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Green Peas facts and health benefits

Green Peas facts and health benefits

Peas are usually referred to as the pods or even the little, circular seeds of the legume Pisum sativum. Botanically, pea plant is definitely an herbaceous creeper from the family Fabaceae. Green peas are usually collected throughout cool season which is right from the start of winter to early-summers. Fairly sweet, starchy as well as delicious green peas are probably the primeval veggies grown for wholesome green pods. Sub-Himalayan plains of north-west India are viewed as the origin location for the growing of green pea; however it’s distributed thoroughly as one of the bigger commercial crops throughout all semi-tropical as well as temperate regions with a diversity of names just like sweet peas, English peas, pease, garden peas, field pea, green pea, sugar pea, shelling pea, snap pea, snow pea and sugar snap pea. Peas are one of the few legumes that are generally vended and also prepared as fresh veggies.


Green Peas are a quick growing; annual, climbing or bushy, glabrous usually glaucous herbaceous vine sized 1–2 m tall that needs trellis to support its growth. It flourishes well in fertile, light-textured, well-drained sandy loam, clay loam or silt loams soil supplemented with adequate moisture and cool weather conditions. Green pea has a well-developed tap root and lateral roots and slender, terete stem 30–150 cm long with no or few basal branches. Leaf is alternate, pinnate with 2–3 pairs of leaflets and the rachis ending in a terminal branched tendril whereas leaflets are ovate or elliptic, with entire or dentate margin; stipules 1.5–8 cm long, obliquely ovate, toothed at least below, semi amplexicaul at the base. Flowers have five green fused sepals and five white, purple or pink petals of different sizes. The top petal is called the ‘standard’, the two small petals in the middle are fused together and called the ‘keel’ (because of their boat-like appearance), and the bottom two petals taper toward the base and are called the ‘wings’


Sweet, delicious green peas, also popular as garden peas, is one of the ancient cultivated vegetables grown for their delicious nutritious green seeds. Short stalked, green pods appear by late winter or early spring. Each pod measures about 3.5–11 cm long and 1–2.5 cm broad, vibrant green color, straight or slightly curved, swollen or compressed, short stalked, pendant, dehiscent filled with single row of 2-10, smooth, light-green edible seeds. Seeds are normally globose or angled, exalbuminous, smooth or wrinkled, 5–8 mm in diameter and are whitish, cream-white, gray, yellow, brown, and green to purple or spotted colored. Green peas are now grown throughout the world in nearly every climate and time zone, both fresh and dried because of its fairly sweet, starchy as well as delicious taste. They grow on long, curling vines requiring poles or fences for support.


Green pea is probably the earliest grown veggies on earth. Even though origin and progenitors of Pisum sativum are still unclear it is generally held that pea originate in south-western Asia, perhaps northwestern India, Pakistan or neighboring areas of former USSR (now Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Krgystan) and Afghanistan and later spread to the temperate zones of Europe. Pea was introduced into the Americas soon after Columbus. Pea was taken to China in the first century (Makasheva 1983). Main producers of dry seeds are the former USSR, China, India and the USA, for green seeds the USA, United Kingdom, France and former USSR. Dry seeds are used as pulse for food and feed, cooked, roasted and ground to flour. Green immature seeds became a major vegetable, they are canned and frozen. At present, Pisum sativum is grown in all temperate nations, as a cool season crop in the subtropics and in most tropical highlands.

Nutritional Value

Apart from their fairly sweet, starchy and delicious taste green pea is a good source of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Consuming 145 gram of green peas offers 58 mg of Vitamin C, 0.386 mg of Vitamin B1, 36 µg of Vitamin K, 0.255 mg of Copper, 2.13 mg of Iron, 0.594 mg of Manganese and 94 µg of Vitamin B9. Moreover many Amino acids like 0.054 g of Tryptophan, 0.294 g of Threonine, 0.283 g of Isoleucine, 0.468 g of Leucine and 0.46 g of Lysine are also found in 145 gram of green peas.

Health benefits of Green Peas

Green Peas are actually tiny powerhouses of nourishment which are a benefit for your health and also the entire planet. Peas are great to have along with dinner if you have an inflammation related illness that ought to be treated from inflammation since the nutrition in peas has got anti-inflammatory qualities. Peas are even far better to consume on a regular basis because of all of the fiber within them that can help drive harmful toxins as well as waste through the digestive system, which will help avoid digestive diseases as well as stomach and colon cancers. Listed are some popular health benefits of consuming sweet peas

1. Prevents anaemia and fatigue

In case you feel stressed out at the end of the day then you can try some boiled peas with a pinch of salt and pepper to boost your energy levels. It is because; peas are loaded with iron, a mineral which can help prevent anaemia and fatigue, particularly in women.  Also, the higher vitamin content in this vegetable ensures that you don’t feel fatigued after a tiring day.

