Is the presence of excess fat in feces which appear frothy, foul smelling and floasts because of the high fat content.
The presence of malabsorbed fat in the feces.
Excess lipid in the feces May be caused by any of several factors that impair fat digestion and absorption.
Greater than normal amounts of fat in the feces, with the feces frothy, foul-smelling, and floating; It is associated with malabsorption syndromes and disorders of fat metabolism.
Greasy, frothy, foul-smelling stools that contain undigested fats.
Excess fat in the feces. Steatorrhea is characterized by loose, greasy, strong smelling stools that result from fat passing through the intestine unabsorbed. Steatorrhea can be caused by malabsorption, the impaired absorption of nutrients through the small intestine, and by celiac disease, a disorder in which the lining of the small intestine is damaged by an allergic reaction to gluten.
The passage of abnormally increased amounts of fat in the feces (more than 5 g/day or 10% of ingested daily fat) due to reduced absorption of fat by the intestine. The feces are pale, smell offensive, may look greasy, and are difficult to flush away.
Increased secretion of fat from the sebaceous glands of the skin.
An enhanced secretion from the skin’s glandular tissues; oily stools.