
The ankle joint.

The seven small bones of the ankle.

A connective tissue which supports an eyelid.

Seven bones of the ankle and proximal part of the foot; they articulate proximally with the tibia and fibula (lower leg bones) and with the metatarsals distally.

The seven bones of the ankle and proximal part of the foot. The tarsus articulates with the metatarsals distally and with the tibia and fibula proximally.

The region of the instep with its seven bones, the chief of which are the talus supporting the leg-bones and the calcaneus or heelbone, the others being the navicular, cuboid, and three cuneiform bones.

The ankle with its seven bones located between the bones of the lower leg and the metatarsus and forming the proximal portion of the foot. It consists of the calcaneus (oscalcis), talus (astragalus), cuboid (os cuboideum), navicular (scaphoid), and first, second, and third cuneiform bones. The talus articulates with the tibia and fibula, the cuboid and cuneiform bones with the metatarsals.

The rear portion of the foot and the ankle is composed of a group of seven bones.

The bones that shape the arch of the foot.

The structural tissues of an eyelid.