2. Improves your bone health

Vitamin K, present in green peas helps in absorbing calcium making it a wonderful food item for enhancing your bone health. Nearly 50% of your daily Vitamin K1 requirement is fulfilled by a cup of boiled peas. Apart from that nutrients like Vitamin B1 and folic acid are also found abundantly in peas which in turn help to prevent osteoporosis.

3. Fights and Damages Diabetes

Manganese found in green peas is essential to help with proper production of digestive enzymes responsible for a process called gluconeogenesis. Gluconeogenesis involves the transformation of protein’s amino acids into sugar and the balance of sugar within the bloodstream. Although the exact mechanism still isn’t clear, manganese has been shown to help prevent overly high blood sugar levels that can contribute to diabetes. Green Peas consists of 0.594 mg of manganese which is 25.83% of the daily recommended value. Including green peas is the best option for fighting diabetes.

4. Prevents signs of ageing

Just like metal rusts after exposure to air, our bodies also suffer from free radical damage. The presence of antioxidants in green peas help to reduces free radical damage and also removes harmful toxins from the body. Therefore, consume more peas to slow down this process and prevent signs of ageing.

5. Helps reduce depression

According to a research published in Journal of Affective Disorders, low intake of folate increased the chance of melancholic depressive symptoms. Apart from that, people suffering from depression are recommended to consume foods rich in antioxidants. Since peas are loaded with antioxidants and are easily available, snacking on boiled peas is an outstanding idea to deal with mood swings.

6. Improves your immunity

Strong immune system is essential for fighting infections and protects you from a wide range of diseases. Since green peas are a good source of Vitamin C in addition to being packed with various nutrients, eating them improves your immunity as well as prevents from several other immune systems related illnesses as well.

7. Heart health

Vitamin K present in green peas may help keep lower blood pressure by removing the build-up of several minerals in the arteries (mineralization), allowing the heart to freely push blood through the body. Mineralization occurs naturally with age and is a major risk factor for heart disease. Sufficient intake of vitamin K rich food like green peas has also been shown to lower the risk of stroke. Green peas consist of 36 µg of vitamin K which is 30.00% of the daily recommended value.

8. Pregnancy and Birth Defects

Green peas consist of Vitamin B9 which is a reliable resource for limiting defects during pregnancy and the birth of a child. It is a common situation that pregnant women maintaining a diet deficient of this vitamin are far less likely to deliver a healthy child. The birth defects caused by its deficiency include neural tube defects. Therefore, Vitamin B9 efficiently improves the chances of giving birth to a healthy, happy child.

9. Prevents stomach cancer

Green Peas consists of considerable amount of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents which helps to keep body healthy and lower your chances of suffering from cancer. It is mostly achieved because of the presence of coumestrol, a polyphenolic compound, which has been related with decreased risk of stomach cancer.

10. Restless Leg Syndrome

Iron deficiency is one of the causes of the restless leg syndrome. Green peas consist of 2.13 mg of iron which is 26.63% of the daily recommended value. Most research on this syndrome has focused on iron. Low levels of iron in the blood are a major cause of the condition, therefore proper intake of iron supplements in essential as per doctor’s recommendations. This is connected to muscle spasms, which can be one of the symptoms of iron deficiency.

11. Curing Cataracts (Eye Disorder)

Cataracts are the most common conditions of visual problems which are caused due to the deficiencies of vitamin C. A decrease in the level of vitamin C in the lens of the human eye has been seen more commonly when cataracts are present. Green peas consist of 58 mg of Vitamin C which is 64.44% of the daily recommended value. So people suffering from eye disorders must consume more green peas regularly to cure cataract.  An increase of vitamin C intake increases the blood supply to the ocular areas of the body and cures all eye related disorders.

12. Enhances Learning

Thiamine is an important vitamin for increasing focus, energy, fighting chronic stress, and possibly preventing memory loss. Research has connected thiamine deficiency to problems learning and retaining information. One study showed that thiamine caused quick reaction times and feelings of clear-headedness in those taking tests. Vitamin B1 rich foods must be consumed to solve this particular disorder. Green Peas consists of 0.386 mg of vitamin B1 which is 32.17% of the daily recommended value which means including green peas in your regular diet will definitely help to solve this problems easily.

