicans.
The anti-bacterial and anti-fungal effects may also be protective against infections and inflammation in the mouth. This includes conditions like gingivitis, periodontitis and denture stomatitis. (21), (22), (23), (24), (25)
11. Help Improve Memory
Some evidence proves that pomegranate can improve memory. In one research in surgical patients, 2 grams of pomegranate extract prevented shortfalls in memory after the surgery.
Another research in 28 elderly individuals with memory complaints found that 237 ml (8 oz.) of pomegranate juice per day considerably improved markers of verbal and visual memory.
There is also some proof from studies in mice that pomegranate can help fight Alzheimer’s disease.(26), (27), (28)
12. May Improve Exercise Performance
Pomegranate is a wonderful source of dietary nitrates, which have been shown to improve exercise performance.
In a research of 19 athletes running on a treadmill, 1 gram of pomegranate extract 30 minutes before exercise considerably enhanced blood flow. This led to a delay in the start of fatigue, and an increase in exercise efficiency.
However more research is needed, but it seems like pomegranate may be useful for physical performance, similar to beetroot juice.(29)
13. Ageing
Ageing is a common problem which is increasing among people living in urban cities because of stress, pollution, UV radiation and lack of nutrition. These are the most common problem that leads to the production of free radicals in the body. But antioxidants help to neutralize these free radicals and protect skin from ageing. Pomegranates are not only effective in protecting from ageing, but it also nourishes the skin.
14. Help Fight Arthritis and Joint Pain
Arthritis is a common problem in Western countries as well as throughout the world. There are many different types, but most of them include some form of inflammation in the joints.
Given that the plant compounds in pomegranate have anti-inflammatory effects, it makes sense that they could help treat arthritis.
Remarkably, laboratory researches have shown that pomegranate extract can block enzymes that are known to damage joints in people with osteoarthritis. It has also been shown to be beneficial against arthritis in mice, but there is very little evidence in humans so far.(30), (31), (32), (33)
How to Eat
- The fruit is enjoyed fresh, out of hand by quartering the fruit and lifting out the rind to expose the juice-laden arils around the seeds, both of which are eaten.
- Fruit is also consumed as juice which is the basis for lemonades or a beverage similar to wine.
- Pomegranate juice is a very popular beverage in Middle East Caucasus and India.
- For beverage purposes, the juice is usually sweetened. Pomegranate juice is widely made into grenadine syrup for use in mixed drinks, cocktails and often processed into wine.
- Juice sacs may be frozen intact or the extracted juice may be concentrated and frozen, for future use in Saudi Arabia.
- Juice can be processed into jellies by the addition of pectin and sugar.
- Pomegranate is also used in food and as a spice condiment.
- Fresh pomegranate arils are used in preparation of curd rice Dadhojanam (Telugu) in Andhra Pradesh in India.
- Reduced juice is used for desserts and for marinating and tenderizing meat due to its proteolytic enzymes in Northern India.
- Dried pomegranate arils are used in various cuisines like trail mix, granola bars, or as toppings for ice-cream, yogurt and salads.
- Dried whole arils are commonly sold in ethnic Indian subcontinent markets.
- They impart a subtle, sweet-sour and tart flavor popular in Punjab and Gujarat.
- A dried pomegranate seed, ‘anardana’, has culinary importance as spice for vegetable and legume dishes in Northern India and in Pakistani cuisine.
- Dried seeds are used as an acidic condiment for chutney and curry preparation.
- Dried seeds can also be ground and used which results in a deeper flavoring in dishes and prevents the seeds from getting stuck in teeth.
- Seeds of the wild pomegranate variety known as daru from the Himalayas are renowned as quality sources for this spice.
- In Turkey, pomegranate seeds are also used in salads and sometimes as garnish for desserts such as güllaç.
- Pomegranate is used to make kolliva, a mixture of pomegranate seeds and sugar in Greece and Cyprus.
- Pomegranate juice can be processed into a concentrate, syrup and sauces for juice in food dishes and desserts.
- Traditional recipe fesenjan is made from a thick pomegranate sauce and ground walnuts used for duck and poultry or in a popular pomegranate soup ash-enar in Iran.
