
That branch of medical science concerned with the treatment of diseases or injuries by means of manual or operative methods.

The procedures performed by a surgeon.

A medical specialty concerned with the operative treatment of diseases.

Any operative or manual procedure undertaken for the diagnosis or treatment of a disease or other disorder; the branch of medicine concerned with diseases which require or are responsive to such treatment; or the work done by a surgeon (one who practices surgery).

The treatment of diseases or disorders by procedures which require an operation to cut into, to remove or to manipulate tissue, organs or parts.

A room where a doctor or dentist sees and examines patients.

That branch of medicine concerned with the treatment of injuries and diseases by operations and manipulation.

The specialty in medicine that focuses on diseases, injuries, or conditions best managed or treated by procedures that involve opening, manipulating, and repairing a part of the body. Also, the word “surgery” is used to refer to a specific procedure or operation, such as bypass surgery. A surgeon is a physician specially trained to perform operations that involve the cutting of body tissue.

The branch of medicine that treats injuries, deformities, or disease by operation or manipulation.

The branch of medicine involved in the treatment of injuries, deformities or individual diseases by operation or manipulation. It incorporates: general surgery; specialized techniques such as cryosurgery, microsurgery, minimally invasive surgery (MIS), or minimal access (keyhole) surgery, and stereotactic surgery; and surgery associated with the main specialties, especially cardiothoracic surgery, gastroenterology, gynaecology, neurology, obstetrics, oncology, ophthalmology, orthopaedics, transplantation surgery, reconstructive (plastic) surgery, and urology. Remotely controlled surgery using televisual and robotic techniques is also being developed.

The branch of medicine dealing with manual and operative procedures for correction of deformities and defects, repair of injuries, and diagnosis and cure of certain diseases.

The management of injuries or various conditions through direct physical intervention, often utilizing instruments. The term is also employed to describe facets of medicine concerned with the examination, diagnosis, and treatment of disorders addressed through surgery.

The branch of medicine that addresses diseases through hands-on or surgical methods.




