
Prosthesis used to hold grafts together or to maintain patency of orifices, vessels, or ducts; in dentistry; a prosthetic device used to prevent movement of hard and soft tissues to promote healing and protect from infection.

A device used to hold tissue in place or provide support.

A metal device inserted into a blood vessel to keep blood flowing through the vessel.

A support of artificial material often inserted in a tube or vessel which has been sutured.

A woven piece of wire, inserted percutaneously through a catheter and used to maintain the lumen of a coronary artery that has been narrowed by atherosclerosis.

A small, cylindrical tube of wire mesh inserted into a passageway such as a section of diseased artery to hold it open. The stent is put into place with a catheter, a thin tube threaded into a vein and guided to the site of the diseased artery.

A compound that has been used in dentistry to take impressions of the mouth and teeth. It softens in boiling water and resets on cooling; modified forms soften at lower temperatures. It has now been largely replaced by alginates and silicone rubbers.

A surgical device used to assist the healing of an operative anastamosis a joining-up of two structures. A splint is left inside the lumen of a duct and this drains the contents.

Originally a compound used in making dental molds.

A mesh coil used to open blocked arteries.

An apparatus crafted from an expandable mesh material, typically metal, is positioned at the location of a constricted artery using a balloon catheter. Once in place, the stent remains fixed, serving the purpose of maintaining the openness of the artery.

A firm metal or plastic tube is surgically implanted to expand or maintain the openness of a bodily canal that has constricted or shut due to illness. Stents are employed for widening narrowed coronary arteries or alleviating an obstruction caused by a tumor, such as in the bile duct or the pancreas.