13. Proper growth

Copper which is found abundantly in green peas is extremely important for normal growth and health. Therefore, it is definitely important to include this mineral in balanced form in regular diets of an individual. It is helpful in protection of skeletal, nervous and cardiovascular systems of the body. Green peas, lentils, almonds, asparagus and mushrooms are some of the best source of copper so including these items in your regular diet helps to fulfill the copper requirement of the body and helps to solve all the copper deficiencies related disorders.

How to Eat

  • Fresh green pea seed, dried seeds, tender, immature pods, leafy shoots and sprouts are consumed cooked as vegetables.
  • Peas are also eaten raw as they are sweet when fresh off the plant.
  • Green peas are marketed fresh, canned, or frozen while ripe dried peas are used whole, split, or made into flour.
  • Dried peas are consumed split as dahl, roasted, parched or boiled in many parts of the world.
  • Roasted pea seed is also used as a coffee substitute.
  • Mature pea, which dries naturally in the field, is known as the marrowfat pea.
  • Fresh peas are often eaten boiled and flavored with butter and/or spearmint as a side dish vegetable.
  • Fresh peas are also used in pot pies, salads and casseroles.
  • Peas are roasted and salted, and eaten as snacks in Japan, China, Taiwan and other Southeast Asian countries including Thailand and Malaysia.
  • Pea’s snacks include eshet, nifro and endushdush in Ethiopia.
  • Dried, rehydrated and mashed marrowfat peas are used as supplement to fish and chips or meat pies in Britain.
  • Fresh peas are used in numerous recipes such as aloo matar or matar paneer in India.
  • Dried peas are often made into a soup or simply eaten on their own.
  • Split pea soup is a traditional dish in North America.
  • In Sweden, a traditional pea soup called Ärtsoppa used to be eaten on a Thursday, because this was an off-day for the maids and the soup was easy to prepare and also because Friday was a fasting day.
  • Peas are used in a stew with meat and potatoes in Cyprus, Greece, Turkey, and other parts of the Mediterranean.
  • In Greek this stew is called arakas , whilst in Cyprus and Turkey it is called mpizeli or mpizelia .
  • The leafy shoots are used as a pot herb in parts of Asia and Africa.
  • Tender leafy shots are also used in salads.
  • Pea sprouts called dòu miáo are popularly enjoyed in the relatively high-priced stir-fries in Chinese cuisine.
  • Pea leaves are often considered a delicacy as well.
  • Peas mix well with other complementing vegetables like potato, carrot, beets, onion, artichokes…etc in the preparation of a wide variety of dishes.
  • Peas can be added to soup as a flavorful side-dish.
  • Fresh peas are also used in pot pies, salads and casseroles.
  • Peas, while still in their pods, are a common ingredient in viands and pansit in the Philippines.
  • Pea soup is eaten in many other parts of the world, including northern Europe, parts of middle Europe, Russia, Iran, Iraq and India.
  • In Sweden it is called ärtsoppa, and is eaten as a traditional Swedish food which predates the Viking age.
  • Tender new growth [leaves and stem] are commonly used in stir-fries in Chinese cuisine.
  • Peas are made into a stew with meat and potatoes in Greece, Tunisia, Turkey, Cyprus, and other parts of the Mediterranean.
  • Pea soup is often served with dumplings and spiced with hot paprika in Hungary and Serbia.
  • In the United Kingdom, dried, rehydrated and mashed marrowfat peas, known by the public as mushy peas, are popular, originally in the north of England, but now ubiquitously, and especially as an accompaniment to fish and chips or meat pies, particularly in fish and chip shops.
  • Cooked peas are sometimes sold dried and coated with wasabi, salt, or other spices.

Other Traditional uses and benefits of Green Peas

  • In Spain, flour is considered emollient and resolvent, applied as a cataplasm.
  • The seed is regarded as contraceptive, fungistatic and spermacidal.
  • The dried and pulverized seed has been used as a poultice on the skin to treat many types of skin complaints including acne.
  • The oil from the seed, administered once a month to women, has shown promise in preventing pregnancy by interfering with the activity of progesterone.

Other Uses

  • Cosmetic face masks made from crushed seeds are used to treat acne and wrinkled skins.
  • Pea seeds are also used as animal feed.
  • The plants can be used for hay, forage, silage, green manure and pasture.