- In Azerbaijan, pomegranate sauce narsharab , made from pomegranate juice, is served with fish or tika kabab (grilled, roasted or stewed meat).
- Pomegranate sauce called nar ekşisi is used as a salad dressing, to marinate meat, or simply to drink straight in Turkey.
- Pomegranate syrup used in muhammara, a roasted red pepper, walnut, and garlic spread popular in Syria and Turkey.
- Pomegranate is also popular in Greek cuisine such as kollivozoum i, a creamy broth made from boiled wheat, pomegranates and raisins, legume salad with wheat and pomegranate, traditional Middle Eastern lamb kebabs with pomegranate glaze, pomegranate eggplant relish, and avocado pomegranate dip.
- Pomegranate is also processed into a liqueur and fruit confectionery used as ice-cream toppings or mixed with yogurt and jam on toast.
Other Traditional Uses and benefits of Pomegranate
- Bark of the roots, the flowers, the rind of pomegranate fruit and the seeds, are official in many pharmacopoeias.
- Various parts of the pomegranate plant have been extensively used for thousands of years in traditional medicine in the Middle East, Ancient Greece and Asia and in India such as in the Ayurveda and Unani systems of medicine.
- Fruit rind and stem bark is used as a traditional remedy for diarrhea, dysentery and intestinal parasites.
- Pomegranate pericarp has been normally used as a crude drug in Indian traditional medicine for the treatment of diarrhea as well as for use as an astringent, anti-helminthic, asphrodisacs, laxative, diuretic, stomachic, cardio-tonic and refrigerant.
- Seeds and juice are considered as bitter and astringent and employed as a tonic for hear and throat ailments.
- Astringent qualities of the flower sap, fruit rind and tree bark are considered useful remedies for nose bleeds and gum bleeds, toning skin, (after mixing with mustard oil) firming-up sagging breasts and treating hemorrhoids.
- Syrup prepared from the fruit is useful in all bilious complaints.
- Juice of the fresh fruit is much esteemed in dyspepsia and as a cooling, thirst-quenching beverage in fever and sickness.
- Fruit juice is also found beneficial in leprosy.
- Pomegranate fruit juice has been used as eye drops to treat cataracts.
- Dried, pulverized flower buds are used as a remedy for bronchitis.
- Pomegranate has been reported as a remedy for diabetes in the Unani system of medicine practiced in the Middle East and India.
- Ancient Greeks and Egyptians used the fruit rind, flowers and root bark as astringents and the last as vermicide for treating tapeworms.
- Root bark is used as vermifuge and powdered root bark is administered to children for stomach pains in Malaysia.
- Root is used for diarrhea and tits sap used for treating sore-eyes.
- Leaves are used in jamu preparations with a raft of other herbal ingredients for many medicinal complaints.
- Pounded leaves are used in a complex bolus for stomach ache and the fruit juice is recommended for coughs.
- Root bark has been used in as a component in a compound infusion or decoction taken by women for 40 days after childbirth in Singapore.
- Other traditional uses of the fruit rind and root include as a treatment for snakebite, diabetes, burns, leprosy and assorted gynecological problems.
- Fresh fruit has been used as a refrigerant to lower fever in Sri Lanka.
- Decoction of the tender leaves is used as a gargle for affections of the buccal cavity in Philippines.
- Rind of the fruit is used internally in decoction as anthelmintic and taenifuge.
- Decoction of the flowers is gargled to relieve oral and throat inflammation in Mexico.
- In Korea, traditional uses of the fruit and rind include as an anthelminthic and for phlegm, cholethiasis, tineapedis and laryngitis.
Other Facts
- Punica granatum is a drought tolerant tree suitable for arid and semi-arid zone afforestation.
- Pomegranate has deep rooting system and is used for erosion control, planted along rivers to stabilize banks.
- An ideal suitable ornamental plant for gardens and amenity parks. Pomegranate grows along well as intercrop with grapes in Mediterranean countries.
- Tree is sometimes used for fencing and planted as boundary plants.
- Pomegranate leaf litter decomposes slowly and is suitable for mulching.
- Leaves are foraged by domesticated stock.
- Ink can be made by steeping the leaves in vinegar.
- Both the fruit rind and the flowers yield dyes for textiles.
