The 40 weeks of pregnancy are divided conventionally into three trimesters 0-13 weeks, 14-26 weeks and 27 weeks until delivery.
The three-month section of a pregnancy.
A period of 3 months, applied to the pregnancy period.
One of the three 3-month periods of a pregnancy.
A period of three months. The nine months of pregnancy are divided into three trimesters, the first being the most crucial in the development of the child, when exposure to environmental hazards or lack of essential vitamins and minerals leads to many of the grossest birth defects. In education, especially at the college level, trimester generally refers to a school year divided into three equal parts, instead of two semesters.
One of the three periods, each of approximately 3 months, into which pregnancy is divided.
Any one of the three successive three-monthly periods (the first, second, and third trimesters) into which a pregnancy may be divided.
One of three three-month periods into which the nine months of pregnancy are divided.
Period of three months; term used to divide the time of pregnancy into three parts: the first, second and third trimesters.
A span of three months, commonly employed in the context of human pregnancy, where the conventional division of pregnancy into three trimesters is observed.
A span of three months, frequently used in the context of pregnancy.