
All forms of viable microbial life are nonexistent.

Inability to produce offspring, also called asepsis.

The inability to produce offspring, i.e., the inability to conceive (female s.) or to induce conception (male s.).

The state of being aseptic, or free from microorganisms.

The absence of sex cells and, therefore, the inability to reproduce.

The state of being free from microorganisms.

The state of being unable to have children.

Permanent infertility, as opposed to temporary infertility or impaired fertility.

To a living organism: state of being unable to reproduce.

The condition of being free from live bacteria or other pathological microorganisms. Sterility in medicine applies to maintaining a state of cleanliness in medical settings that prevents the transmission of infectious agents, either directly or indirectly.

Inability to have children, due either to infertility or (in someone who has been fertile) to a surgical operation. Sterility may be an incidental result of an operation done for other reasons, such as removal of the womb (hysterectomy ) for cancer.

Freedom from contamination or colonization by living microorganisms.

The condition in which a person is incapable of producing offspring.

This pertains to the condition of either being free from germs or experiencing ongoing infertility.

The inability to reproduce or bear offspring.

Being free from microorganisms or germs.




