
A term referring to any process that eliminates or kills all forms of microbial life.

The destroying of all forms of life, especially microorganisms, by heat, chemical, or other means.

The process of destruction of microorganisms by heat or radiation.

Rendering the male or female incapable of impregnation or conceiving.

Heat and/or steam treatment either of foods to destroy micro-organisms which would cause spoilage, or of containers or implements to destroy infectious organisms.

In relation to sexual reproduction, any medical or surgical procedure that is intended to permanently prevent a person from reproducing, including vasectomy and tubal ligation, the intention being to block normal passage of the egg (ovum) and sperm. Governments have sometimes used involuntary sterilization to prevent certain people from reproducing, such as those with physical or mental defects. In the United States such practices have been widely challenged, though laws permitting the government to perform involuntary sterilizations are still on the books in many places. Most sterilization today, however, is voluntary, a permanent form of birth control for men or women who do not wish to have any more children.

Surgical procedure in which a man or woman is rendered incapable of reproducing; in males the procedure is vasectomy; in females, a form of tubal ligation.

The use of physical or chemical procedures for the purpose of destroying all disease-causing microorganism life, including bacterial endospores (organisms that reproduce asexually) that may be resistant to such procedures. In health care settings, sterilization generally involves all reusable medical devices and patient-care equipment that have contact with normally sterile body tissues or with any structure involved in the vascular system. These devices and this equipment are sterilized before each use.

A surgical operation or any other process that induces sterility in men or women; for example, by cutting the vasa deferentia in men and the fallopian tubes in women or by castration.

The process of completely removing or destroying all microorganisms from an object.

The process that completely destroys all microbial life, including spores.

Embarking upon the realm of culinary hygiene, we encounter the art of sterilization—a vital process that liberates both food and utensils from the clutches of living organisms. Although often confused with boiling, true sterilization embraces a nuanced approach. It acknowledges that different foods possess unique microbial challenges, necessitating customized treatment. Certain resilient bacteria manifest their survival instincts through the creation of heat-resistant spores, demanding a temperature surpassing the boiling point, specifically reaching the threshold of 257 degrees, or alternatively, a more prolonged exposure at a lower temperature to eradicate their existence. The duration required for this transformative process is contingent upon numerous factors: the nature of the food itself, the chosen method of sterilization, and the specific strain of bacteria anticipated to be present. In this intricate dance between time, temperature, and sustenance, the harmonious symphony of thorough sterilization unfolds, safeguarding the integrity of our culinary experiences.

A common method of contraception typically intended to be permanent involves sealing the fallopian tubes to prevent the sperm from reaching the eggs. This procedure, known as female sterilization, is often conducted through laparoscopy, a technique that entails two small incisions in the abdominal region. Alternatively, it can be performed via minilaparotomy, where a single incision is made in the pubic area. The sealing of fallopian tubes is achieved using clips or by cutting and tying. These procedures exhibit a low failure rate. While sterilization is generally considered irreversible, microsurgery can sometimes be employed to restore fertility.

Eliminating or destroying all life forms, particularly microorganisms.

A procedure, like surgery, that makes an individual unable to reproduce.

The elimination or eradication of all life forms, especially microorganisms.

A process, such as a surgical procedure, that prevents an individual from reproducing.




