
A shoot arising below ground from the roots some distance from the main stem.

A shoot arising from the roots of trees or shrubs to produce new plants, often a characteristic of certain plant groups, eg. Willow family.

A shoot or stem that arises from the roots of a tree or shrub or, undesirably, from the understock of a grafted specimen.

A shoot or stem that arises from the roots or trunk base of a tree or shrub or, undesirably, from the understock of a grafted specimen.

A type of fish that has been referred to by James Beard as a “kind of submerged cleaning device,” owing to its suction cup-like mouth that allows it to scavenge along the depths of ponds and lakes. Despite this, some individuals enjoy its lean flesh, which can be prepared through broiling or pan-frying, although it generally benefits from the accompaniment of a robust sauce.





