Getting enough sleep helps the body produce more human trefoil protein (TFF2), which aids in repairing the lining of the stomach and intestines. Eating strawberries may help prevent stomach ulcers by protecting the mucous membrane of the stomach. Consuming turmeric, probiotic yogurt, cranberry juice, fatty salmon, and dark green vegetables can aid in the healing of the stomach lining during peptic ulcer treatment. Deep breathing can reduce heartburn by limiting the amount of stomach acid that enters the esophagus. Pausing between bites, chewing slowly, and not rushing to eat can prevent heartburn and allow the digestive system to function properly.
Chewing gum increases saliva production, which forms a protective coating along the esophagus and prevents heartburn. Seaweeds commonly used in Japanese cooking can create gels that protect the lining of the esophagus and prevent heartburn. Drinking a teaspoon of cider vinegar mixed with water before or after a meal can promote healthy digestion by increasing stomach acid. However, this method may not work for everyone and should be discussed with a doctor or nurse, especially for those with gastro esophageal reflux caused by too much stomach acid.
Sleep will help your stomach heal
While you sleep, your body works to fix any damage to the lining of your stomach. This is feasible because the body makes more human trefoil protein (TFF2), which helps the stomach and intestines repair damaged areas. But this mending procedure only works well when you’re sleeping. To keep your stomach healthy, you should try to get 7-8 hours of good sleep per night. You can help your general health and well-being by providing your body the time and tools it needs to repair and recharge.
Sip a strawberry digestive aid
Strawberries are not only a tasty summer fruit, but they may also help settle an upset stomach. Recent research reveals eating strawberries can help prevent stomach ulcers by protecting the mucous membrane of the stomach. Even though these results are still being checked, there’s no reason not to eat strawberries as a preventive measure whenever they are available. By eating this fruit, you may be able to improve the health of your stomach and lower your risk of getting ulcers.
Consume to improve ulcer treatment
The correct meals can help make the “triple therapy” for peptic ulcers, which normally consists of two different antibiotics and a proton pump inhibitor, a seven-day course, more effective. You may think about including particular foods in your diet to aid in the healing of the stomach lining in addition to according to your doctor’s recommendations. Turmeric, probiotic yogurt, and cranberry juice are all thought to have therapeutic effects. Consuming fatty salmon and dark green vegetables might also give your body the nutrition it needs to help healing. You might be able to help your body’s natural healing processes and your medical therapy by making these eating choices.
Breathe out the pain
Surprisingly, deep breathing can help you get rid of heartburn. Researchers have shown that this simple method can help limit the quantity of stomach acid that gets into the esophagus. For people who have heartburn all the time, even 30 minutes a day to do mindful deep breathing can make a big difference in their quality of life and how much they need to take medicine. You’ll also be able to enjoy the calming effects of deep relaxation, which is an added plus. So why not give it a try and start breathing your way to being healthier and happier?
Rest your fork
If there were a medicine that could give you the same benefits as setting your fork down between bites, chewing slowly, and not hurrying to take it up again, it would be a huge hit. By pausing between meals, you can give your digestive system the time it needs to do its job and let your stomach tell your brain when you’re full. This keeps you from eating too much and getting heartburn, which is uncomfortable. By taking at least 20 minutes for each meal and making sure to chew well and slowly, you can not only lessen the chance of getting heartburn, but also appreciate and enjoy your food to the utmost. So why not try this easy method and start getting the benefits right away?
Eat to soothe indigestion

If you have heartburn, chewing gum may be a surprise way to get rid of it. Chewing gum helps the body make more saliva, which forms a protective coating along the esophagus. This helps prevent the pain of heartburn. But it’s crucial to chew gum in moderation because too much chewing can have the opposite effect, making the stomach make more acid and thus raising the chance of getting a stomach ulcer. So, the next time you feel heartburn coming on, put a piece of gum in your mouth and enjoy the comfort that comes with a little additional saliva.
Try Japanese
Nori, wakame, and kelp, three seaweeds frequently used in Japanese cooking, may have unexpected advantages for preventing heartburn. In the stomach, these seaweeds may be able to create gels that can assist to protect the lining of the esophagus and stave off heartburn, according to recent studies. The next time you savor a delicious Japanese meal, you may relax knowing that you may also be promoting digestive health in addition to pampering your taste sensations.
Include some acid
Looking for a natural solution to help your body digest food and avoid unpleasant side effects like belching, feeling too full, and abdominal pain? Mix a teaspoon of cider vinegar with half a glass of water and drink it before or after your next big meal. This easy method works by making the stomach have more acid, which helps break down food and promotes healthy digestion. But it’s crucial to keep in mind that this therapy might not work for everyone, especially those with illnesses like gastro esophageal reflux that are caused by too much stomach acid. (GERD). If you’re not sure if this method will work for you, it’s always advisable to talk to a doctor or nurse first.
Have a glass of wine
Swiss experts say that having a glass of wine with a rich dinner might not make you more likely to get gas or heartburn. In a study that looked at digestion in healthy people who ate cheese fondue and drank either black tea or wine with a glass of brandy, researchers found that alcohol does slow down digestion by making it take longer for the stomach to empty. But neither the group that drank alcohol nor the group that drank black tea were more likely to have gas or heartburn. So, if you haven’t had a glass of wine with dinner because you were afraid it might make your stomach hurt, this study may give you the courage to have a glass with your next meal.
Caraway will calm it down
Did you know that the popular spice known as caraway seed also contains potent antibacterial and antispasmodic properties? It has really been a main component of traditional gripe water treating colicky newborns for ages. Caraway seed, however, can be an effective natural cure for treating indigestion in adults. It’s not just for infants. This versatile seed can be used in a variety of dishes, including bread, cookies, cakes, curries, stews, and more. Consider using this natural cure the next time you feel intestinal discomfort and relish the extra taste it gives your meals.