
A wound or injury, whether physical or psychological.

Any injury, wound, or shock, must frequently physical or structural shock, producing a disturbance.

Physical injury or wound; also unpleasant and disturbing experience causing psychological upset.

A wound or injury of either a psychological or a physiological nature.

A very frightening or distressing experience which gives a person a severe emotional shock.

General term for a physical or psychological wound or injury.

A wound or injury. Although one can speak, properly, of psychic trauma, the term in health care usage ordinarily refers to physical injury. Thus “trauma centers” are set up to care for victims of accidents and other violence.

Physical injury caused by accident, violence, or disruptive action (e.g., a fracture).

Injury, damage, wound, or shock. Trauma is used both to describe any physical injury caused by external force or violence, such as an automobile accident, and to describe psychological damage caused by distressing circumstances.

A term used in a physical sense as a wound or injury such as a severe blow, maybe leading to a fracture. Physical traumas such as events of birth, severe accidents and any form of childhood or sexual abuse, are considered to be overwhelming stressful events and regarded as psychological traumas. Various scoring techniques have been formed for traumas; generally seen as numerical systems for assessing the severity and prognosis of severe injuries.

A physical injury or wound caused by external force or violence. It may be self-inflicted. In the U.S., trauma is the principal cause of death between the ages of 1 and 44 years. In addition to each death from trauma, there are at least two cases of permanent disability caused by trauma. The principal types of trauma include motor vehicle accidents, military service, falls, burns, gunshot wounds, and drowning. Most deaths occur in the first several hours after the event.

An catastrophic or perilous incident that has the potential to inflict profound emotional distress and/or severe physical harm.




