
Composed of cells of a given degree of specialization, differentiation, maturation, and a characteristic intercellular substance. Although the intercellular substance may comprise the major volume, tissues are primarily classified according to the predominating types of cells they contain.

The material formed by cells of similar origin and character.

A group or layer of cells that are alike in type and work together to perform a specific function.

Material formed by cells with a similar character and origin.

An aggregation of cells of the same type contributing to the functioning purpose.

A group of cells that carries out a specific function.

A group of cells of a particular kind which form part of the structural material of an organism.

Collection of cells specialized to perform a particular function. The cells may be all of the same type (e.g., in nervous tissue) or of different types (e.g., in connective tissue). An aggregate of tissues with a specific function is an organ.

An accumulation of cells that forms an identifiable structure, such as skin.

Any group of similar cells arranged to perform a particular function. The body consists of four types of tissue. Epithelial tissue forms the skin and mucous membranes that line organs and structures such as the respiratory system, the blood vessels, stomach, vagina, and intestine. Connective tissue, such as fat and tendons, supports and protects structures in the body. Muscle tissue, which has three distinct varieties (skeletal, smooth, and cardiac) helps move the limbs and forms much of the heart, lungs, and other internal organs. Nerve tissue, which makes up the cells called neurons, receives and conducts electrochemical impulses.

A collection of cells specialized to perform a particular function. The cells may be of the same type (e.g. in nervous tissue) or of different types (e.g. in connective tissue). Aggregations of tissues constitute organs.

A group or collection of similar cells and their intercellular sub stance that perform a particular function. The four major groups are epithelial, connective, muscular, and nervous tissues.

Collection of similar cells that perform a particular function.

A group or layer of cells that are alike and that work together to perform a specific function.

A group of specialized cells that carry out a specific role within the body. For instance, muscle tissue is made up of cells designed to contract, while epithelial tissue forms the skin and the linings of respiratory and other passages. Nerve tissue consists of cells equipped to transmit electrochemical signals, and connective tissue encompasses fat as well as fibrous and elastic materials like tendons and cartilage that help keep the body’s structure intact.

A collection of cells, typically of a similar makeup, that work together to carry out the same or similar tasks, such as muscle tissue.