- Light-colored wood is hard and durable, mostly used in making farm implements, walking-sticks and in woodcrafts as it is only available in small dimension.
- Tree branches are used as firewood.
- Bark is used in tanning and dyeing providing the yellow hue for Moroccan leather.
- Root bark produces a black ink rich in tannins.
- In Japan, an insecticide is derived from the bark.
- The pomegranate fruit is steeped in religious and cultural significance in Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism religions, Persian, Armenian, Azerbaijani and Chinese cultures.
How to Buy Pomegranates
- The first point to be kept in mind while purchasing pomegranates is to look out for their color. Select fruits which are bright red. Next, select pomegranates that have a nice spherical or round shape.
- Hold the fruit in your hand to observe its weight. A good pomegranate must be heavy and plump.
- Outer skin of the fruit must be tight and unwrinkled. Check the pomegranate for blotches or spots and do not buy the fruit if it contains any.
Pomegranate Storage Tips
After you have brought the pomegranates home, you must learn to store them properly. At room temperature, they can be stored for up to three weeks while the time period is prolonged extends to about two months in a refrigerator.
- Fresh pomegranate juice can be refrigerated for up to three days.
- If don’t intend to consume the fruit instantly then do not cut it open.
- Never store pomegranates under direct sunlight.
- Seeds of pomegranate should be stored in a plastic bag and ideally be used within 3 days.
- Ideal temperature to store pomegranates is between 32 F and 41 F.
- If you wish to freeze pomegranate seeds then spread them on a baking sheet and put this in the freezer for not more than two hours.
- After this, remove and transfer them to a re-sealable plastic storage bag and put it back in freezer.
Types of Pomegranate
1. Angel Red Pomegranate
“Angel Red,” or even Punica granatum “Smith,” is determined simply by its soft-seed fruit which is with less effort utilized in cooking uses than are other types. The variety grows in a average speed as much as 10 feet in height and also generates bright orange flowers at the end of summer. The fruit within this tree will certainly mature in a dark red which is much deeper compared to some other types. Just like other pomegranates, the tree demands normal watering and also usage of complete sunshine.
2. Wonderful Pomegranate
The Wonderful Pomegranate ripens in September, requires just 200 chill hrs. (8 days of sub 45 degrees F), and is also self-fertile. Pomegranates are frequently sliced up into two parts so the pomegranate seed can easily be taken out. The pomegranate develops in a bright red color globular shaped and may grow to the dimensions of a grapefruit throughout the fall season. The fruit of the pomegranate tree was created into friezes in the crown molding on top of the traditional temple of Solomon within Jerusalem to commemorate the holy image of an essential food and also beverage choice item which was eaten and also worshiped by the men and women of Israel. Pomegranate juice have been obtained from the ripe fruit to make a incredible liquid product which is full of anti-oxidants, anti-cancer, cure agents which are considered to immobilize “free radicals” which have been recommended to start primary cancer development. The bright red color of Pomegranate pulpy seed has never been observed in fruit. Once the Wonderful Pomegranate turns red on the tree, it really is prepared to pick and eat, also it ripens within the fall.
3. Granada Pomegranate
Punica granatum L., or even the “Granada,” functions darker red blooms along with a much less sour fruit compared to the “Wonderful” or even “Angel” types. This particular tree matures to fifteen feet and needs plenty of sunshine, well-drained soil and also watering every 2 to 4 weeks. This particular variety is additionally a lot more cold-tolerant compared to the “Wonderful” variety and can fruit under colder circumstances.
4. State Fair Pomegranate
A dwarf variety of pomegranate, “State Fair” actually reaches just about 5 feet. This particular variety flowers a lot more than bigger varieties and in addition holds small fruit that will reach just about 2 inches in diameter. “State Fair” is a lot more cold-tolerant as compared to bigger types of pomegranate.
5. Eight Ball Pomegranate
Developing about 8 feet in height, the “Eight Ball” variety of pomegranate tree is exclusive among its counterparts, generating fruit which is almost black. The fruit remains to be delicious, and also the tree itself is tougher as compared to other tall types of pomegranate.
6. Nana Pomegranate
The most typical of the dwarf types, “Nana” actually reaches just about 3 feet and generates orange-red flowers which eventually give way to tiny fruit. Just like various other dwarf types, this particular variant is much more cold-tolerant as compared to bigger types.