Buying & Storing Tips

  • Green peas are basically winter veggies. These are generally sold from December till March on the market. However, if you are searching for all-season green peas, frozen peas can be found in nearly every grocery store. You can also get dry, mature and also spit peas if you’re not searching for frozen peas.
  • When purchasing fresh green peas, always be certain you choose fresh looking, green pods which are full, heavy and also filled with seeds. Prevent the peas along with wrinkled or even blotched areas.
  • Never purchase over-matured peas. The peas usually are over-matured whenever their pods are yellow colored; they aren’t firm and also originate an acidic smell.
  • After you’ve got purchased fresh green peas, instantly retailer them within the veggie crisper area within the refrigerator, set to the high-relative humidity exactly where they’ll remain fresh for around 2-3 days.
  • If you’re purchasing frozen peas, be sure you keep them within the freezer compartment. You don’t need to bother about their shelf-life simply because frozen green peas could be stored for many months.

Different ways to cook Green Peas

Cooked peas are lower in calories, fat-free along with a great method of obtaining fiber, vitamin C as well as vitamin A. Additionally they include calcium and iron. The key to vibrant, fresh tasting peas is minimum cooking. Whether blanching, steaming or even roasting, there are numerous methods to cook peas which lead to dishes which benefit from the vegetable’s health advantages and therefore are far away from dull as well as soft — cook peas just long enough to heat them through and add them last to any dish cooked along with other components.

1. Steamed

Steaming peas assists them maintain nutrition, taste as well as their radiant green color. Combine equivalent portions of white wine as well as water for the steaming liquid and also include a sprig of fresh rosemary or perhaps a few leaves of basil for delicate flavor. You can include frozen peas right out the bag to the steamer basket or even utilize fresh peas. The peas are done when they are just turning tender and still bright green. Season along with sea salt and sliced fresh herbs if preferred just before serving.

2. Stir-Fried

When including peas to your stir-fry, hold back until additional components are almost cooked through just before mixing in. A simple stir-fry of rice seasoned along with low-sodium soy sauce permits the taste of the peas to shine. For a quick stir-fry, toss cooked rice noodles or even angel hair pasta in the pan along with essential olive oil, sauteed zucchini, sliced tomatoes and peas, and season along with lemon juice as well as fresh herbs. Sauteed shrimp and peas create a fast topping for pasta or perhaps a warm salad.

3. Soups and Stews

Increase peas within the last 5 minutes of cooking soups and also stews to avoid them from getting mushy. Make use of fresh or even frozen peas in the traditional beef stew or perhaps a vegetarian stew made out of beans and also mixed veggies. Peas add color and texture to the Southwestern-style chicken stew and also to low-fat turkey chili. Make use of peas in the vegetable-laden minestrone soup, or puree in the blender or even food processor along with sauteed leeks, fresh mint and chicken broth for the creamy soup.

4. Pureed

Pureed peas supply a tasty sauce for sea food and make up a creatively appealing presentation on the dinner plate. Steam peas till they’re tender and increase a blender or even food processor using a tiny amount of liquid and seasonings. Include a little olive oil whilst the peas are whirling up until you get to the desired regularity. Flavor along with mint, garlic and parmesan cheese. British cook Nigella Lawson suggests pureeing peas along with green Thai curry and cilantro for any Asian-inspired puree. Serve along with seared scallops, salmon or even grilled prawns.


  • Pea seeds are supposed to cause dysentery when eaten raw.
  • Peas include a compound known as purines. People, who’ve difficulties just like kidney disorder or even gout, shouldn’t have got green peas.





Green peas Quick Facts
Name: Green peas
Scientific Name: Pisum sativum
Origin South-western Asia
Colors Whitish, cream-white, gray, yellow, green (Seed)
Shapes Globose or angled, exalbuminous, smooth or wrinkled, 5–8 mm in diameter (Seed)
Taste Fairly sweet, starchy as well as delicious
Calories 117 Kcal./cup
Major nutrients Vitamin C (64.44%)
Vitamin B1 (32.17%)
Vitamin K (30.00%)
Copper (28.33%)
Iron (26.63%)
Health benefits Prevents anaemia and fatigue, Improves your bone health, Fights and Damages Diabetes, Prevents signs of ageing, Helps reduce depression, Improves your immunity, Heart health, Pregnancy and Birth Defects, Prevents stomach cancer, Restless Leg Syndrome, Curing Cataracts (Eye Disorder), Enhances Learning, Proper growth
More facts about Green peas