The study, examination, appreciation and treatment of defects and diseases of the voice, of speech and of spoken and written language, as well as the use of appropriate substitutional devices and treatment.
Treatment for a speech disorder such as stammering or one which results from a stroke or physical malformation.
Treatment to help people overcome problems with oral communication. Speech therapy is the primary treatment for many types of speech disorders, such as stuttering and articulation deficiencies. Different types of speech therapy are recommended for different problems. Speech therapy is usually conducted by a highly trained, professional speech-language pathologist educated at the master’s or doctoral level to evaluate speech disorders and prepare plans to improve speech.
The rehabilitation of patients who are unable to speak coherently because of congenital causes, accidents, or illness (e.g. stroke). Speech therapists have special training in this field.
Speech therapists are professionals who diagnose and treat acquired and developmental communication disorders. They work in community clinics, general practices and hospitals. They may also work in schools or in units for the handicapped, paediatric assessment centres, language units attached to primary schools, adult training centres and day centres for the elderly. Speech therapists undergo a four-year degree course which covers the study of disorders of communication in children and adults, phonetics and linguistics, anatomy and physiology, psychology and many other related subjects.
The study, diagnosis, and treatment of defects and disorders of the voice and of spoken and written communication.
A treatment method for individuals grappling with a speech disorder involves the expertise of a speech therapist. This professional assesses both speech and hearing abilities, then develops targeted exercises aimed at enhancing the specific areas of speech that require improvement.