7. Babylonian White Pomegranate
The fruit of the white pomegranate will become ripe at the beginning of September and requires on 200 chill hours or simply 8 days of 45 degrees F or perhaps below creating fruit. The fruit of the Babylonian White Pomegranate is big along with a source of juice for wine in Asia Minor. This particular mystical white-colored seeded pomegranate originated from Iraq south of Baghdad and also was celebrated within the ancient hanging gardens, one of many 7 Wonders of the World. The Babylonian pomegranate is salt water resistant and also grows perfectly in exotic soils. The green color of developing fruits of the Babylonian White pomegranate start a remarkable color switch to bleached white during September. The white seed of the Babylonian pomegranate complement the white color of the external skin. The Babylonian White pomegranate keeps its white color even if ripe. The taste of the Babylonian White Pomegranate is similar to a sour green plum or perhaps a firm green apple. It tastes excellent along with salt sprinkled within the plump, tasty fruit. It is just a self-pollinating tree.
8. Dwarf Pomegranate
The Dwarf Pomegranate Bush, since its title suggests, develops three- inch miniature pomegranate fruit. Florists significantly prefer the Dwarf Pomegranate tree due to its simplicity in drying for use in wreaths and also as Christmas tree ornaments. Dwarf Pomegranate fruit off tree is scrumptious in making jelly and jams
! Dwarf Pomegranate fruit is simple to develop and also pick. The red fruit of the Dwarf pomegranate could be consumed fresh or even squeezed into red juice. Dwarf pomegranates could be pickled in white vinegar to create a fine source for gourmet chefs. The Dwarf Pomegranate tree is probably the very best decorative shrubs for courtyards and also small gardens.
9. Goliath Pomegranate
The Goliath pomegranate tree can easily grow 10 feet in height and is also packed with huge pomegranates, similar to the name infers. The Goliath pomegranate is twice the dimensions of almost every other pomegranate cultivars Pomegranate Plants can form pomegranate bushes or even trees, according to when the limbs towards the end of the plant are trimmed.
10. Grenada Pomegranate
Grenada Pomegranates mature in August, are usually self-fertile, and require just 200 chill hours (8 days of sub 45 degrees F) to generate pomegranate fruit. The shelf-life of the Grenada pomegranates is preferable to a number of other cultivars which makes it a huge success for industrial pomegranate orchards. Numerous enhanced cultivars of the pomegranate have shown up within the U.S. over the past century, several by accident (mutation) plus some by cross pollination, and also the Grenada pomegranate seemed automatically from the branch of the Wonderful pomegranate. Numerous pomegranates were grown within the historical civilizations, a few for food yet others for juice.
11. Plantation Sweet Pomegranate
The Plantation Sweet Pomegranate Tree chill hours is 200 hours, self-fertile, and also was discovered developing in an old Georgia plantation home throughout the 1940’s. The buds were obtained from the initial pomegranate tree and also grafted on to seedling stock for study purposes in the Georgia Agricultural Experiment Station situated in Tifton, Georgia. The interior of the Plantation Sweet Pomegranate fruit included delicious as well as bright red pulp with the outstanding taste and also fragrance. The Plantation Pomegranate comes with an prolonged shelf-life even if not chilled, and also the fruit is usually chosen in October and placed into a fruit bowl to brighten a dinner table for Thanksgiving and also long-lasting till Christmas. Whenever growing on the tree, the Plantation Pomegranate usually grows into groups which create a bright red color onto the skin as the fruit ripens. The red Grenadine juice of the Plantation Sweet Pomegranate is regarded as the well-liked use because of this outstanding ancient fruit which grows further North as compared to other pomegranates. The juice which has a extremely high anti-oxidant advantage to battle numerous illnesses is bright red in color and is also utilized in the preparation of numerous beverages with a commitment of health advantages.
12. Russian Pomegranate
A Cold Hardy Russian Pomegranate tree is the greatest Northern Pomegranate tree which is certain to endure temperatures of Northern States- Even zones 6a which include Pennsylvania, New York, and also Ohio. Russian Pomegranate trees have got survived experimental temperature ranges of 6 degrees F. The fruit size is bigger than a grapefruit and also fall of scrumptious sweet juice.
