A point in the development of a disease at which a decision can be taken about the treatment which should be given or at which distinctive developments take place.
A period or phase of a disease or condition. For example, cancer is said to progress through various stages of severity.
Period in the course of a disease or in the life history of an organism.
This phrase is often used as a synonym for “state,” but for fungi in particular, it is better suited for situations where the progression of two or more states occurs in a predetermined or obligatory alternating order.
In medical settings, “staging” refers to a process used to evaluate the extent of a disease, particularly in the context of cancer. It involves assessing the size of the primary tumor, its level of invasion into adjacent tissues, and how far it has metastasized to other body parts. Treatment plans and prognosis are largely determined by the disease’s stage, making staging assessments crucial for effective disease management.
The specific phase of an illness distinguished by particular symptoms.