- Get a Brussel sprout variety that is meant for hotter areas
Northern California is hot, which means it could be hard for natural Brussel sprouts to do well. However, thanks to advances in technology, there are genetically modified versions of Brussel sprouts that can do well in this area. As such, if you are looking to grow these crops in Northern California, talk to Boggiatto Produce Inc. You can view supplier’s site for more details on what they have to offer.
- Research on Brussel sprouts pest control techniques
Brussel sprouts tend to be vulnerable to pest and diseases. Without proper pest control, you can lose all your plants to diseases. To properly deal with such issues, do a research on pest and disease control then apply the most favorable techniques for dealing with them. You can also seek the services of an agriculture expert, on the best pesticides for your crops. Engaging the services of an agriculture expert can help you out a big deal, especially if you are growing your Brussel sprouts for commercial reasons. The last thing you want is for the pests to ruin your harvest and cost you time and money.
- Drain the soil well
Brussel sprouts don’t do well in moist soils, and its best to drain the soil well before planting. As such before planting the sprouts, drain the soil first. In case you don’t have the skills to drain the soil, you can always seek the services of a soil expert to help you out. Alternatively, you can use the internet and learn how to DIY. With the right tools, it is actually an easy thing to do. You can even make use of YouTube videos to help you drain the soil, especially if you are only doing it at small-scale.
- Keep the soil firm when transplanting
After the seedlings have sprouted, make sure you transplant them in firm soil. That’s because Brussel sprouts only do well in firm soil. As such, when planting, make sure to pat it down a little, to get the soil around it firm. In case you are unsure of how to do it, use online resources including DIY videos to help you do the transplanting. Alternatively, you can seek out the services of people who have experience in transplanting Brussel sprouts. Don’t gamble with it if you are unsure, especially if you are planting a large garden that might set you back money if done wrong.