13. Scaly Bark Tree Form Pomegranate
The heavy bark of the tree form pomegranate safeguards it from heavy freezes to really make it cold hardy to zone 7-10. This grafted plant lifts the pomegranates into a height for simple picking and also safeguards the fruit from animals feeding.
Preparation and serving method
Clean pomegranate fruit within cool water or even rinse in tepid water to make to normal temperatures if stored in the cold storage space. To discover its rich taste, consume fresh fruit since it is without including anything. Usually, the fruit is consumed out of hand by making superficial vertical cuts within the tough skin and after that breaking it aside. Groups of juice sacs are lifted out, and also the white membrane, pith, and also rinds are divided from the arils. Separating its succulent, fragile arils is simple by performing this task in the bowl of cold water, wherein its seeds settle down at the end and pulp float. Eliminate water and also carefully pat dry seeds.
Arils additionally make a beautiful enhance whenever scattered on salads and also dishes.
Here are some serving tips:
- Fresh fruits help to make wonderful rejuvenating juice.
- Pomegranate juice may be used in soups, jellies, sorbets, sauces in addition to flavor cakes, cooked apples.
- It is utilized within the preparation of traditional Persian recipes just like fesenjan, produced from pomegranate juice and also ground walnuts; rice pilaf, as well as scrumptious ash-e-anar soup.
- Pomegranate concentrate is a well-liked item utilized in the Middle Eastern and Mediterranean recipes. The juice is targeted to around 250% stronger, and when included in cooking, provides distinctive taste and also extreme sweet flavor.
- Pomegranate within the supermarket is ripe and ready to consume.
- Mix 1 ounce of pomegranate juice to taste an additional super fruit, kiefer milk.
- Cut fruit about half an inch from the top of crown, after that cut or even tear following natural dividers in the pomegranate. Turn the grouping of seeds face-down on the big deep bowl to help keep juice from splattering and gently pull. They’ll effortlessly come out.
- Sprinkle seeds in salads, soups and also desserts.
- Eat them plain in the big bowl, along with yogurt or even a frozen fruit sorbet.
- Use juice for meat marinades, preserves, dips, salad dressings, and also sauces.
- Create festive beverages along with seed as well as juice mixtures.
- Kids love the juicy flavor with every scrumptious bite.
Side Effects of Pomegranate
Pomegranate is generally a safe and secure fruit to consume whenever consumed moderately. However, an overdose of Pomegranate seeds, its juice, oil or even extract might cause diarrhea or even annoyed abdomen. In uncommon circumstances, many people could be sensitive towards the fruit. If you see any kind of itching, inflamed lips or even tongue, or perhaps trouble in swallowing or even breathing, you need to stop use and also to talk to your doctor instantly.
Pomegranate Quick Facts | |
Name: | Pomegranate |
Scientific Name: | Punica granatum |
Origin | Middle east to the Himalayas in northern India. |
Colors | Pale red to scarlet to purple or brownish,; |
Shapes | Fruit is a berry, intermediate in size between a lemon and a grapefruit, 5–12 cm (2.0–4.7 in) in diameter with a rounded shape |
Taste | Sweet |
Calories | 144 Kcal./cup |
Major nutrients | Copper (30.56%) Carbohydrate (25.03%) Vitamin K (23.75%) Vitamin C (19.67%) Total dietary Fiber (18.42%) |
Health benefits | Help Fight Arthritis and Joint Pain, Ageing, May Improve Exercise Performance, Help Improve Memory, Help Fight Bacterial and Fungal Infections, Diabetes, Help Treat Erectile Dysfunction, Dental Care,Lower Risk of Heart Disease, Anemia, Lower Blood Pressure, Relieve Stress, Help Fight Prostate Cancer, Impressive Anti-Inflammatory Effects |
More facts about Pomegranate |
Scientific name | Punica granatum |
Kingdom | Plantae |
Subkingdom | Tracheobionta |
Order | Myrtales |
Family | Punicaceae |
Genus | Punica L. |
Species | Punica granatum L. |
Super division | Spermatophyta |
Division | Magnoliophyta |
Class | Magnoliopsida |
Sub Class | Rosidae |